20th-Century France (1914-present)

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20 January 2006


Adams, William James. Restructuring the French Economy: Government and the Rise of Market Competition Since World War II. Washington, DC; Brookings Institution, 1989. 400 pp. With extensive bibliography & notes. Hardcover, very good w/good dj. In print at $39.95; $20.00

Binion, Rudolph. Defeated Leaders: The Political Fate of Caillaux, Jouvenel, and Tardieu. NY: Columbia UP, 1960. 425 pp. Hardcover, good w/dj. $10.00

Brandt, Joan. Geopoetics: the Politics of Mimesis in Poststructuralist French Poetry and Theory. Stanford UP, 1997. 288 pp. "By focusing on the problematic of mimesis--in its linguistic, psychoanalytical, and cultural incarnations--this book argues, in opposition to those who stress the political inadequacies of the French poststructuralists' 'privileging' of language, that what leads to a theoretical or practical apoliticism is not the emphasis on language and mimetic representation." Extensive notes. hardcover, new w/dj. In print at $55.00; $15.00

Brogan, D.W. French Personalities and Problems. NY; Knopf, 1947. 240 pp. 27 essays on French politics and culture. Hardcover, good w/shabby dj. OP; $12.00

Cobban, Alfred. A History of Modern France. (3 volumes complete) Penguin Pelican, 1961, 2nd edition. Volume 1: 1715-1799; Volume 2: 1799-1945; Volume 3: 1945-1962. Pocket paperbacks. Vols 2 & 3 in good condition; Vol. 1 has broken apart but no pages are missing. $6.00

Durham, Carolyn A. Double Takes: Culture and Gender in French Films and Their American Remakes. Dartmouth/UP of New England, 1998. 246 pp. "Durham shows how the remake phenomenon reveals striking differences not just in film theory but also dramatizes national competition, political and economic tensions, and social issues." Trade paperback, new. In print at $21.95; $6.00

Evans, Martha Noel. Fits and Starts: A Genealogy of Hysteria in Modern France. Cornell, 1991. 268 pp. Extensive bibliography. Hardcover, new w/dj. In print at $32.50; $4.00 NOW $1.00

Fabre-Luce, Alfred. The Trial of Charles de Gaulle. NY: Praeger, 1963. 270 pp. A controversial novel, banned by de Gaulle's government, that speculates upon what might have happened should de Gaulle have been brought to trial by his political opponents. Hardcover, good w/shabby & soiled dj. $17.00

Flanner, Janet. Paris Was Yesterday: 1925-1939. NY; Viking, 1972. 232 pp. Collected from Flanner's "Letters From Paris" column in the New Yorker, 1925-39, reporting on politics, literature, and the arts. Hardcover, good w/shabby dj. OP; $20.00

Flower, John E. Pierre Courtade: The Making of a Party Scribe. Oxford; Berg, 1995. 247 pp. With bibliography. Hardcover, new w/dj. In print at $75.00; $10.00

Freedman, Jane, & Carrie Tarr, eds. Women, Immigration & Identities in France. Oxford & NY; Berg, 2000. 197 pp. 11 articles. "This book is the first to examine the relationship between gender and immigration in multi-ethnic France and to look at the personal and political issues at stake for women of immigrant origin. It examines political representations of ethnic women, questions of family and workplace situations, integrational strategies such as associational movements, and religious conflicts as seen in the debates surrounding the "veil." It addresses the neglected question of the impact recent changes in immigration policy and nationality laws had on immigrant women and women of ethnic minorities, as well as the specific way in which these women have been affected by a growing racism in France inspired by the Front National." Notes, bibliography. Paperback, new. In print at $25.00; $5.00

Golsan, Richard J., ed. Memory, the Holocaust, and French Justice: The Bousquet and Touvier Affairs. Dartmouth/UP of New England, 1996. 217 pp. "In the introduction to this collection of essays on the cases of two former Vichy officials charged with crimes against humanity in the 1980s, Golsan observes that for five decades the French have had great difficulty confronting their relationship with the Nazis during the Occupation. The Vichy Regime's anti-Semitic character, Golsan writes, ' was swept under the rug in the postwar years, when the Gaullist myth of Resistance held sway, and the French preferred to think of themselves as a people who had opposed Nazi ideology and hegemony.' But the facts and implications of the René Bousquet and Paul Touvier affairs revealed not only each man's participation in the deportation and deaths of Jews during the war, but also Vichy's 'willingness, and indeed eagerness, to do its part in forwarding the aims of the Final Solution in exchange for an illusory autonomy.'" Essays by Bredin, Paxton, Todorov, others. Notes, bibliography. Trade paperback, new. In print at $19.95; $6.00

Gramont, Sanche de. The French: Portrait of a People. NY; Putnam, 1969. 479 pp. "This perceptive and entertaining look at France, its people, culture, and way of life provides a fascinating exploration of everything French [circa 1969], from bureaucracy and pettiness to grandeur and high fashion, from politics and philosophy to food, wine, and sex. The author . . . explains precisely why the French are admired, detested, misunderstood, and unique." Hardcover, very good condition w/dj. OP; $4.00 ...NOW $1.00

Guicharnaud, Jacques, & June Beckelman. Modern French Theatre From Giraudoux to Beckett. Yale, 1961. 304 pp. Presentation copy to Georges May, signed by author. Extensive bibliography. Hardcover, near mint w/good dj. OP; $14.00

Halls, W.D. Politics, Society & Christianity in Vichy France. Oxford; Berg, 1995. 419 pp. "This is the first work to deal comprehensively with the attitudes and activities of Christians, both Catholic and Protestant, in France during the Vichy regime and under the German yoke. The author shows how Christians reacted to Marshal Pétain and the Laval government, as well as to the Allies, the Germans, the Resistance, and the Vatican. The trauma of the treatment of the Jews, which eventually acted upon the Church as a catalyst, is assessed in detail since it represented a turning point in Christian attitudes." Extensive notes & bibliography. Paperback, new. In print at $26.00; $5.00

Hawkins, Eric, & Robert N. Sturdevant. Hawkins of the Paris Herald. NY; Simon & Schuster, 1963. 284 pp. Memoirs of Eric Hawkins, for 36 years managing editor of the Paris Herald from 1915 to 1960, and observer of Paris, Parisians, and expatriates. Hardcover, inked inscription on flyleaf, else very good w/shabby dj. OP; $10.00

Heathcote, Owen, et al, eds. Gay Signatures: Gay & Lesbian Theory, Fiction & Film in France, 1945-1995. Oxford & NY; Berg, 1998. 227 pp. 9 articles. "This interdisciplinary book responds to the explosion of gay and lesbian creativity in modern-day France. Rather than attempting to formalize a specifically gay or lesbian style or identity, the authors seek to open up new 'homotextualities', understood here as ongoing constructions and the constructions of both homosexuality and its environments. . . . Employing a range of methods, authors reevaluate and contest both the literary and theoretical canon and establish new convergences between French and Gay Studies -- in particular, queer theory. This book provides the first proper assessment of the usefulness of this approach when dealing with a literary and cultural tradition notoriously discreet about the very concept of a gay writer." Extensive notes & bibliography. HARDCOVER, new w/dj. In print at $70.00; $12.00

Heathcote, Owen, et al, eds. Gay Signatures: Gay & Lesbian Theory, Fiction & Film in France, 1945-1995. Oxford & NY; Berg, 1998. 227 pp. 9 articles. "This interdisciplinary book responds to the explosion of gay and lesbian creativity in modern-day France. Rather than attempting to formalize a specifically gay or lesbian style or identity, the authors seek to open up new 'homotextualities', understood here as ongoing constructions and the constructions of both homosexuality and its environments. . . . Employing a range of methods, authors reevaluate and contest both the literary and theoretical canon and establish new convergences between French and Gay Studies -- in particular, queer theory. This book provides the first proper assessment of the usefulness of this approach when dealing with a literary and cultural tradition notoriously discreet about the very concept of a gay writer." Extensive notes & bibliography. Paperback, new. In print at $23.00; $5.00

Hollier, Denis, & Jeffrey Mehlman, eds. Literary Debate: Texts and Contexts: Postwar French Thought, Volume II. NY; The New Press, 1999. 499 pp. The second volume in a series of four. Trade paperback, new. In print at $19.95; $7.00

Hollier, Denis. Absent Without Leave: French Literature Under the Threat of War. Harvard UP, 1997. 239 pp. Translated by Catherine Porter. "They were not the 'Banquet Years,' those anxious wartime years when poets and novelists were made to feel embarrassed by their impulse to write literature. And yet it was the attitude of those writers and critics in the 1930s and 40s that shaped French literature . . . and has so profoundly influenced literary enterprise in the English-speaking world since 1968. This prehistory of modernism is what Hollier recovers in his interlocking studies of the main figures of French literary life before the age of anxiety gave way to the era of existentialist commitment. Bataille, Leiris, Caillois, Malraux, the early Sartre are the figures Hollier considers, writers torn between politics and the pleasures of the text. . . . writing for a world in which literature would become a reprehensible frivolity." Extensive notes. Trade paperback, new. In print at $27.95; $5.00

Hughes, H. Stuart. The Obstructed Path: French Social Thought in the Years of Desperation, 1930-1960. NY; Harper & Row, 1966. 304 pp. Extensive notes. Hardcover, good, clean w/ good dj. OP; $15.00

Lazare, Lucien. Rescue as Resistance: How Jewish Organizations Fought the Holocaust in France. Columbia UP, 1996. 400 pp. Extensive notes & bibliography. hardcover, new. In print at $42.00; $15.00

MacRae, Duncan jr. Parliament, Parties, and Society in France, 1946-1958. NY; St. Martin's, 1967. 375 pp. Extensive footnotes & bibl, many charts/tables. hardcover, good w/fair dj. OP; $10.00

Martet, Jean. Georges Clemenceau. NY; Longmans, Green, 1930. 366 pp. Transcript of conversations in 1927-28 between Clemenceau and the author. "Mingling autobiography with biography, Martet, Clemenceau's secretary, achieves a three-dimensional portrait of the Tiger's deeds, sayings, and thoughts. He tells of the events that will always be peaks in history: the American Civil War, the Siege of Paris in 1871, the Commune, the Dreyfus Case, the series of international demonstrations at the beginning of the century and their ominous sabre-rattling, and above all, the making of the World War and the making of Peace." Hardcover, some edgewear and a small dent with torn cloth on rear board; else good, pages clean. Currently reprinted in trade paperback at $36.95; $25.00

Maurois, André. Memoirs 1885-1967. NY; Harper & Row, 1970. 439 pp. Hardcover, binding a little shaky with some light soiling, no dj; else good. OP; $8.00

May, Todd. Reconsidering Difference: Nancy, Derrida, Levinas, and Deleuze. Penn State UP, 1997. 208 pp. "French philosophy since World War II has been preoccupied with the issue of difference. Specifically, it has wanted to promote or to leave room for ways of living and of being that differ from those usually seen in contemporary Western society. Given the experience of the Holocaust, the motivation for such a preoccupation is not difficult to see. For some thinkers, especially Nancy, Derrida, Levinas, and Deleuze, this preoccupation has led to a mode of philosophizing that privileges difference as a philosophical category." Extensive notes. Trade paperback, new. In print at $21.95; $3.00

Mayer, J.P. Political Thought in France From the Revolution to the Fourth Republic. London; Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1949 (revised ed.). 142 pp. With extensive bibliography. Hardcover, occasional pencil underlining, else good, no dj. OP; $15.00

Pétrement, Simone. Simone Weil: A Life. NY; Pantheon, 1976. 576 pp. Extensive notes. hardcover, very good w/vg dj. OP; $20.00

Silverman, Willa Z. The Notorious Life of Gyp: Right-Wing Anarchist in Fin-de-Siècle France. Oxford UP, 1995. 325 pp. "Providing a fascinating window in the deep-seated anxieties and political turbulence of turn-of-the-century France, 'Gyp' is the story of a woman writer whose passionate energy, cynicism, and cruelty left an indelible impression on her age." With extenisve notes & bibliography. Hardcover, very good w/vg dj. OP; $17.00

Simeone, Nigel. Paris: A Musical Gazetteer. Yale UP, 2000. 298 pp. A guidebook designed for travelers interested in exploring the historic musical sites of Paris, including composers' Paris addresses, favorite meeting places, & graves, plus information on concert venues, libraries, etc. Many photos. Trade paperback, new. In print at $19.95; $10.00

Taylor, O.R. The Fourth Republic of France: Constitution and Political Parties. London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1951. 221 pp. Hardcover, inked name on flyleaf, else very good w/fair dj. OP; $10.00

Todorov, Tzvetan. A French Tragedy: Scenes of Civil War, Summer 1944. Dartmouth/UP of New England, 1996. 138 pp. Translated by M.B. Kelly, edited & annotated by Richard J. Golsan. Civil war between Resistance and collaborationists in Normandy after the allied invasion. Hardcover, new w/dj. In print at $19.95; $5.00

Tournoux, Jean-Raymond. Sons of France: Pétain and de Gaulle. NY; Viking, 1966. 245 pp. With bibliography, some illustrations. Hardcover, very good w/shabby dj. OP; $15.00

Williams, Philip. Politics in Post-War France: Parties and the Constitution in the Fourth Republic. 2nd printing, corrected. London & NY; Longmans, 1954. 500 pp. Extensive footnotes. hardcover, previous owner's signature on flyleaf, otherwise very good/no dj. OP; $9.00

Willis, F. Roy. France, Germany, and the New Europe 1945-1967. Stanford UP, 1968, revised edition. 431 pp. Hardcover, dj lightly soiled. $8.00

Wright, Elizabeth. Lacan and Postfeminism. Totem Books, 2000. 75 pp. W/notes & bibliography. Small trade paperback, new. In print at $7.95; $5.00 ...NOW $1.00


Badinter, Robert. L'Execution. Paris; Grasset, 1973. Badinter's protest against the death penalty in France. 220 pp. Pocket paperback, good. $5.00 ...NOW $2.00

Bainville, Jacques. La Troisième République: Avec un complément sur les années 1936-1940 par Jean Ratinaud. Paris; Fayard, 1935 (appears to be a later printing, 1950s or 60s). 322 pp. Broché w/dj, near-mint condition. $10.00

Barrière, Pierre. La Vie Intellectuelle en France: Du XVIe Siècle à l'Epoque Contemporaine. Paris; Albin Michel, 1961. 635 pp. Bibliography, general index. broché, two small tears to wraps, else very good. $10.00 ...NOW $2.00

Bersani, Jacques, & Michel Autrand, Jacques Lecarme, Bruno Vercier, eds. La Littérature en France Depuis 1945. Paris; Bordas, 1970. 863 pp. A vast overview with many illustrations & photos, and brief analyses of selected short works or partial works. paperback, creased spine, some light wear, else very good. $25.00

Cuenin, Serge. La France Aujourd'hui: Aspects Sociaux, Economiques, Politiques. Université de Dijon, n.d. (1980s). 204 pp. Broché, some ink markings & underlining, mostly on pages 86 to 111, else very good. $5.00...NOW $1.00

Diethelm, Bernard. Les Partis Politiques Sous la Cinquième République. Paris; Bordas, 1973. 126 pp. Small paperback, good. $4.00...NOW $1.00

Fabre-Luce, Alfred. Vingt-Cinq Années de Liberté. Paris; Julliard, 1962 & 1963. 2 volumes, "Le Grand Jeu, 1936-1939" & "L'Epreuve, 1939-1946". 322 & 285 pp. Broché, light wear to wraps, else very good. $15.00

Fauvet, Jacques. La IVe République. Paris; Fayard, 1959. 395 pp. Appendices, footnotes. Broché, very good, uncut pages. $8.00...NOW $1.00

Potel, Jean-Yves, ed. L'Etat de la France et de ses Habitants. Paris; La Découverte, 1985. 640 pp. Society, culture, government, economy, etc... Small hardcover, fine/no dj. $5.00...NOW $1.00

Reynaud, Jean-Daniel, ed. Tendances et Volontés de la Société Française: Etudes Sociologiques. Paris; Futuribles/SEDEIS, 1966. 501 pp. 19 articles. Trade paperback, wraps shabby & splitting along spine, page block very good. $5.00...NOW $1.00

Take a break for some existentialism . . .

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