Last updated
20 January 2006
Law, Joy. Fleur de Lys: The Kings and Queens of France. NY; McGraw-Hill, 1976. Oversize, 8 x 10" (21x27 cm), 256 pp. A good general reference to the French monarchs and royal houses, with chronologically arranged chapter biographies of each king & consort, quoting accounts by contemporaries. Suggested as a useful guide for the visitor to the tombs at St. Denis! Dozens of b/w illustrations, with some color plates. Oversize hardcover, slight dampstaining to cloth, else very good/w good dj. OP; $25.00*Simeone, Nigel. Paris: A Musical Gazetteer. Yale UP, 2000. 298 pp. A guidebook designed for travelers interested in exploring the historic musical sites of Paris, including composers' Paris addresses, favorite meeting places, & graves, plus information on concert venues, libraries, etc. Many photos. Trade paperback, new. In print at $19.95; $10.00
Barrière, Pierre. La Vie Intellectuelle en France: Du XVIe Siècle à l'Epoque Contemporaine. Paris; Albin Michel, 1961. 635 pp. Bibliography, general index. broché, two small tears to wraps, else very good. $10.00 ...NOW $2.00
Derche, Roland. Etudes de Textes Français, Nouvelle Série. 6 volumes. Paris; Société d'édition d'enseignement supérieur, 1964-66. Approximately 250-300 pp per volume. Analysis of extracts from significant literary texts. I: Moyen Age; II: XVIe Siècle; III: XVIIe Siècle; IV: XVIIIe Siècle; V: XIXe Siècle (Des Mémoires d'Outre-Tombe aux Contemplations); VI: XIXe Siècle et début du XXe (De Baudelaire à Giraudoux). Broché, light wear & sunning to wraps, else very good. $50.00
Martin, Henry, ed. La Grammaire des Styles. (9 volumes). Paris; Flammarion, 1925. Paperbound pamphlets, 64 pp each. 1: L'Art Roman; 2: L'Art Grec et l'Art Romain: Le Style Pompéien; 3: L'Art Gothique; 4: La Renaissance Française; 5: Le Style Louis XIII; 6: Le Style Louis XIV; 7: Le Style Louis XV; 8: Le Style Louis XVI; 9: Le Style Empire. Each volume has 50-100 b/w photos & illustrations. broché, some wear & browning to wraps, else good. $40.00
Musée Nôtre-Dame. Reflets des Grands Siècles à Nôtre-Dame. Paris; Musée Notre-Dame, 1963. 73-pp exhibition catalogue issued for the 800th anniversary of the cathedral. 11 b/w plates. Paperback, light wear to wraps, else good. $12.00
Tableau] Tableau de la Littérature Française. 2 volumes. Paris; Gallimard, 1939 (vol 2) & 1962 (vol 1). 653 + 489 pp. Volume I: De Rutebeuf à Descartes; Volume II: De Corneille à Chénier. Over 100 articles, by leading scholars, on French literary figures and styles from the Middle Ages to the end of the 18th century. Both hardcover but bound in different styles: volume I is bound in publisher's cloth binding, while volume II is bound in a heavier library cloth binding. Both in excellent condition aside from a little browning to pages of vol. II. $45.00
Van Tieghem, Philippe. Les Grandes Doctrines Littéraires en France. Paris; PUF, 1963. 302 pp. Overview of French literature 1550-1930. Broché, some ink underlining and marking on about 25 pages, else good. $5.00
Read and consider (for a chuckle)
before your next trip to France . . .
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