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Chapter Three

Romelle packed her bags slowly. Tears stung her eyes but she refused to let them fall. Sven sat on her bed quietly, his eyes swallowing her whole. He wanted so badly to go with her, but duty called and he was never one to refuse. Like Keith, he was tied by his sense of responsibility and though it hurt to let Romelle go off alone, he couldn't leave Allura in the lurch. The Voltron Force was nearly nonexistent and they needed him around. Half of him wished Romelle would hurry up because he couldn't bear to look into her watery dark blue eyes for much longer; the other half wished that she would pack him in the suitcase along with her dresses.

"I'll be vid you soon," he said, reaching out to clutch her hand.

"I know. It'll just be so different without you with me," she sighed, kissing his forehead. "I never realized how much I relied on you until now."

"You don't rely on me, Romelle. You're a strong voman and all I'm good for eez reminding you auf dat."

Her smile was weak and she turned back to packing.

"I'm going to miss everybody," she said, her lower lip trembling.

"You vill be back, my Lof," Sven reassured her.

"Yes, I know." She closed her bag and clicked the locks in place. "Well, I'm ready."

He stood and took her in his arms. "I vish I could take you dere."

"Me, too. But they need you here."

He sighed. "I know."

Sven picked up the bag and, hand in hand, they walked out into the corridor. They walked slowly, wanting to savor every last moment together. To dismay, they reached the docking bay all too soon. Romelle had already said her goodbyes to the others and they had agreed to give her some privacy with Sven. He walked into the small transport with her, chatting with the pilot to make sure he knew what he was doing, and then it was time for her to leave.

Romelle threw her arms around his neck and a lone tear escaped from beneath her closed lids.

"I love you," she whispered.

"Marry me," he murmured into her hair.

Time seemed to freeze. Romelle gasped and pulled away to look into his face.

"Marry me, Romelle," he said with growing strength. "I vant to spend de rest of my days vid you."

She smiled and began to cry in earnest. "Of course, I will, Sven. It would be an honor to be your wife."

They kissed one last time, long and hard. Sven clutched her to him as if he would never let go, but the pilot cleared his throat discreetly to remind them that she had to leave.

"When I see you again, I vill haf a ring to gif you," he said, a hand on her cheek.

"Make sure it's a nice one," she teased lightly. "Good-bye, Sven. Take care of yourself."

"You, too," he said.

He got off the transport and the pilot readied the engines for take-off. Sven stared at its silver hull as if willing himself to see Romelle through it. Then the transport turned towards the docking bay doors and took off.

"Good-bye," he said quietly.



"The Alliance can only send a small fleet," Allura said, peering at the screen over her steepled fingers. "Prince Alderain's fleet is a lot larger than that."

"Coran's already informed him of your acceptance?" Lance inquired, crossing his arms.



Allura looked up as Lance stopped abruptly.

"Keith what?"

"He won't like this at all."

"Who does? But I have to do this for Pollux--for Romelle and Bandor."

"I never knew you were so noble, Allura."

"Neither did I," she muttered.

Gwen entered Castle Control, just as the viewscreen came on. Jeff and Commander Hawkins greeted them.

"The Explorer is here," she announced dryly.

"Glad you could make it," Allura said. "And thank you for coming to the rescue again."

"It's what we do," Jeff said lightly.

"Hi ho Silver...away!" Lance exclaimed with a smirk.

Jeff threw him a look. Hawkins stepped forward before a fight could ensue.

"It gives us another opportunity to use Vehicle Voltron," he said to Allura. "When are you scheduled to send your troops to Pollux?"

"In a month," Allura replied. "The Alliance fleet and our own forces will be ready by then."

"Where's Keith?" Hawkins inquired, looking around as if the Voltron captain was hiding in a corner.

"He's...currently on leave."

"Understandable," Hawkins said with a nod. "We'll be on the Explorer if you need anything else."

"You're welcome to stay here if you're up to it," Allura offered. "It's the least I can do."

"If one of us goes down there, all of us will go," Jeff said. "And I'm not saying that to be difficult. We'd have a mass exodus on our hands."

"Alright, alright," Lance said with a wave of his hand. "We get the picture. Just make sure you set your alarms."

"Aye-aye," Jeff said with an exaggerated salute.

He and Hawkins signed off. Allura massaged her temples, closing her eyes.

"Did I forget anything?" she asked.

Lance held up his hand and began ticking off his fingers. "You've talked to the Alliance Forces, talked to the Explorer, sent Romelle off, and had Coran make arrangements with Prince Alderain. As far as I know, you're free for the rest of the day."

"What about battle plans?" she pointed out.

"We'll take care of it," Gwen said, putting a hand on the Princess' shoulder. "You look exhausted."

"Death warmed over," Lance supplied.

Allura snorted. "Thanks."

"Get some rest. Because the chances are you won't be getting much rest in the next few weeks," Gwen reminded her. "Doctor Gorma doesn't want you to strain yourself."


"When's Prince Alderain due?" Lance asked, frowning.

"Later tonight," Allura replied, beginning to wheel away. "I'll be sure to look my best," she said with as much sarcasm she could muster.



Keith stretched and turned his face up to the setting sun. His skin was a healthy bronze and he was feeling better than he had in days. The constricting knot that had been in his chest was gone and he could hold his head up high. Though anger and bitterness would now forever be present in his heart, he knew how to keep them at bay. Spending all this time alone had helped him clear his head--not to mention the impromptu visitation from his mother.

He smiled to himself, still not believing how vivid that dream had been. Whatever it was, it had helped and he was ready to go back home. He'd called Hunk only a few minutes ago and was filled in with all that had been going on. Apparently, his timing was on the dot. They would be needing him, if not to lead, than at least to help plan the battle for Pollux. In half an hour, Hunk would be coming up the hill to take him home.

To his surprise, an air shuttle appeared only ten minutes later. His bags were all packed, but he hadn't expected Hunk to arrive so quickly. Then, Lance stepped out and he smirked.

"I should have known," Keith called out when his friend neared.

Lance took a close look at him and was relieved to see some resemblance to the Keith he'd known, though there was a shadow in Keith's eyes that he knew would probably never go away.

"Yeah, you should have. Feeling better?"

Keith nodded. "Well, let's get going then. I want to make it back by dinner."

"About dinner," Lance hedged. "Some Prince guy is coming over to have 'an audience' with the Princess."

A black eyebrow arched. "Oh, really. Hunk convieniently forgot to tell me about that. I'm surprised she went along with it."

"It's for Pollux. Prince Alderain offered his fleet in exchange for a meeting with Allura."

"Alderain?" Keith snorted. "She must be flattered."

"She was pissed. I believe her exact words were, 'I'm not something to be bought'."

"Sounds like her." Keith turned away and made a big show of making sure he had everything packed up properly.

Lance shoved his hands in his pockets and regarded his friend thoughtfully.

"You alright with all this?" he asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You tell me."

Keith stiffened, throwing him a wry look. "Look, Lance, I know the palace wags talk about us, but they're wrong. So would you just help me with these. I'm still a sick man, you know."

Lance shrugged. "Whatever you say, Skipper."

Keith rolled his eyes but he couldn't quite ignore a stab of--what...jealousy?--that seemed to slice into the back of his throat. He suddenly felt he was choking. Unable to mask the grimace crossing his face, he turned away.

"I'm going to make sure I haven't left anything," he said. Lance watched him disappear through the doorway.

Inside, Keith stopped. He must still be somewhat on edge if he was thrown off balance so easily by that little bit of news Lance had brought. He shook his head.

Get a grip, Keith!

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes for a moment, trying to recapture the sense of calm and peace he had found here--the feeling that had come in the aftermath of the dream. His mouth softened in a slight smile then, and he began to wander from room to room, absently checking for anything he might have left behind.

Eventually, he found himself in the kitchen. Keith closed his eyes. He chuckled silently as he recalled his mother's "dream" visit, and how she'd challenged his belief in her by inviting him to shoot.

And he had.

Keith's gaze drifted automatically to the spot where he'd "shot" in the dream, and his eyes widened in disbelief as he found himself staring at the wall--and a fresh blaster scar that marred the polished wood surface.


He hadn't used his blaster for anything since he'd been here. It was fully charged when he arrived, and it was still fully charged. Wasn't it? Keith blinked and pulled out his blaster to check it, and felt his stomach lurch when he looked at the gauge.

The weapon had been least once.

Lance picked that moment to come up behind him. The sight of Keith's perplexed expression stopped whatever jaunty remark he had been ready to deliver.

"You ok, Keith?" He glanced at the depleted weapon gauge that held Keith's attention. Then Lance looked up at the kitchen wall, and let out a low whistle.

"Target practice? Does Allura know you've been shooting up her father's cabin?"

Keith broke from his musings with a slight shiver.

"I'm fine, Lance," he said, ignoring the second question. "Let's go." He turned and walked out of the kitchen.

Lance watched him leave, looked at the blaster marked wall, then back at Keith's retreating form again. He sighed and shook his head, following Keith out to the shuttle.

Maybe someday he would find out what the hell had happened here.



Prince Alderain came down his private shuttle with a smile on his face. Allura, dressed in a sky blue gown, had to admit that he was a very handsome man with light gray eyes and dark blonde hair, but she had no illusions from him. She needed his help, and if going along with this audience business would get it, she would do it. They neared each other and Allura held her hand out to be shaken. Smoothly, he took it, flipped it over and pressed his lips lightly onto the back of her hand. Her eyes narrowed and she had to fight the impulse to smack him with it.

"Good evening, Princess," he said, his voice a soothing baritone. "It is a pleasure to finally talk to you in person."

"Likewise," she said, her smile tight. "Come this way, Your Highness. We have a special dinner prepared in your honor."

He walked next to her wheelchair, his eyes taking in the warm Arusian night and the countless stars in the sky. The others were waiting to greet him at the entrance to the castle and Allura took her time with the introductions, vaguely wondering where Lance had gone off to. The present members of the Voltron Force seemed to be sizing the Prince up but he didn't appear to mind. He took it all in stride. She did notice Gwen and Sven exchanged a glance when the Prince touched her arm as he was saying something. She glared at them when his back was turned, but they only shrugged as if they didn't know why she would be upset.

They went inside to the dining room and Allura saw red when she noted that there were only two place settings.

"Aren't we all having dinner together?" she asked Gwen.

Gwen reddened and her eyes shot sideways to the Prince who was busy talking to Sven and Hunk about something or other.

"Nanny told us we had to eat in the rec room. Coran's request," she explained under her breath.

Allura's fist clenched. "He's lost his mind."

"It's just one night, Allura," Gwen assured her. "You'll be fine."

"I better damned well be. Prince Alderain," she called out, her voice coming out strained. "It appears it will just be the two of us dining tonight. This way please."

She led him into the dining room and the double doors slid shut behind him. They took their seats and the Prince smiled at Allura.

"So, Princess Allura, tell me about yourself."

It's going to be a long night...

To Chapter Four
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