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Chapter Eight

Lance stood like a statue inside the docking bay as the warships began landing. Their huge bay doors opened and Polluxian soldiers began filing out. They were all sadly underweight, haggard and beaten. But they walked tall now as they went towards where Lance, Coran, Gwen, Calendi, and Romelle stood. Bandor led his men, the bags under his eyes visible from where they stood.

Romelle rushed forward to greet her brother. Bandor threw himself in his sister's arms. They began to cry as they embraced.

"I never thought I would see you again," Bandor said hoarsely. "I would have given anything to see you one more time."

"I miss you, Little Brother," Romelle said, pulling back and kissing his curly rust colored hair. "You have made me so proud today. I am so proud of the young man you have come to be."

Bandor sighed. "It's the least I could do to pay for the atrocities I have done. I owe our people so much, Romelle. For persecuting them, and most of all, for staying silent." He turned to face the men behind him. "I'm so sorry. I will be sorry for the rest of my life, but I will defend you now."

"Do not forget your promise, Sire," Lukai said.

"I won't," Bandor swore. He turned to Coran. "Where will my men be staying?"

"In the old underground headquarters," Coran replied. "They will have bedding and food provided for them. We are preparing it for you."

"Thank you, Sir," Bandor said with a slight bow. "We are in your debt."

Lance's communicator beeped. He opened the channel.

"De bunkers are ready," Sven told him.

"Excellent," Coran said. "Lieutenant Calendi and Lieutenant DeSouza will take your men to the bunkers."

Gwen and Calendi stepped forward and gestured for the men to follow. Other Arusian soldiers walked alongside the men, keeping them from straying from their destination.

"We have much to discuss, Prince Bandor," Coran said. "If you would follow me, we will be going to the conference room in Castle Control."

Bandor nodded and fell into step next to Romelle. Coran and Lance walked ahead of them, deep in conversation. Romelle looped her arm through her brother's and told him of her life on Arus, about Allura and Sven. Bandor felt his heart warm as he thought of the life that was ahead of him. A life with his family. He smiled then immediately frowned as he realized the hard road he would have to travel to get there.

They entered the conference room and sat. Coran took the head, Lance to his right. Romelle sat next to Bandor on Coran's left. Lance eyed the young Prince, seeing something familiar in him. He looked like Allura had when they had first met. The battle-weary stance and hardened expression on his face was a mirror image of the Princess'. Bandor looked like the older brother, and Lance had a feeling that Allura and this new cousin would get along just fine.

"Excuse my rudeness, Your Highness," Coran said. "This is Commander Lance Branegan. He is acting captain of the Voltron Force while Commander Porterfield is unavailable."

Lance nodded at Bandor but said nothing. Romelle glowered at him. He returned her gaze coolly. He wasn't going to let his guard down. This situation was too unpredictable for him to trust Bandor, whether Romelle backed him or not.

"We will attack Pollux in two days," Coran said. "In doing so, we only ask for your allegiance and entry into the IPA if our Princess is successful in her campaign."

"You have it," Bandor said. "Without question. And I offer you all the ships we have here for you use as well as manpower."

"We will keep that in mind," Lance said carefully. "Thank you for offering."

Bandor threw him a curious glance, but didn't ask questions. Branegan had good reason to be wary of him. His father and brother weren't known for their innate honesty, and his past actions didn't give any indication of being any different from them. But Bandor hoped to gain their trust. His intentions were pure. It did relieve him to know that Romelle believed him. At that moment, a breathless soldier came running into the room, a grin splitting his face. Coran stood.

"What is the meaning of this?" he demanded.

"The Princess and Commander Porterfield succeeded!" the young man crowed. "Galaxy Garrison has agreed to their terms!"

Lance let out a whoop and he boisterously threw his arms around a laughing Romelle. Coran clapped his hands together and raised his eyes to the sky, thanking Riaru that they had won. The Alliance would be better for it.

"That means we can contact Keith and Allura," Romelle said, extracting herself from Lance.

Lance looked at Coran. "Let's get this party started right."

Coran opened a channel.

To Epilogue
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