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Chapter Eight

Romelle woke up, blinking rapidly several times to clear her blurred vision. She felt a sharp pain when she tried to take a deep breath and moaned softly before she could stop herself. She felt a sound at her side and turned her head slowly.

"Sven," she managed to say through parched lips.

Sven smiled and brushed her soft dark blonde hair from her face. His thumb caressed her forehead as his smile turned tender. He had never felt happier in his life until he saw her open her eyes and his heart thumped loudly in his chest when he heard her moan. He felt like jumping up and running through the castle to tell everyone that she was finally awake. He had waited by her side day in, day out, even though the nurses pestered him to get some sleep. He had convinced Keith that he would be alright, and his friend made sure that he would be left alone from then on. They did set up a cot for him in the room, but he didn't use it. He slept by her side, her small hand in his.

"Romelle," he said, fighting the urge to crush her to him. "You really took your time, didn't you?"

She smiled, her dark blue eyes lighting up. She tried to raise a hand to touch his cheek, but she was too weak. He saw her move and knew what she wanted to do so he lifted her hand to his cheek and held it there.

"You really worried me," he said, leaning in closer. "I vas afraid..."

She wanted to bury herself in his embrace when she saw the pathetic expression on his face. "I'm ok."

They stared at each other, hundreds of words going unsaid in their eyes, but they both knew what each other wanted to say. It was not yet time to say it, not while she was lying in a hospital bed and he was a shadow of his former self, but it would be said.

In the meantime...

...he kissed her.

Keith bit back a smile and stepped back from the doorway, bumping into Allura who was coming in. She opened her mouth to berate him, but he clapped a hand over her mouth. Her blue eyes widened and then narrowed as her temper got the better of her. He rolled his eyes and steered her towards the end of the corridor, away from Romelle's room.

"Sven's in there with her," he whispered. "I don't think they want to be bothered just yet. I'll take my hand off if you promise not to yell."

She raised an eyebrow, then her eyes took on a strange light that he'd never seen and then he felt her teeth sink into his skin. He gasped, startled that she would do such a thing, and hurriedly removed his injured hand. Allura grinned as he shook it in the air, muttering under his breath.

"That'll teach you," she cried. "Why wouldn't they want to be bothered?"

He stopped moving and looked at her amusedly.

"I know you've lived underground for a long time, but you can't tell me that no one has told you about the facts of life."

She glared at him, but a rosy stain appeared on her pale cheeks and she looked a little surprised.

"They're doing it right now?" she hissed.

He laughed. "No. They're just kissing."

She batted his arm with a fist. "Idiot. I guess I'll be back later to check up on her, then."

"I guess so."

She turned and headed towards the double doors going back into the castle. He gazed after her, watching the sway of her hips underneath the navy blue flightsuit that matched his black one. Her blonde hair was braided and twirled into a bun, but as usual, errant strands flew around her head. He smiled to himself. The firecracker of a princess did not seem to be capable of being predictable, but he was beginning to guess correctly what she would do or what she would say. It came with studying her and with time. He had learned how to handle her bursts of fire and ice, and was actually beginning to find them endearing, strange as that was. Lance swore that he had strange tastes in women, and Keith had a feeling that he was right.

"Wait up, Allura," he said, jogging to catch up to her.

She paused and turned her head. He smiled at her and she looked at him inquisitively.


"What? I can't walk with you?"

She shrugged. "It's a semi-free planet."

He chuckled. Then, they went out through the doors and back to work.

The Legend will continue...

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