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Realese date set in stone?? i hope so with all the delay. it's finally set at June 6th... ah i can't wait.

NEW ALBUM NEWS: The New Album is officially titled "Separation Anxieties" and should be realesed in early april! Mark Your calenders (for early april) and mlps people mark January 14 because that will be the first show with Dave King the new drummer. Exciteing times lie ahead be paitient.

12 Rods have Found a new drummer. His name is Dave King, from Minneapolis Jazz Trio "Happy Apple" see the official site for details. And as for Chris, he's working with a band called Inkblot, and He, along with our favorite motercycle cop bass player Bill Shaw, Mark Mallman. Best of luck to you Chris, if your reading.

Who's got the scoop on Christopher? PitchFork Media thats who. The other day i got an e-mail from Ryan Schreiber of pitch fork media: Love your site. I'm a HUGE 12Rods fan. Anyway, I run, a daily music reviews and music news site, and we have the lowdown on whether Christopher's leaving the band or not here:

The Info is good and Ev says it's golden (with truth that is). so check it out, be sure to keep your eyes on pitch fork media they have lots of cool info and reviews of cool music.
-Oct. 4

It's true Christopher has left 12Rods, as far as i know he plan's to go on as a studio drummer, If you're Chris, best of luck to you in the future. Ryan & Ev plan to continue on as 12 Rods w/ a replacement drummer for live shows, and the next record will be realesed no later than before. These details are sketchy now so keep your eyes on The Official site
Oct. 2

12 Rods have cancelled all of there upcomming tour dates and i can't confirm this but i'm preety sure it's because Chris may have left the band, i'm under the impression that there album will still be realesed on schedule (though there is know set date yet) and Ryan and Ev, will continue on with 12 rods after finding a replacement drummer. but remember i can't confirm any of this keep checking back for mor info.
-Sept 22

The Next Record is in the process of being mixed by producer Todd Rundgren, it's moving along slowly but surely so be sure to look for it. Most likely to be realesed 1st quarter 2000. which by the way is not the new millenium (which starts 2001)

The Next Record is coming, the only question is when i've heard that the album is being produced by Todd Rundgren. I'm not sure of this because i also heard something about someone else produceing it, we'll just have to wait and see. Apparently 12 Rods have been doing a lot of recording latly. I'm hoping to get a bootleg of last nights show or an upcoming show so i can hear some of there new stuff. Thats all I know for know preety much.

By word of mouth I have found out that The Single for "I Wish You Were a girl" Probably won't be realesed. But hey, they'll be heading to the studio soon to start recording possibly for the new album. Whoopie!
-April 21

12Rods nomminated in 4 catagories for 1998 from The Minnesota Music Academy

Best Rock Group
Best Rock Recording
Best Major Label Recording
Best Single "I Wish You Were A Girl"

Go Here for more information on the show.
-April 3

12Rods tour cancelled, this could be a blessing in disguise (unless of course you were planning on seeing them). Now they plan on starting work on their next album. Keep checking here and at the News section of the official site for more updates.
-March 22

12Rods to realese Single for "I Wish you were a girl". No realese date has been anouced, but I got the word strait from Ev. Go to the e-mail section to see what he said.
-March 20

For more news go to The News section of the official site

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