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Every one who owns an E-mail address KNOWS how annoying forwards can be!!
So I decided to put them all here on ONE page
that can take care of all our forwarding problems :)
<for a little while>
Send this to ALL your friends! It'll put forwarding to an END!!
Are there any forwards OR jokes that you would like to see added to my page? send them to me!
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 A Blonde Thing
 A Good Excuse
 What A Dollar Brings
 Aviation 101
 Being a Statue
 More Blonde Jokes
The Cat In Heaven
Dancing Duck
Dead Parrot
A Pending Divorce
Some Rules to Follow When Dealing with a Doctor
Dog Breeds
The Heart Attack
Heaven OR Hell
Heaven's Punishments
Here's a Lame Joke
Jesus is Watching You
Magic Mirror On The Wall
Religion Related Jokes
Some Hilarious Acts Done By Stupid People
Two Drunks

Friend Poems:

Circle of Friends
A Friends Promise
A Vanished Friend
A Friend Who Just Stands By
A Friend.....
Being a BestFriend
Together Forever
What a Friend Should Be
Friends Without Faces 


Other Poems :

Boys vs. Girls
Right Now
Why Am I the One to Die?
Is Heaven in the Yellow Pages?
A Hug
First Time
Somebody Right Now
An Angel Wrote
OJ according to Dr. Suess
Butt Prints in the sand


 Funny Stuff

Psychiatric Hotline
Signs You Have Hired the WRONG Clown for Your Childs Party
What's in a Name??
Your an 80's Child IF..
The "BUTTS" of the World
Northern New York
If Life was like a Computer
Prison vs Work
Simple Rules Girls Don't Know
Drinking Guide for the Weekend
What Guys Names Mean
50 Oxymorons
Some Fun things to do in an Elevator
Blonde Jokes
Seminars for MEN
Shakespearean pick up lines
How to find out your Star Wars name
Men vs. Women at the ATM machine
Unwrit Rules for Cowboys

Funny Stories

A Frenchman, Englishman & Claudia Schiffer
A New Zealander,a Canadian,and an Australian
Dialog of a Wordperfect Customer Support Employee
Three Wishes
American Flag
Mommy Mommy
Peace Talks
An accountant, a lawyer and a cowboy
Anything to pass a test!
Bill Gates died......
Clinton and the Pope died
Judge interveiwing a woman about a divorce
Mirror Mirror
The Two Nuns outside the convent
The Will of a richman


The Perfect Couple
A Sweet Love Story
The Silver Ladel
My Fathers Eyes
A Love Story
A Simple Task for Jesus


Surveys & Tests
A Neat Quiz
Take the time to take a little Test
Who are you going to marry?

Other Stuff 
Hi People!<scrolling thingy>
The Sacred Red Rose
Application to live down south

Advice to the graduates
Comes the Dawn
Some Funny and Weird Facts
Instructions for Life
Deep Thoughts