The Book
This is the only piece in this study which was not based on a singular work of literature. Instead, the screenplay was the fictional account of the Weiss family, ethnic Jews whose entire generation was devastated by the depredations of the Nazi Empire during WWII. Literally tons of literature have been written about the Final Solution, legislated by SS Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler at the top-secret Wannsee Conference in 1944. It was the only time in modern history that genocide had become official policy of a sovereign state, and approximately six million Jews in Europe perished in the aftermath.

The Series
Like Roots before it, Holocaust threw back the sheets to analyze the nature of anti-Semitism that led to one of the most astonishing events in world history. Again, an all-star cast lined up to take part in the second-biggest event in TV history. One particular point was made during an execution scene when nudity made its first appearance on a major network, highlighting the utter degradation of a noble people whose only crime was that of ethnic origin. It paved the way for Schindler's List decades later, standing alone as a monumental statement on human rights for nearly twenty years.

For further information on this topic:

A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust

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