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Photos (page 11)

arty at Binh Phuoc

"...I shot the attached scene (a color print) at Binh Phuoc on 21 JUL 69. The gun fired at the precise instant I depressed the shutter release, so the scene is slightly blurred. I knew the gun was about to fire but its bark still made me jump. Bravo Battery, 2/4 Artillery, had a big red welcome sign next to their HQ bunker proclaiming, 'Welcome to Beautiful Downtown Binh Phuoc.' I don't know if you remember it..." - Bob Fischer

the sign

"...Here is the sign I was telling you about. The bandmaster made us stack our rifles. Something about carrying loaded weapons within the perimeter a Binh Phuoc? At Dong Tam you could carry a howitzer, just no bullets. I guess a lot of yuppies were in 'Nam. This is also 21 JUL 69. ..." - Bob Fischer


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