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Photos (page 12)

Stuck in the mud

"The boys from the 2/47 were having a bad day on 10 JUL 69. They managed to drive one of their tracks into the paddy RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE MAIN GATE at Binh Phuoc!" - Bob Fischer


"Well, 10 JUL 69, might have started bad for the commander of this platoon, but they managed to save face. Half the village showed up, not to mention the entire band waiting for a chopper ride. I didn't think they would get it out. Two pulled and one went into the mud. This repeated several times until BINGO, back on the road.

My records indicate that the band was at Binh Phuoc for a 2/47 change of command ceremony, but it must have been a rehearsal since I have the same entry for 21 JUL 69 (official records of HHC & Band DISCOM).

The sounds of these three tracks fighting the suction of the mud was better than anything the band could play." - Bob Fischer


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