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Photos (page 13)


"How do you like those starched jungle fatigues?

The band was under scrunity to project the highest standards of the 9th Infantry Division. Most of use were not military. The Army didn't treat us like soldiers and we didn't act like soldiers. But when we had to be soldiers, we transformed into light infantry. We just dressed sharper than most.

One month after this scene was recorded I lost three good kids escorting EOD on the south bank of the My Tho River. Booby trap. We could have swam back to Dong Tam, we were that close to home, just across the river. Vietnam was a different place for everyone. Mine sucked. I hated being there. Sometimes I think that 'Nam was the real world and America just plain old bullshit. I retain a lot of anger. I tell those few who ask that Vietnam was like driving along a desolate interstate highway on a fridgid winter's day. Everything is fine until you break down. Then you have to contend with survival.

How the hell can Ted Turner be preparing a history of the 9th Infantry Division in Vietnam and be married to Jane Fonda?" - Bob Fischer


"Now let's see if you remember this at Binh Phuoc. Yup. This shrine to the ancestors of Binh Phuoc VC was within the perimeter at your camp.

My bodyless budy, SP-5 Larry Wolf, is showing typical GI respect to the dinks (sorry, Senator McCain, the lovely people of the far east)." - Bob Fischer


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