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Candid BSB Shots & Funny Faces

Candid BSB Shots & Funny Faces

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AJ: Ha ha ha ha...

Nick: Goes in one ear, out the other

Kevin: Viola!

Nick: *Tee hee hee*

way way back...

He-llo! This is a real old piccy. They've definately matured a lot since this. I couldn't think of anything for them to say so I just put this up cuz it's interesting enough on it's own.

Brian: Hey baby, wanna... frolick in the fields?
Kevin: Yea, yea, I know I'm fine...
Howie D.: (*wink wink!*)
AJ: I'm not wearing shades! Ahhh! The sun! I'm melting.. melting...
Nick: I think AJ's high.

Howie D.: I'm... too sexy for my shirt...
Brian: This hat is sooo flattering on me
Nick: Ewww. What's that thing on Brian's head?
Kevin: Would this be a bad moment to break into song?
AJ: (*evil laughter*)

Kevin: Nick, you have the most seky legs...
Nick: (*nervous laugh*) ummm....
Bri: Ha ha ha! I'm choking on chips! Ha- wait a sec
Howie D.: Where is AJ getting the dope from
AJ: this is the tom green show, not the green tom show...
[- Note: "The Tom Green Show" is an MTV show in the US and that's some of it's theme and- well, you'd have to see it to get it =) -]

Note: Some Pics have been moved to Funny Faces... 2!

That's it for now, more later. =)

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