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His eyes are cold and restless..........

I'd like to say this was a good sign, but it was taken in 1990.
There really is nothing like a Wyoming sky!

The Grand Daddy of 'Em All!!

Once you've been to the rodeo during Cheyenne's
"Frontier Days", the rest seem to pale in comparison.
You find yourself getting really engrossed in the
competitions and actually keeping score too! This was
also the rodeo grounds where I first saw
Garth perform later that evening.

Deborah Farrelly

This is my Sister Deb, the best and
might I add coolest Sister there is.
She always takes care of me...she helped
to turn my life around...without fully knowing
at the time she did. I love you Sis!
Here we're heading to Fort Collins and hoping
that's not a funnel cloud forming over there.

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