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SWAN Net Group: Days Gone By....

SWAN Oceanside Facility 1965

Company photo taken at 417 Via Del Monte in 1965. We know the names of a few pictured here such as Herb Johnson standing at the far right with his young son. John Bruchey is kneeling in the first row second from the right. If you know any of the others, let us know so we can list as many as possible. Additional photos taken inside the plant that same day can be accessed below.

Surf The "Days Gone By" Gallery:

Swan Plant Test & Packing Rooms
Swan Plant Assembly & Fabrication Rooms
Swan Plant Final Calibration Room
Don Wallace, W6AM, at Oceanside Plant
Barry Goldwater, K7UGA, at Oceanside Plant
Swan Exhibit 1966 Miami Convention
Swan Exhibit 1968 SAROC Convention Las Vegas

Swan Net Gang in Earlier Times:

Room Two - K4BOV//W4MXE//K5JGZ
Room Three - N0CXY//N7GGC//K4BOV
Room Four - W7UXP(Now K7OX)

Vintage Sideband Net Gallery

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