This is a page just about me!!! YEA!!! And the peasants rejoiced! Or...maybe not.
     So, I don't have a picture of myself yet, well, you'll just have to deal, won't you? I figure the one up there already is close enough.
     Where to start...where to start...I'll borrow a line from my trombone teacher's webpage, because it was such a good line. I guess I'll start at the beginning...(a very good place to start). As you must already know, my name is Cara. I was born here, in Williamsville. The day was December 1, 1983. I believe it was a Thursday. I grew up here, with pretty much the same group of people my whole life. I've never moved.
     In fourth grade, I had my first "acting experiance". Yeah, that's right, baby! I was a singing reporter in Mary Poppins! Okay, so everyone got a part, but hey...  I also started playing the flute. This was the significant event in fourth grade because it introduced me formally to music, which is one of my passions now, though I'm not half as talented as I'd like to be. Oh, well.
     So, this year I decided to take up the trombone. This was one of the most important and best decisions I've ever made. I've realized recently that all this time, I've been a trombone player trapped in the woodwinds section. AUGH! A brass players nightmare! Ask almost any brass player. Well, okay, ask any TROMBONE player. Fine...ask any trombone player in Wind Ensemble. Okay, I guess it is just Dave Henning that thinks like that, but still...Anyway, I absolutely LOVE playing trombone, as anybody who knows me well knows. One of my friends insists it's the greasing and blowing I like best...long story. It's not what you may think. Or maybe it is...*insert Twilight Zone music here*
     We just went on this majorly AWESOME band trip to Cinncinnati. Our band won a "superior" rating. Yeah, baby, blowing the judges away! Well, the pictures from the trip will be up as soon as I scan them. I'm warning you, though. The gallery will look like a shrine to Dave Henning. ("Like the world needs another one of those." -Davy. For the extended version, see my quotes page.)
     I like to watch cartoons. I only really watch TV for the Simpsons now. And Family Guy and Futurama, of course. I love Sailor Moon, but I'm never home in time to catch it anymore. It's my own fault, I know.
     I used to write some. You know, poems, short stories, stuff like that. I stopped because suddenly, I realized my writing was getting really bad. I don't know what happened. Well, to tell the truth, my stories had never been that great, but my poems used to rock, at least in my world, and now, they just ain't what they used to be.
     I LOVE to read. Especially other people's stuff. Well, of course it'll be someone else's most of the time, but what I'm trying to get at is this: if you write, please send me a copy of your work. Hehe...maybe I'll put it somewhere on this very page.
     I will soon add a page of personal thoughts, but at the moment, I'm still too self-conscious of people reading my personal thoughts, so I am hesitating. Sometimes I wish I could be more like Emma. But I'm not. I can put this here, cuz nobody who comes to my site comes for the page about me. They come to check out the updated quotes page, which I have to admit is quite amusing. So, as soon as I "smash my shell", I'll put up a personal thought page.

(COMING SOON! Commentary Section!)

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Check out that thrusting action. I'm so immature, aren't I?

Heehee...Another disturbing image if you think about it the right way. Oddly enough, I found it on the website of a girl who's against mastubation.