My Page of Quotes(continued)

Cror: My second quotes page is like all you!
solarkidie: yay! its a shrine to me.. or the closest i'll get to one


"My whole life is a joke. It always has been. I guess I'm just waiting for the punch line." -Marc

Which came first? Sahar's brother holds a conversation (granted, a short one) without insulting me! It was a first, so I had to post it.

"But she's so conveniently pregnant, I can't yell at her!" -Amy Rose, I didn't hear any other part of the conversation

Avi: She's like a rapid [he meant rabid] chipmunk!
Dan: Rapid? She's a very fast-moving chipmunk?

Me (after playing a very expensive trombone): This horn is a thing of beauty!
My Dad: I know. Now put it down.

"My eyesight is so bad. It's reached the point where my doctor'll say 'Can you read the chart?' and I'll say 'Where's the chart?'" -Mrs. Hohl

Avi: Julie picks her nose! Yesterday, I swear she had a finger up her nose.
Julie: Yeah, except it was his finger.

"Julie, honey, what's wrong? You seem to be having an awful lot of Jessica Shafer moments today." -Me

Julie: Your mom calls you Daniel? Is that your real name?
Dan: No, actually it's Raul.

"There's this one street that comes off of Maple. I like to turn down it cuz sometimes it takes me to Sheridan, and sometimes it brings me back to Maple." -Amy

"Sometimes I think I'm colorblind. For example, when I see a kid walking down the hall with his hat on backwards going "Yo, yo, zup, homie?" I mean, he looks white..." -Ross

Jenny (continuing a conversation): But what happens if you only meant to have one or two kids and you end up with sextuplets or something?
Amy: Well, you could give em away. Like puppies!

Oswald (from Drew Carey): I'm still the same, though. Underneath these fancy clothes is a pair of underwear that says "Home of the Whopper".
Kate: Those were a gag gift.
Oswald: When you get to the bottom of the drawer, the joke's over.

Jen (pleadingly to Mark): If I give you money, will you buy me a drink?
Mark (non-hesitantly, without even looking up): No. I'd spend it on whores.

"Whenever someone talks about a serial killer, they always say 'He was so quiet. Such a nice boy.' Well, what do they want him to do? Start eating someone right in front of them?!?" -Amy

CJ: What quasi-pornographic movie hasn't Davy seen?
Davy: Quasi?!?

"AHAHA! Davy deflowered your cymbal!" -CJ (?) to Avi

"Can the guys in this room please make a pact to not drop their pants?" -Brian Zeller, to which Fraiser wouldn't agree. Big surprise.

"Avi! Give me back my pants!" -Mark as he chased Avi around the parking lot

"Why are the M&M's pastel? OH! For Easter! For the Christians! These are religiously biased M&M's!" -Jon

John: I'm gonna throw you out that window in a minute!
Mr. Thielman: And I'm gonna let him.

Mr. Schumacher: Gee, Brian, maybe Miss Hill would like to listen to that CD.
Amy: Nah, she's already got that one.

Kevin (commenting on JM's new hair color): It's permanant?!?
John-Michael: Yeah.
Kevin: But only till it grows out, right?
Jon: No, Kevin. Until he dies.

Mr. Schumacher: Did you recieve your progress report in the mail, Libby?
Libby: Well, no, but my mom's out of town and my dad doesn't check the mail much.
Mr. Schumacher: Well, seeing that he's on drugs...

Libby (using the wrong word): My dad had to take a day off of work today cuz he's having a drug interaction.
Mr. Schumacher: A drug interaction? Does that mean he's going downtown to buy and sell?

Me: Look at this shirt Mark's wearing today! He's trying to be hot and failing miserably!
Mark: I'm not failing! I think I'm passing with flying colors.

Me: Where's Mark?
Ashley: He went to walk Sahar to Chemistry with..uh...
Me: Lisa?
Ashley: Yeah.
Me: Oh, they're probably making out behind the staircase somewhere.

"What's with you dolls? You finally find a guy ya like, then you bring him in for alterations." -Sky Masterson from Williamsville North's Guys and Dolls

"'Remind me to give the horns something to do.' -Mozart" -Pat's e-mail sig

Me: Anything interesting happen in Pit [orchestra] yesterday?
Dan: Hmm...uh...the flute section got naked...

"I firmly believe that if Katherine were a definate lesbian, you'd be her girlfriend." -Avi to me

Volsi ThattR : Yes, see, you are a Cara. Now, if you were still a Cara, but were named Shameeka, would you not hate it?
Cror : I'd be a bit confused, actually.

"My mother's money is my money. We have this mutual understanding that she doesn't know about." -Lisa

Jessica: Your girlfriend is using a lot of
Dave: "Sexual you-know's?" If anything, wouldn't you "you-know" the word "sexual"? Innuendo is not a bad word.
Brian: Dave! Watch your mouth!

"Ooo, I wish I was wearing pants!" -Marc

Waitress at Friday's handing "someone" some balloons: Here you go, Happy Birthday!
Katherine: Watch her float away...
Me: She's not that light!
Heather: Maybe if you anchored them to her head...

"Tyler, we've gotta stop this soon, cuz if we don't, either some big guy with gold chains is gonna kick my ass, or a guy with a big yarmalke's gonna kick yours." -Dave B.

"She probably makes him rise like the heat." -from Once on this Island, Williamsville South's spring musical

"Sand: Fun for your feet!" - another from Once on this Island

Mr. Schumacher: Jupiter is said to have supposed to have been our second sun.
Amy: Yeah, but it was too wussy.
Mr. Schumacher: Right. It didn't get big enough to do so.
Amy: Wuss.

Mrs. Blaisdell: Did you get your hair done this weekend, by any chance?
Jon (who had the top part of his hair bleached): Yeah, looks natural doesn't it? Except for the fact that it's two different colors...
Mrs. Blaisdell: AND that it glows! Tell me, Jon. If we turned off the lights, could we still find your head?

Me (in the middle of a conversation): He's MUCH more boring than the Internet.
Julie: Well, the Internet's interesting.
Me: Okay. Do you know the times when the screen is blank cuz your modem is going really slow?
Julie: Yeah...
Me: He's more boring than THAT.

"You base your entire life on three hours of George Lucas films!" -One bander from Willy South (I think) to another in the band room after the concert.

Greg (to Kristen): You're one of those normal people aren't you?
Avi (also to Kristen): Yeah! What the hell's not wrong with you?

"It would be so crazy to be a 'hot guy'." -Sharon

"Dumb ass crackers!" -A couple of homies seeing Scream 3 in the same theater as Sharon

Are you my mother? A very confused lady IM's me...

I quoted a majority of the following conversation, but I didn't just post it, cuz I wanted to leave out names. You'll see why I thought it'd be prudent to leave out whom exactly we were discussing:
dEe A n Y : no she should have her horn tomorrow too
dEe A n Y : so we can ram it down her throat
dEe A n Y : and she can die.
dEe A n Y : tada!

dEe A n Y : what did she do?
Cror : She sat down.
dEe A n Y : oh god she's not......
dEe A n Y : ........playing.... trombone.......
Cror : She was...
dEe A n Y : DAGH why won't she just die?!

dEe A n Y : i can't stand her
dEe A n Y : she's been ruining my vibe consistantly since 1995.

"No es el dia de Juanita." -Mrs. Wzontak (aka W-zantac)

Cror : When an illness is terminal, does that mean incurable or fatal?
DymndEmrld : fatal
DymndEmrld : or maybe incurable...
Cror : I just won't use it then.
DymndEmrld : you got me thinkin about it and now I'm not sure
Cror : Tell ya what, I'll look it up.
DymndEmrld : Its fatal
Cror : You asked someone?
DymndEmrld : nah I looked it up
Cror : Okay.
DymndEmrld : yesh'm - "final stages of a fatal disease"
Cror : Alright. Thank you Ms. Webster Collegiate.
DymndEmrld : You're welcome, welcomed dictionary user.

Libby (speaking of Mr. Schumacher's diagram of a person pushing a fridge): You forgot to draw the muscles!
Mr. Schumacher: But it's a woman!
Class: Ooooooo!
Mr. Schumacher: I'm sorry, I couldn't let that one go.
Jillian: You could've tried to.

"Motion deals with...well, I don't mean to insult you...movement." -Mr. Schumacher

"I wanna give you guys some motherly advice. Except I'm not your mother, and it's not that kind of advice." -Mrs. Hohl

"We're not gonna bite" -Lindsey to the new girl at Lit Mag

"Maybe I'm only a good girl cuz I've never had the chance to be a bad one." -Me

dEe A n Y : i gotta get rid of words in my senior quote dude this sucks
Cror : Words altogether?
dEe A n Y : gotta chop off 9 more.. hmm..
Cror : Oh, you don't have enough money?
dEe A n Y : no 608 is the max, dude

ZhayTee : Well, I've gotta go. Keep the faith alive. *makes fist* Down with the teenies. (nwac)
Cror : Heeheee...right on, Brother Joe.
-Joe after being told of my close encounter with Mr. Abercrombie + Fitch.

Me: Mr. Schumacher has been kind of disoriented lately...
Dan: He's never been oriented!

"It gave me another reason to not go to a state school." *in a mocking voice* "Oh! I really like my school! Everyone there is just like me!" *makes motions as if crossing stuff off a list* -Dan when asked what he got from the Alumni College Panel

"I teeter between tired and really, really tired." -Swan Dive by Ani Difranco

"If Mike Digiacomo was a pie graph, he'd be three-fourths well-rounded." -Sharon

solarkidie : soo..grill..
solarkidie : griilll
solarkidie : haha
Cror : Grill? As in "grill the hamburgers"?
solarkidie : yuup
solarkidie : it's okkk. it's a high class compliment in the south
solarkidie : hey grillll wanna get in my truck
Cror : It is?!? Since when?
solarkidie : since the 00's

"A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle." -Gloria Steinem

"Vivaldi is the Backstreet Boys of classical composers." -Dan

"But it's electric, does it need batteries?" -My mom. (Soon to be a family classic)

"Well, Lincoln didn't realize this until his pregnancy." -Ms. Smith (minor Freudian slip?)

"Cool! It vibrates when I bite it!" -Travis (Katherine's younger brother)

c453yk: no girl can resist the cuteness of the logo character. especially cheekymonkey.
Cror: Eh...I wouldn't say that I can't resist it...
c453yk: Oh, you may think that at first.
c453yk: but if you go to the homepage and experience the barrage of cheekymonkey logos that appears on it. . .
Cror: think that if I do experience this "barrage", I'm gonna write you steamy e-mails begging for your body?
c453yk: no.
c453yk: because the logo does not represent me.
c453yk: you will, however, write me steamy e-mails begging for the cheekymonkey's body.

dEeAnY: i'm as open as a tux fly on prom night

"Yes! I can foil faster than ALL of you!" -Dan

"Aren't you glad you didn't have to use long division on this one? Well, some of you who are masochists did anyway..." -Mrs. Hohl

Cror: Dan! Guess what I just got for Hanukkah!
dEeAnY: a dredle?
Cror: No!
Cror: Something better.
dEeAnY: a new dredle
dEeAnY: ?
Cror: Nope.
dEeAnY: new hot pants?
Cror: No, something even better, if you can believe it.
dEeAnY: ?! better than hot pants?!
dEeAnY: this i gotta see.

solarkidie: so i ate some pecan pie today
Cror: What's with you and pecan pie?
solarkidie: nothin' we just good freinds
Cror: Ahh...suuure.
solarkidie: i would never cheat on wolf like that
solarkidie: i swear..
solarkidie: and with someone as trashy as pecan pie.. never!
Cror: But that pecan pie-ish goodness!
solarkidie: i know it's hard to resist

"And you guys are all like 'I don't wanna ask you any questions, you crazy lady.'" -Mrs. Brown

"Go ahead. Touch it. It's all soft and smooth." -Mrs. Brown. I don't even remember what she was talking about...

Me: Jen, wouldn't you say Mark's ass ugly?
Jen: Well, I wouldn't say ass ugly...
Mark: Yeah, more like lower torso ugly.

(alexismine) I love Alex more than anything but he has a girlfriend.
(CloudStrife) I love Elli but he's got a boyfriend.

Teacher quotes seem to be popular lately...

Mrs. Hohl: That oughta keep ya busy.
Dan: Mrs. Hohl: keeping em off the streets.

Mr. Horton: Yes. I have a book called "The End of the World: A History" that recounts every time somebody's predicted the world ending.
Bryan: It hasn't happened yet, has it?

"You don't write because you want to say something; you write because you've got something to say." -F. Scott Fitzgerald

solarkidie: i think it's some beatles sonnng
solarkidie: i have it in my head
Cror: But sonnng. With three n's.
solarkidie: yess..with 3 n's
solarkidie: are you going to call the amherst police on me..
solarkidie: a girl on ponderosa dr was reported spelling song with 3 n's.
solarkidie: it later turned out that.... she was just dumb
Cror: LOL!!

"One day I woke up and my foot was on backwards and I liked you." -Sharon

Sahar: Katherine, help! They're stripping me!
Katherine (rushing over): Ooo! Can I help?

"If it's not hard, it's not worth doing." -Fortune in my fortune cookie. I am really immature.

Me (after asking only two questions): I told you it was gonna be a short interview.
Shewan: Yeah, but you didn't tell me it'd be as short as me!

"And a lot of ribs received a lot of knocking elbows." -from the story 'The Terrible Conflagtation up at the Place' by Ray Bradbury

"Trick-or-Treat, Smell our feet! Give us something good to eat! If you don't, we don't care, we probably won't do anything bad to you cuz we're kinda nice." -Sharon (all of it chanted)

"We love Middle School!" -A lady who gave us candy while we were trick-or-treating. That's great, we did, too...three years ago...

"They've got a pile of wood!" "Look! They've got a dumpster!" -Sharon's sisters' amazingly observant comments.

Me: I mean, it's insane. You're not supposed to drop the classes that have the most relevance to what you're gonna do with the rest of your life! That'd be like me dropping English!
Sharon: Yeah. It'd be like me dropping lunch.

"Well, at first I wanted to marry a Saber, but I realize that's a very non-feministic thing to want. So now, I wanna be a Saber." -Syamala

Changes2pc: we [Avi and I] played in the leaves
Changes2pc: he told me if we didn't then he would have to dump me

"If you don't have a feather boa, Greg, you're useless to me." -Katherine

"Haha! Katherine's a small moist tart!" -Sahar

"Wait! You're married to the nurse? Congradulations!" -Crystal

"Josette, were you here for Crystal's revelation that the nurse and I are, uh, living together?" -Mr. Schumacher

Mike (as he puts his head sleepily on his desk): I have reached the "Dan" level.
Dan (laughing): Welcome aboard.

Katherine (speaking of Mark): We need to get him a woman.
Mark (to Katherine): Volunteering?

Me (speaking of Sahar): Does she look like Madonna to you?
Katherine: Sure! I mean, just look at those conical breasts.

Me (speaking of Mark's poem): It's really good, except the last part. It sounds like a cheesy graduation speech.
Mark: Yeah, I know.
Me: You know?!?
Mark: Yeah, I kinda wanted it that way.
Look for Mark's writings in a new section that'll be going up pretty soon.

"He's like this jittery...monkey boy." -Jen, speaking of Mark

"I'm trying to unhook you with one hand." -Sharon

"The one Thundercat that hasn't been neutered. The Thundercat ho!" -John

Kim: Hmmm...Activities that my friends and I enjoy doing...eating, eating, and shitting!
Me: What are you, a rabbit?
Kim: A buttcrack.

"I know you're excited to be up here with Mr. Magazine." -the putz trying to get us to sell magazines said this to a poor unsuspecting oboe player.

"Five bucks says he's the only thing up there without balls. But I'll give you ten if you've got the silver card." -Avi referring to "Mr. Magazine" during our fundraising assembly.

"This guy's the devil. It's like, sell your soul for a magazine. 'Sell $70,000 worth of magazine subscriptions and you get to be Lord of the Universe for exactly one minute.' Except it's a scam cuz I bet there's a catch. They don't tell you which universe." -Avi

Amy Rose: Why don't you just buy a brush?
Jenny (speaking in third person, as usual): Jenny's too poor to buy a brush.
Amy: You're not poor! I've seen your house! You've got, like, a whole slew of cars. Sell one and buy a brush.

"And I'm wearing a really cool hat! Well, not really,...but I wish I was!" -Katherine

"So my mom says, 'I don't wanna see any babies nine months from now!' and I'm like, yeah I can do that, that." -Sharon

"Katherine, if you don't get a boyfriend in a while it's cuz people know math." -Sharon

"Well, the jelly came from Hawaii, and the bean from Jamaica, and they boinked!" -Sahar

Greg: Stop scoring!
Avi: I can't help it! It's this firm butt.

"Aiee! I'm stuck to your pillow!" -Katherine

"So, what exactly did you do to my trombone?" -Dan to me (I don't care if it's not that funny. I'm quoting him for the hell of it.)

"It's amazing that this lesson book is shaped like a rectangle instead of like a 'square'." -Dan

"Geez...I'm glad I'm only his wife and not his girlfriend." -Katherine

Random Freshman Dude: Are you Tina's brother?
Dan: Are YOU Tina's brother?
Freshman: No, aren't you?
Dan as he walked away: Aren't YOU?

"So, I grabbed some nerds while I had the chance." -Katherine ( my influence rubbing off on her?)

"I mean, N'Sync isn't even a whole word!" -Cichy (um...)

Brett: My name is Brett, I'm a sophmore and I
Matt: Well, who doesn't?

"How bout you like to play bones...of the 'trom' variety?" -Dan to Brian

GTorbenson: like sahar, but more physical.

"If I put anything else on my computer, it'll probably slap me and say 'What are you doing?!? Don't even try it!!'" -Sharon

Cror: Did you kiss in the pool?
solarkidie: nahh.. but we skimmmed out dead bugs together how romantic is THAT?
Cror: Very.
Cror: Let me tell you...
Cror: I wish I could skim dead bugs with some guy...*sighs*
solarkidie: yeah.. one day cara.
solarkidie: one day

"You're just jealous cuz a little dancing Santa has more sex appeal than you." -Me to Katherine

Katherine's Mom to Katherine: Well, you have no hips.
Katherine's Brother: That's because she doesn't DESERVE hips.

dEeAnY: still
dEeAnY: there was no cichy on my back
dEeAnY: and if so i was temporarily mentally out of comission.

solarkidie: oneday
Cror: *sings* Someday...when my life has passed me by...I sit around and wonder why, you were always there for me...
solarkidie: hmm..
Cror: do do do do do do do do do do do do do
solarkidie: good singing cara
Cror: I thought so.

"Yeah, and I'm gonna be wearing a shirt. Or am I?" -Sharon

"My conversations are quotable! No potable! You can drink my conversations!" -Sharon

"It was a fly-by fondling!" -Katherine

Cror: Yeah, there was this question somewhere on a survey that was like "Have you ever given money to a bum?"
Cror: And I'm all "All the time! Cuz there are SO many bums in Williamsville!"
solarkidie: i know.. they like swat at your ankles as they lay on the sidewalks
solarkidie: the town really has to do something about them

"I think I'll label an empty bag "INSTANT WATER. JUST ADD WATER!" and sell it." -Rob Bloom

solarkidie: he's sending a "funny picture"
Cror: I wanna see this "funny picture"!
solarkidie: well if it's not totally embrassing i'll let you see
Cror: No! I wanna see it even it it is!
Cror: Right now I'm picturing a werewolf version of Mozart, and it's not really good. Anything's better than the image I have in my head.
solarkidie: ahahah.. ohhh my luck with boys he probably will look exactly like that
Cror: I dunno, the image is like a marble bust thing with fur.
Cror: I don't think he looks like THAT.
solarkidie: bust?
Cror: You know those marble statues of just the guy's head...
Cror: They're called busts.
solarkidie:oooh..i was thinking boobs
Cror: Yes, Sharon. His name brings to mind images of hairy boobs.
Cror: Honestly!
-The kid's name is Wolfgang, BTW

solarkidie: Even in between these explosive events the corona will look more dynamic than usual and the solar wind will stream outwards with particular vigour. - damn! scientific talk is so sensual.

Old quotes