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Halloween, Christmas, New Year's Eve, and St-Patrick's at Le Mystique are usual. But we have also hosted the famous Cotillions, the Deb Balls and, of course, Theme Parties (Hat and Face, Spanish Sluts and Flamenco Floozies, as well as the infamous Mommie Dearest evening, where... (Oh, read the book!)
The usual holidays are feted and unusual themes are presented, but no day is as special to us as your birthday. That's when you get... the Mystique Magic!


Each bartender has his favorite music, but people on the other side of the bar don't know this: at Le Mystique, our friends bring the music they want to hear. Elating surprises are the result. Ella skips through 60 years, Simon and Garfunkel, Cher, Barbra and Alys, Pavarotti, Sinatra, and Les Négresses Vertes, Broadway, the charts, and Latino!
We may play only one cut that night, but bring it again and people may want to hear it over and over! Le Mystique has the music you want... We don't have to please advertisers. You bring it, we play it!

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Rose's kitchen

Pub fare is one of Rose's specialties... (well, one of his specialities... we won't mention the others!). Rose can always be counted on to tempt you with his daily specials (including German sausages, corned beef, or his very own "egg omelet"!)... or tangy chicken wings, burger and fries, a rib steak, and a variety of sandwiches (including the "Stanley Pub Club")... or the full gamut of pastas smothered with Joe's full range of sauces... and let us not forget Roses's pizzas... Rose at his best!
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