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Slavonic Legened

It was a cold fall morning in the little town of Winsk. Gabrille Fremen was sitting by the wwindow in her room looking sadly outside.It was raining teribly hard and she was trying to think of something to do to keep her from going crazy.

She staired blankly out the window untli there was a knock on her bedroom door.She slowly opened the door and let her friend Molly come in. “Hello Gabby. I thought I might stop by and say hello.My uncle and I got into a little spat and this time I lost.I don’t know where I went wrong.So my punishmen is to take Mr. Voskonovich the shirts he ordered for his sons. I didn’t want to go, but of corse I have to do what my uncle says.But on my way there it started raining.I just wanted to stop by to say Hi. Well I got to go.” Molly saidholding up a small parsal. After she left she watched her walk away in the rain Molly skiped around and then sliped on the smooth ground and fell intoa big mud puddle. Gabrille’s father and uncal hurryedoutside and broght Molly back into their home. “ Molly are you okay?” qustioned Gabrille as her ucal Bruce set her down on there couch. Her uncal removed the shoe from her left foot. It had swollen to twice its origanal size. Molly’s face was showing that she was in pain. A few tears rolled down her rosey pink cheeks. Bruce gave her afew pieces of ice wraped in one of Mrs. Fremen’s dish towels to help the sweling go down.Threr was ahuge rore of thunder that made Gabrille jump.Molly just giggled . About an hour later they were trying to she who could make the other laugh first. “ This is boring I wish it would stop raining so I can go bug Demetree like I do every day.” replyed Molly looking down at her foot.

Bruce came back into the room. “ Why don’t I tell you two a story to take you mineds off the storm.”suggested Bruce.Both Molly and Gabrille smiled. “ What kinde of story Uncal?”questioned Gabrille. Chapter One

Lets see it all started long long ago in an enchanted land called Manera. And it all started on a rainy day much like this one. . . .

The kingof Manera had just sent an invetationto everyone in the kingdom inviting them to a grand ball to be held in honor of his son Prince Jacob’s return from there breef war with the enemy kingdomcalled Catstar . They had taken Catstar’s king CerVanties and his nece Molly prisoner. . . .

“ Cool I get to be a prisoner with Uncal CerVanties” Molly said chearfully inturupting Bruce.
“ Yes Molly you get to be a prisoner.” replyed Bruce. Now. . . .

CerVanties and Molly were brought before Jacob and his father King Peter. “ CerVanties you will be punished for all the death you have caused, and Molly. . . . well I don’t know what we will do with you at the moment, but we will fine a sutible punishment for you, as for you CerVanties death shall be asutible enough punishment” stated King Peter camly.
“NOOOOOOOO!” screamed Molly as his gards took her and CerVanties out of the room.
“Uncal I’m confusted. they are going to kill CerVanties but they are going to let Molly live.What will her punishment be?” questioned Gabrille.
“ Will you two just let me tell you the story.?”questioned Bruce impatantly.
“Sorry.” replyed Molly and Gabrille in unisin.
“Now where was I?”
"They were taking me and Uncle CerVanties away.”replyed Molly quikly

“Father why do we have to kill CerVanties? If we do then Molly will be all alone. stated Jacob.
“We will make her do what she has never done. We will make her work in the stables.That should be enough punishment.” replyed King Peter. But his little plane of her punishment backfiered on him. Molly loved the stables. She loved being with the horses.She spent most of her time talking to the horses while she worked. Once Jacob caught her having a convesation with his horse Marrge. It was about him. Molly was saying how nice she thought he was. Then she looked down at the ground and said how much she missed her uncal.

A few days later CerVanties’ exicutiond took place.
“Belive me Peter you’ll be sorry, I will have my revenge. Just wait and see. I will take from you what you took from me. The one thing you love the most. Your son.” yelled CerVanties before they let go of the blade of the geoateen. Molly screamed as the blade fell down, down untli . . . .

“ Please Mr. Erving spaer me the gory death of my uncle.” pleaded Molly who had covered her ears. Gabrielle had done the same thing.
“Alright I won’t tell you that part, I’ll skip it."
“Thankyou.” replied Molly thankfuly. Okay . . . .

So after his exicution King Peter had Molly removed from her quarter in the castle and was made to live with the servents. He still thought she would hate it, but again he was wromg.Molly got along well with the servents. She had many friends in the castle who were servents.

King Peter continued to try and finde something that would make her misserable. Finaly he had her locked in her room. Jacob had told his father that she loved to be outdoors and that she couldn’t stand to be alone. So he had her locked in her room alone for three days and three nights.

On the second night while she tryed to go to sleep she heared a soft voice say, “ Molly you must leave this place at once. If you don’t you will end up like your uncle.”
“ But where will I go?” questioned Molly turning in circals trying to finde where the voice was comong from.
“ You will finde a place, just run away from here and never come back.” contiued the voice.

So Molly did as the voice instructed. She climbed out the window and stole one of the horse. She road into the silence of the night and dissapeared with the rising sun.


“ Okay I’m gonna stop right now. Molly your uncle is probuly wondering where you are .”said Bruce helping Molly to her feet.
“Okay but I’ll be back tmorrow to here the rest of that story Mr. Evrings.” replied Molly as she walked out the front door.

Gabrille went back into her room and wathed Molly slowly walk back home. The rain had let up alittle and the sun was peaking out from behinde the clouds in the sky. Unlike Gabrielli Molly live on a farm about ten miuntes away from Gabrielli’s home in the town.

Molly also live on the farm with her uncle CerVanties and the stable hand Will. Before her father died he remarried a woman named Ursilla. She and Molly didn’t get along at all. Ursilla made Molly call her mother, but Molly would never do it. She hated Ursilla and she knew Ursilla hated her. After her father died Ursilla left their farm and took all of their money including the money her father had left for her.She also left Molly all alone tied to a chair for two weeks. Her uncle had stopped by to see how they were doing. He found Molly in the libary half dead from lak of food and water. After that Molly vowed reveng agenst her and that if she ever got the chance she would kill her.

Gabreille had meet Molly by accident. She was walking home with her cousin Mary in the filed by the town lake when all of a sudden a girl with firy red hair and dark orange eyes ran and hid behinde her.

Gabrielli fell asleep and began to dream about the day when she and Molly first meet. It was a hot spring day.Gabrielle was only ten. Her cousin Mary was sixteen.”So Gabby tell me how everthing has been going seince you moved here. Have you made any friends yet?” questioned Mary when they stopped to rest.
“No not yet, but we've only been here for oneweek.I have plenty of time to make friends.” replied Gabrielli with a small smile. They both sat down on a fallen tree log. Both were silent listing to the birds singing,but the silence was soon broken by the screams of someone followed by minical laughter.
“ Help Me!” screamed a grils voice. “ Hes gonna kill me!” Then they heared more screaming and then saw a girl about Gabrielles age maybe alittle older running twords them. She had fiery red hair and dark orange eyes. She rand and hid behinde Gabrielle. “Please don’t let him kill me.” pleaded the girl. She had tears streaming down her rosey pink cheecks.
“ Um. . . here hide in this log and we’ll protect you.” said Gabrielle quikly.

The girl did as Gabrielle had instructed. She slowly wiggled into the hollow log. A few minutes later they heared a voice saying, “Molly come out come out where everyou are, I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to take you away from all this.”

A young man come into view only seconds after Molly sliped into the log. He had snow white waist length hair and darke forest green catlike eyes. He had a brod chest and white skin that all most matched his hair. He stopped when he saw Mary and Gabrielle.
“Um excuse me but have yu seen a young lady with red hair and orange eyes?”questioned the boy.
“And who wants to know ?” questioned Mary walking twords him.
“Oh how terribly rude of me. My name is Dexter Thacher. And who might you two lovely ladies be?” questioned Dexter.
“What do you want want with this Molly. If we know then we could help you.”replied Gabrielli who was looking at the log.
“Well I’m suppost to marry her. Her step mother promised me I could marry her, but I don’t think Molly is to crazy about the whole idea though.” replied Dexter with a sigh.
“But then why was she screaming don’t let him kill me?” questioned Gabrille.
“Oh so you did see her. Please tell me where she is.” pleaded Dexter.

Mary looked at Gabrielle and said softly, “I’m sorry Gabby but we have to tell him.” She then pointed to the log. “She is in there.”

He then pointed his hand at the log and raised his hand. Mary and Gabrielle staired in awe as the log rose with his hand. Dexter wispered simething to himself and then the log dissapeared and there was Molly just flotting there in midd air. A small smile formed on Dexters face. But it seemed more evil then happy.
“Now Molly I can’t have you running off like that. Now can I?”questioned Dexter. He walked over to Molly and picked her up.

In a falsh Gabreille saw herself and Molly as their present day sixteen year old selfs. Dexter began to laugh evily. “You have just singhed your friends deth !” shouted Dexter rising higher off the ground.


Gabrielle woke up in a cold sweat. That never happened. There was no Dexter when I meet Molly.She was running away from a band of theefs, and Mary and I saved her. thought Gabreille sitting up. Thankgoodness it was only a dream, she thought as she got dressed. But was it realy a dream?

“ Okay so where did I leave off?” questioned Bruce who sat down after Molly walked in.
“Um . . . . you were telling us that Molly had just run away,” replied Molly, with a big smile.
“You know Molly you remine me so much of this girl in the my story,” stated Bruce with a small smile. Okay. . . . and Molly dissapeared with the rising sun.

The next day King Peter opened the door to Molly’s room and said, “I’m sorry for doing this Molly. You can come out now.” King Peter pocked his head into the spotless room. Molly was nowhere in sight. “Now where has that blasted girl run off to now?” shouted King Peter was he walked into the room. Sitting on her bed was a small brown teddy bear. One eye was missing and it had several patches all over.He picked it up and took it with him. When CerVanties and Molly had been brought before him Molly was holding the bear tightly just like a mother would hold her chiled. “GARDS!” thundered King Peter. Jacob and a few gards came to him.
“Yes your magisty?” questioned Darek ,who was the head knight.

Darek had snow white hair and middnight blue eyes. He was also Prince Jacob’s best friend. “I want you and the rest of your party to go finde and bring back Molly. Jacob I want you to stay here. Now the rest of you go.” ordered King Peter.
“ Father why can’t I go with them?” questioned Jacob looking at the bear in his fathers hand.
“Because there is someone that I want you to meet.” said King Peter with a smile. He lead Jacob into the throneroom where a young lady that looked about Molly’s age was pacing back and forth impatantly. She was wearing dark pupal armor that looked alot like Xeana worrior Princess’. She had dark brown skin and dark purpal eyes that mached her armor. She stopped pacing and looked at Jacob and King Peter then she smiled. “Jacob, meet your new body goard. Gabreille.” replied King Peter with a smile.
“A Girl! My Body Gard Is A Girl!” shouted Jacob in dissbelife.
Gabreille walked up to him and then said,” Is there something wrong with that?”
"Well yes. One you are a girl and two . . . well your a girl.” stated Jacob who couldn’t thimk of anything else to say.
“And what difference should it make weather I am a boy or a girl?” questioned Gabreille her voice raising just a bit.
“ Well I bet you couldn’t cathch me off gard for one and-" but Jacob stopped becase at that moment Gabrielle held a silver dager agenst his throte.
“Did I catch you off gard your highness?” mocked Gabrielle.

Jacob grabed the dager from her , through it across the room and then fliped her over his shoulder. But Gabreille took him down with her and pinned him down to the ground.
”Well?” questioned Gabrielle.
“Well you better let me up before I call the gards.”replied Jacob.
"I, Magesty, am your guard." Gabrielle let him up and Jacob got up and stormed outt of the room.
“Don’t worry about him. He will get used to you my dear and I’m sure you two will turn out to be good friends.” stated King Peter.

For now that's all I have. I will be adding more to it everyday or so. This just gives you another reason to come back and visit my relm.