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Mysteries of the Forgotten Mind

Slavonic LegenedGabrielle's uncle wants to tell them a legend that has been locked away for years. Molly and Gabrielle can't help but notice how much the story is beging to sound like their life, and how much the cherictures act like themselves. Is the legened that Bruce is telling just a story, or is there something more to it...

Molly McKittyHave you ever felt like you're being pushed into something you don't want? That the path your on isn't the right one? Molly knows. Marrige is something she doesn't want and that's something her father just can't see. Running away seems to be the only answer, but in doing so she makes new friends and descovers that there is more to her life than meets the eye, a secret that only the gods know...

Molly McKitty2-Wrath of the GodsEver since Molly and Aurora left their cozey home in the palace something has been happening to their friends and father. Dalono has begun to take orders from a stranger who is now is royal advisor. Everything he says Dalono agrees to. Drake and Dariun seemed changed as well.And why have Gabrielle and Jacob seporated? What's happining to everyone? Can Molly and Aurora return home before it's to late?

Silver Moons For thousands of years there has been talke about the silver moons. There were said to have been the most powerful weapons ever created. For thousands of years the moons werer thought to have been lost but one family knows the secret location on the moons, but it won't be a secret for long...

~A Cry for Help~ Okay people this is one of my fist stories and I know it has a whole bunch of mistakes in it.

~Cheerleaders of the Corn~ What happens when your start to notice that something wierd is going on with your school's? The cheerleadrs have been acting alil' strange , almost like someone has taken controll of their brians...something evil. Can Priscilla and Jacob figure out what's wrong with their friends before it's to late?


Myteries of the Forgotten mind is just an area for the forgotten tales of our pasts. Perhaps you have a tale you would like to send in? Please feel free to do so. The more the better. Spaciba!