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Messages from the Emortal Soul


Mestery Of Mind
Something no one thinks of any more,
is the power of mind, the mysteries it stores.
Big and small,
dark and bright,
good and evil,
that's just about right.
Mystery of mind is key to both future and past,
mystery of mind,
it can dissaper fast.
mystery of mind,
it's home to both love and hate,
mystery of mind,
with out you it is dead.
because of mystery of mind,
it's all stored in your head.
By:Warrior Molly

From summer to fall
I thought we were the best of friends
but now I can see as the winter grows colder
so does your heart
and our friendship is over

Each day I try harder and harder to find
why our friendship died the reason why so blind
Was it something I said or did or do?
but I know the answer, it's simple and true
your cold dark heart holds room for only two.

I watch as you and my replacement walk by
fighting my strogest erges to cry
I look at you with a sad pleading eye
My soundless question a helpless why

Your evil sneer is the last I can take
Your deep purple eyes reviling your hate.
But why I still ask myself in my head
Now wishing you were rotting, or dying, or dead

Perhaps one day the answer will be clear
only then will my heatred be settled
but even though I hate you in my mind
in my heart, for forever, untill the end of time
you remain that friend forever in my mind.

By:Warrior Molly
(This poem is to a friend whom I once considred dear, you know who you are, but please I need to know why you hate me so!!!Why have you pushed me aside!?!If you are unclear to whom I am speeking here is your hit: purple eyes...)

Endless Love

Each night I lay an wonder
was it ment to be?
is it really true that you were ment for me?

Slowly I close my eyes and dream of me and you
only to have my dreams interupted by a rather loud boom
quickly I rush outside to find out what has happened
just in time to see you car drive into a tree.

Slowly you pull yourself from the flames of your car
and silently make your way over to me
my heart is pounding wildly as tears run down my face
knowing that you will soon be going to a better place

Why I ask the hevens
what have I done to you?
can't you see our love
so beautiful, so strong, so new!
you can't take him now
I need him more then ever
our love shall be strong
and lost longer than forever

I feel your hand hold mine
your grip so gental and weak
eyes ever so watery as you begin to speek

Our love is ment to be
please don't ever forget me
In my new home in the hevens above
I shall watch you until your time my love
Our love it is endless, you've known for a while
it shall go on for endless miles.

You close your sweet eyes and tilt back you head
as your grip falls from my hand
my mind is scream telling me it's over, you're dead.
I promis, forever I'll remember
forever and always until my last december.
By:Warrior Molly

Broken Dreams

For the longest of time I’ve loved you so,
but now I feel that you want me to go.
You make promises you don’t intend to keep,
my broken dreams baried, forgotten, and deep.

As I look into the sky and see the clouds begin to change,
I think of my spirit, my thoughts, and future pains.
Why must it all end so soon?
A loud crack of thunder sounding its boom.

I look out as the rain pours down onto my face,
looking down at my final resting place.
Far below the crashing of waves,
thinking hard, thinking back to the happy days.

But alas there are none of which I can remember,
down, down, below I gaze at the fait that awaits me,
far down below were my lungs fill with water,
deep down below were my broken dreams don’t matter,
under there forever is where I am to be,
dead below the water, under the surface of the sea.

You tell me I’m stupid, and worthless, and dumb,
that you held more intelligence than my head in your thumb.
To you my dreams were silly,
to different for you,
that my dreams should forever be locked in my head,
the my dreams should be broken, barried, and dead.

Forward I move pushing you from my mind,
forward and over the steep cliff side.
Down, down I fall to my watery grave,
knowing this life I can not save.

And it’s you they all blame for my horrible mistake,
it is you who shall someday meet my awful fait,
for it is you who shall forever in your mind and your
be haunted by my last and final screams.

By:Warrior Molly


For the moment the souls of this relm are at ease. Please, I would be very greatful if you would send me some of your work. Spaciba.
