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What do you say when someone asks you, "Do you belive in magic?" You probly say something like, "That stuff isn't real!" But your wrong. Magic is real, the only reason you can't see it is because you don't belive, maybe if everyone belived enough you might just find the magic within you never knew you had.

I am the Worrier and Princess Molly McKitty, my sister is the Sorrceress Aurora. We as I know are two of the last remaning beings who posses magic from the heart. And you must understand that magic from the heart is the strongest form of magic possible ^_^

The Spider's Webs
Warrior's Messages
Mysteries of the Forgotten Mind
Messages from the Eternal Soul
Doorways to other Relms
Eternal Speech
Win my award
We've got Spirit yes we do!!!
~WeeOne Moonlight Star*<~~
~~>Still in the making...

Please vote for me at the site fights. Thanx bunches. :)

~*~Last updated Febuary 14, 2000~*~
