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"Welcome To The Kastle Tower"

Thou hath Entered The Kastle Tower! As thou gazed about the tower window, overlooking the clouds in the sky, a Fire breathing Dragon had passed, but it was missed in a blink of an eye!

Merlin speaks the charm of making, hence weaves the dragons breathe to bring about the dragon for all to see! Ha-ha! Yes, that's it!

"Here Be Myth's of the Dragon!"

"Dragons".... Mythical monsters resembling giant reptiles, usually with wings and claws and able to breathe fire.... "The Myth".... You’d be forgiven for thinking that dragons are evil, ferocious beasts. However, in Asia, especially in China and Japan, these mythical animals are generally considered friendly creatures that ensure good luck and wealth. In the East people used to believe that dragons could leap over the Earth in one bound, that clouds were formed by dragons’ breath and that rain was made by the pressure of their feet.....In the west, it was considered and believed that wizards and sorcerers created the dragons and had control over them! Also, It was believed by some kingdoms that they must appease the dragons and ensure good crops and wealth through out the year by giving up offerings, blessings and gifts. If all else failed, they could send out the kastles best Knight, or send for help from the nearest wizard, or sorcerer!

"The Legend and Tale of King Arthur and Camelot.."

Excalibur; the legend of King Arthur, Merlin and the days of Camelot, of a time when magic and sorcery ruled the earth. Excalibur, the sword of kings since the dawn of time, forged by the gods, fortold and evoked by the wizard Merlin from the lady of the lake and given to Arthur, King of England. King Arthur, the son of Uther Pendragon and of Igraine of Lionesse. Born at Tintagel and entrusted to Merlin who carried him away to the castle of Sir Hector de Mowen, where the young prince was brought up as a child of the house. He proved to be the lawful King of England by drawing the sword from the stone and founded the Knights of the Round Table of which the members had to adhere to the strict rules which governed that fellowship, the basis of which was the love of God, men and of Noble deeds. He was husband to the Queen Quinevere and betrayed by his loyal friend, Sir Lancelot du lake. King Arthur died in the final battle against his evil nephew, Sir Mordred at Slauterbridge, near Tintagel. The Mighty sword Excalibur, was thrown back in to the hands of the mystic lady of the lake from which it was received. Hence, became the legend of "Excalibur"......Through the centuries, the story of King arthur and the Knights of the Round Table have inspired poets and artists alike. It inspired me to write my poems and to create this web page....I hope that it inspires you as well. Or, at least that you have enjoyed it anyway......yes, thats it!

"Kastle Armoury and Thine Treasure.."

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Here be the armour of the Baron. He stores it here in the tower for future use against the enemies of the real'm and has it polished frequently by the squires! He also comes up here on occasion to look for Dragons, enemies of the realm' and to dream of the wizard, Merlin....The Baron had the great fortune of meeting him when King Arthur and his Knights sought refuge at the Baron's kastle while in search of and on the quest for the "Holy Grail"....Now, stay yourselves back.. here be Herr Baron's treasure's and schwert ~sword~ below!

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