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Breaking the Baby Contract

I don't know why, but this scene, as sad as it is, is one of my favorites. Maybe it's because poor Mason beats up on himself so much. It's kind of sad. Anyway, the scene takes place in 1987, following the Gus Jackson trial, where Mason was trying to put Gus away for a holdup. Julia, of course, thought Gus to be innocent. As things turned out, Mason and Julia fought during the case and some harsh words were shared. This is the aftermath of the trial, after it was revealed that Julia was right and that Gus was innocent. Mason feels terrible for almost putting an innocent man in jail. Read on and enjoy.

Julia is seen slowly walking into what I assume to be the Capwell living room. Mason sits across the room, his back to her, looking pensive. My tape picks up after Julia's line, which I am almost certain that she asks Mason why he didn't participate in the after trial goings on.

Mason looks troubled, his back is still to Julia, who stands across the room. "I didn't want to intrude."

Julia, clutching her jacket, looks at Mason, and says softly, "You wouldn't have."

At that, Mason turns to look at Julia. "Well..." He pauses, then asks in a concerned voice, "You okay?"

Forcing out a slight laugh, Julia reassures Mason. "Lionel's alive and all is right with the world. At least for now." Julia suddenly turns serious and a bit apprehensive. Turning away from Mason, she drapes her coat on a piece of furniture. "I'm sorry that you've had to listen to me do all that premature mourning."

Mason stands up and crosses the room to stand in front of Julia, who faces him. "I didn't mind. I said I wanted to be with you; I meant it."

Whispering very softly, Julia looks at Mason. "I know."

Mason, who seems to be mocking himself and discarding his involvement, continues in a self-depreciating manner. "Glad to be a port in the storm..."

Julia can't seem to take his attitude and quickly interrupts. "Don't."

Mason pretends not to know what Julia means. "What?"

Julia answers, "Don't get sardonic." Looking away, she struggles to regain her composure. Calm again, she speaks. "I want to tell you something..." She looks Mason in the eye, as if to show him she is serious, "...and it isn't a joke."

Mason is intent on making things difficult on himself. "Something like I told you so?"

Her eyes focused still on Mason, Julia answers simply, "No."

"Well, then you're more generous than I am, Julia." Mason walks away from her and goes across the room, his back to Julia. "I was wrong about Gus and you were right. Not only was I wrong, I was outrageously, obstinately, and stupidly wrong."

From across the room, Julia lowers her gaze. She is clearly uncomfortable with Mason's self-loathing. She walks over to where Mason still stands and attempts to lighten the mood. "Well, wh...when you make a mistake, you go all the way, don't you?"

Mason is still in his dark mood. "Only when those mistakes turn out to be disasters and near tragedies." He turns to face Julia again.

Julia looks at Mason's face, which is drawn and sad-looking. "You're blaming yourself for what happened this morning?"

"You have to admit that I'm...uh...a good deal responsible for Mr. Zachary Carey being on the streets and in action as long as he was."

Julia seems a bit desperate to make Mason feel better. "Look, I don't mean to play Devil's Advocate. But you said you were just doing your job. I don't believe that you had any ulterior motive in wanting to find Gus guilty."

Mason stares at Julia. His voice is disbelieving and flat. "So, you don't hold anything against me?"

Julia watches Mason's reaction. "No, obviously you're your own most severe judge." She pauses briefly. "Anyway, I didn't come here to talk about this case. I came here to talk about us."

Mason is a bit wary. "I thought we were talking about us."

With a look of repentance and a bit of shame, Julia hesitantly begins to explain. "About what I said regarding the baby..."

The scene shows Mason and Julia standing across from each other, face to face. The air seems to have a touch of desolation and sadness to it. Mason mutters, "Our mutual fantasy child..."

Her voice quivering at Mason's saddened, flat tone, Julia tries to explain the reason for her angry words she had previously thrown at Mason. "I the heat of the trial."

Mason is maddeningly understanding, knowing what was said may have been deserved, yet almost like he thought he deserved even more of Julia's wrath. His self-esteem seems to have been deflated. "Don't apologize. I understand why you said what you did. I'm surprised you were so restrained."

Julia is clearly upset and a bit excited by Mason's seeming acceptance of all the blame in their quarrel. Her voice shakes a bit. "Restrained?! I was out of my mind! I...I..." Julia manages to calm down before she continues, "I knew I was gonna lose."

Mason continues to stare at Julia. His voice is all-knowing, yet despondent, as he analyzes Julia's motives. "That was part of it."

Julia's eyes are sad. "I was...also upset with you because you were taunting me."

Mason stands perfectly still, giving nothing away. "That's another part."

At Mason's response, Julia gazes away for a second and gives what sounds to be a forced laugh, and once again meets Mason's eyes. "You're being very understanding. Do you..." She pauses, looking away and back again, and continues, "...know something I don't know?"

Mason's self-punishment reaches a new level, as he lays it all out for Julia. "Oh, I think you know it quite well. I think most of your anger came out of disillusionment with me." Mason walks by Julia again. "You were...uh...realizing what I am or...remembering, rather." Julia is stunned that Mason believes what he is actually saying, and shakes her head as if to deny his claim. Her eyes look like they are filling with tears. Mason faces her, continuing his assessment. "You had allowed yourself to forget long enough to see me as the noble father-to-be with your beautiful baby-to-be. So there you were, losing your case along with your illusions." Julia again shakes her head in disbelief, but is silent. Mason seems not to notice, he is so into his speech. "That must've been devastating. I blame myself for that, too. I should've been better about protecting you from me...but something in me liked having you think so highly of me." Mason's voice is full of self-recrimination, sadness, and also, wistfulness. It is obvious he thinks that he has lost Julia's respect and is hurt by that. "So here you are...stuck with the realization of what I really am." His tone now defeated, his eyes bleak, he concludes, "At least you won't make that mistake again."

A deeply emotional Julia tries to speak, but can't. After a moment, her voice filled with tears, she says, "Mason..."

Mason misunderstands, blinded by his lack of self-worth. "Don't worry about it. I don't have any hard feelings. I know what you want...and I think the uh...the easiest thing for me to do is um...let you have it without having to spell it out. I'm releasing you from our contract, Julia. As of now."

As a dejected Mason walks away, Julia is left standing alone in shock...and very close to crying.

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