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Nancy Lee Grahn as Julia and Lane Davies, Terry Lester, and Gordon Thomson as Mason

Welcome to the transcript page. Below are the current completed scenes, all of them favorites of mine. For anyone who never saw Mason and Julia or just wants to relive certain scenes, this is the place to do it. I hope you enjoy the scenes I have listed below.

First Meeting

Happy Birthday!

Rendezvous in the DA's Office (AKA Samantha's conception!)

Breaking The Baby Contract

Christmas Eve, 1986

Courtroom Confession

Bonding in an Elevator

Christmas Eve, 1987

Glass Slipper

Love and Remarriage

After Samantha's Birth

Mason Battles His Demons

Saying I Love You...

Mason's Stolen Heart

One For The Lonesome Road

Clear Springs: Mason Gets Help
Contributed and transcribed by Carrie!

For more transcripts with Mason and/or Julia with others, please go here.

There will be more transcripts put up in the near future, so please keep checking back. Thank you for visiting.

Mason and Julia

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