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Courtroom Confession

Time: Late 1987. By this time, Mason is unhappily married to Victoria Lane. To that end, Mason handles this situation, as well as the return of his mother, Pamela, and the problems that he is having with his current case, in true Mason-like fashion. He gets drunk. When Julia finds him, he is lying on the judge's bench, the courtroom in total darkness, save for a faint light. Julia, rather than being angry, seems merely concerned and a bit exasperated.

As Julia walks toward the judge's bench, she stops next to Mason, who seems to be sleeping. As she gently strokes the hair out of his face, Julia tries to rouse him. "Mason. Oh, Mason."

Mason turns toward Julia. With a slight grin on his face, he slurs, "Hi, Mom!"

Julia puts her chin in her hand and shakes her head. Despite herself, she cannot help but laugh. "I'm not your mother."

Mason counters in satisfaction, "But I know whose mother you are."

Julia smiles and shyly fidgets before she speaks again. "Building security called your place to see if Victoria could pick you up and she wasn't home, so guess who they called?" Julia smiles again and tries to lighten the mood by joking about Mason's inebriation.

"Listen, if you wanted to celebrate, I would've been game. We could celebrate with, well, chairs, perhaps...some food water, preferably."

Mason simply smirks, asking, "Did we win?"

Julia gazes at Mason and answers, "You, my friend, fell off the wagon."

As usual, Mason tries to be flip. "That was no wagon, that was my wife." Seeing Julia smiling a bit sadly, Mason explains, "It was a joke."

Julia shakes her head. Her voice is sympathetic as she disputes Mason's claim of a joke. "No, it wasn't."

Mason looks at Julia, who gazes back. He asks her, "You disappointed in me?"

In a low voice, Julia looks at Mason with barely concealed affection. Her answer is low, but clear. "No. But our client might be, but you're not gonna do this again tomorrow. Nah."

Julia shakes her head and rolls her eyes to the ceiling, though a soft smile remains in place. Then she sighs, looking once more at Mason. She seems curious to know just why Mason handles the events of his life as he does.

"Mason, why do you always do these kinds of things? When things go bad, you drink and swear and when things go well, you drink and...sleep."

Mason answers Julia's question with one of his own. "Does something go well?"

Julia seems a bit saddened by Mason's question, but she tries to reassure him. "Your mother came back and because of that, Keith Timmons' case is dead in the water."

Mason begins to rant, a little. "Water, water, water. You have this fixation with water. Apparently, my mother does, too. She tried to do herself in by water." His voice, though still a bit slurred, is resolute. "Not me. I'll go by firewater."

Julia's face looks pensive and sad as Mason continues, "I wonder what her last thoughts were. I wonder if she thought about her little boy and his little red wagon?"

Julia can only repeat, "She came back."

Mason is quick with his thoughts about his mother's return. "But not, methinks, to me." With that, Mason begins to sit up and lets out a small groan. "You stay here. I'll try to be...uh, back in about an hour..."

All the while that Mason issues this command, he struggles to get off the bench and stand. As Julia tells him, "Mason, they're gonna lock the doors!", Mason falls into Julia's arms. The air crackles as they stand within the circle of each other's arms, their gazes locked. Finally, with a surprisingly strong voice, Mason still looking into Julia's eyes, gives her an order. "Unhand me."

Julia slowly takes her hands from around Mason and puts them up, as if to show him her hands are no longer on him. Mason extricates his tie from between Julia and the bench. Mason informs Julia, "I'm not going home. I'm going back to the source." He still stands close to Julia, despite no contact.

Julia is curious. "What source?"

"Of me." A hint of bitterness is laced through Mason's words. "The horse's mouth, the great C.C. Capwell. He who knows all and sees all. At least, he knows something. And he's seeing someone."

The room is silent once more, and as Julia and Mason stare into each other's eyes again, it is broken by a heartfelt confession from Mason, who stuns Julia with the words, "I wish you loved me."

Mason reaches past Julia for his jacket, her stunned eyes on him. Mason turns away, and while he is leaving the courtroom, shrugs awkwardly into his jacket. Before exiting, he turns back to Julia. "I'm sorry. I can't help it if I'm drowning. It's genetic."

Julia stands alone in the middle of the darkened courtroom. Unheard by Mason, almost inaudible, Julia whispers, "I do love you."

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