The world is a crazy place but the question is how to keep connected to it when emotions causes one to feel the weight of the world.
The Ben/Glory story arc brought the theme of this season of identity, connections, and family to the forefront.
You could see that Ben and Glory were too separate entities throughout the season. But Wotw conveyed this seperation. The significance of B/G seperation could be seen when Spike went to Glory to check out if she was still present. In all the mass of her ever shining decadence of decor, Bens room was a plain, dim-lit one. An isolated jail cell replica with just a small little bed, his scrubs, a nightstand.
Ben from Spiral to the scabby minion “You know why I wanted to be a doctor….to be close to people to feel what their feeling to be a part of everyday humanity”
This tragic situation conveys Ben as a mortal, who could never be fully incorporated into the human society that he wanted to be a part of b/c of his fate (a body used as a vessel for a hellgod). Ben the doctor isolated from society but infected with human emotions. B/c of his emotions he wanted to enter a work field that requires an amount of great empathy in which he could meet and form connections with a variety of people. What’s questionable was why summon a Queller demon to kill the mass of crazies that Glory was responsible for creating. Was it seeing the increase amount of insane people that he was a part of b/c his body was used by Glory? The guilt probably weighed down on him and through an ambiguous act of erasing the pain that he was involuntary the cause of, he summoned the demon to erase it. It must have been conflicting for Ben to try to uphold aspects of humanity and order only to find his efforts were sabotaged each time Glory morphed and took control over his body and created chaos and destroyed humanity.
Glory on the other hand self involved and devoid of humanity in her large apartment revealed the mentality of her warped mind for power, and her use of it to destroy and create chaos, crushing and annihilating anything that stood in her way of her key.
Now that Ben and Glory barriers are crumbling and becoming less separate, both are becoming less isolated and each are feeling the effects of each others experience or feelings. Glory is feeling Ben’s feelings of humanity, which she feels is a disease and Ben who is feeling the destruction that Glory caused with the KOB.
What’s interesting in the Weight of the World is the parallelism of the Ben and Glory morphing scenes that help to tie into together the theme (identity, connections, and family) of the season that has been relayed through the main characters of the season , with Buffy, Dawn and Spike with the most screen time in this area to some extent.
In the scene when Glory is with Dawn, the theme became more apparent to me as Glory is beginning to become infected by the humanity of Ben.
Glory: “That hurt my feelings I’m not supposed to feel anything I’m immortal I’m above it”
Glory to Dawn: “It’s b/c of you, you’ve been hanging with the wicca and forcing some majic…wait it isn’t that……
Glory to the minion : “He’s infecting me get him out of me”
“I don’t see how you mortals take it with your phermones and hormones ”
“Is this what Poets go on about ….this” (Glory placing her hand over her heart)
“People are puppets everyone getting jerked about by what their feeling…with your guilt and empathy (human weaknesses)”
Ben : “Your wrong Glory This is humanity your feeling”
The dialogue listed above had me drawing the parallelism of Spike character when first introduced into BTVS to his present state .
Because a vampire is a human/demon hybrid, when vamped one is left paralyzed in his present mental and emotional maturity the time he or she was turned.
What’s unique about Spike is that he was first introduced as the vamp who seemed more human b/c of his affection and sacrificial love for Dru. And in S2 we have Spike, Dru, and Doyle and Angelus standing before the judge. All, except the latter, were accused of reaking of humanity. Angelus was devoid of humanity before he was turned he was void of human emotions with mentality of rebelling against the humane person his father wanted him to be. Doyle got burned for his humanity. Dru wasn’t because she was insane (the key to chaos catatonia) and Spike got away from being burned b/c of his love’s bitch speech for Dru (chaos).
The point I’m getting at is even though the demon is apart of the vamp, could others be more infected with the human weaknesses that carry over as a disease in its vamped state. If so, could the vamp be in struggle with this infection, separate this entity away from the demon a la Ben vs. Glory? Could this infection spread as a disease becoming more powerful than the demon possession itself?
The vampire religious ritual from School hard (season 2) that had the following chant relays this infection carried over: "Saint Vigeous, you who murdered so many, we beseech you, cleanse us of our weaknesses: mercy, compassion and pity."
It was apparent that Spike could love and he had those weakness only for Dru but he kept this as a separate entity for over a century from the demon in the throws of his vamp society that could burn his affection from him at any moment for displaying such weaknesses in any other area. So he crushed them and remade himself as the Big Bad b/c it is survival of the fittest and Spike was a survivor.
In S2, When Buffy asked why was Spike aligning with her against Angelus and Dru in their plot to unleash chaos upon the world he responded :
“I like this world….a bunch of happy meals on legs”
Willow to Anya “ I thought maybe you would become accustomed to acting more human…some of us actually seem to enjoy it (Triangle)
Even in S2 and S4, Spike seemed to be of the world even though he wasn’t apart of the human society. The time he was turned was a pervasion of romantic poets. He displayed appreciation of the world to some extent. Whether it was watching Passions or Dawson’s Creek (both shows reaking of human affections and human weaknesses) , taking pleasures in human foods while most vamps were ruled by blood thirst, surrounding himself with happy meals on legs when he was chipped in S4 and S5 b/c of his social nature after demons rejected him, keeping up with slang of the time , or engaging in a conversation with the Slayer’s mom over a nice cup of cocoa in S2 when unchipped while waiting for the slayer as a temporary ally to stop Dru unleash of chaos on the world etc…all this were clues of his appreciation of aspects of the human world forshadowing hints of his humanity he is slowly gaining . Being chipped was Spike’s key back into humanity a chance to evolve from frozen mental paralysis he had since he was turned
What’s significant in Intervention and Weight of the World is Spike alteration in the words to this world from S2 to our world S5.
For example Spike quotes of S5:
“IN this our majic world” when talking to Giles about the Doc
“In our world you’re an idiot” when talking to Glory in Intervention
Choice of the word *this* to the word *our*conveys Spike change as a outcast unconnected to the humanity of the human society to allied member of society connected to humanity.
S4 Spike was shown living among humans in humanity battling and masking separated entities ( the demon and the infection of human weaknesses). The point of the chip was to show that in the initial acceptance into the SG that he could be evil regardless of the chip. That’s what the Yoko factor was all about. His failed success of alliance with Adam and the mind games he did with the SG to get the chip out revealed the demon in complete control at the time. But b/c of Buffy caught on to his plan Buffy defeated Adam. Spike could have gotten a royal staking for this but little did we know what rollercoaser the writers had in store for us in the evolution of Spike in S5
Buffy the vampire slayer: symbol and defender of humanity
Season 2 (S2)Spike alliance with the slayer (humanity) was a turning point for him. Which was apparent when the war was over. Spike left with Dru (catatonia) and Dru accused him of not pushing the slayer (humanity) away from his mind. This is revealed in the following flashback scene of FFL.
IN FFL, the flashback scene was setting up the character development of Spike of S5
Dru “ Why won’t you push her (humanity) away”
Spike : I did pet, I did it for you (symbol of catatonia and chaos stupor of human weaknesses). You’re the one who keeps reminding me….she’s (humanity) on the other side of the planet Dru!
Dru “But your lying I can see her (humanity)floating all around you, laughing …You taste like ashes….When I look at you all I see is the slayer (humanity)”
This conversation was forshadowing of Spike’s character development. But, how could he evolve to any form of the humanity due to his frozen mentality at the time? Well they chipped the character forcing him to be surrounded by humans and in S5 human weaknesses (the virus left over from William) suppressed by Spike were allowed to resurface in each experience in S5
Doug Petrie set up the beginning of the this plot arc with forshadowing lines in No Place Like Home [NPLH]and Fool For Love [FFL]
These lines were forshadowing the future progression Spike becoming less self involved and coming out of the mental frozen phase he was stuck in for over a century , due to his outcast from society.
Buffy :Out for a walk by my house William (Spike wincing at the sound of the former name) [NPLH]
Spike “Apart from your self involved world view, your house happens to be between parts and other parts of town…besides I feel as though I’m out growing my whole burst into flame phase” [NPLH]
Boxer Rebellion Spike “When’s the last time you unleashed? .. all that fight in the mob.. nothing but fist and fangs ….now your getting it” [FFL]
Spike to Buffy “When your looking for fun there’s death, glory, and sod all else…I was young then” [FFL]
Looks like the writers were preparing him to the present state he is. Evolving from the burst into flames self involved Spike ….killing for love , to the Spike willing to die for love. A Selfless blind unconditional, love for Buffy and Dawn, willing to risk suicide for the person he loved even though there was no guarantee they will love him back, deciding to accept torture to the death instead of risking the Summers women take it so hard on the chin. Not just going into battle to slash and bash just for fun and glory for a spot of violence…but going into battle out of blind, selfless, unrequited love (feelings of humanity—human weaknesses-compassion, mercy,pity)
This progression can be seen throughout the episodes of the season:
Episode Out Of My Mind- In this episode Spike was in his burst into flame phase. He had a self –involved world view of getting the chip out and ousting the slayer (humanity).
Spike in his state of catatonia was continuously ranting about Buffy (symbol of humanity) haunting him and how he can’t get rid of her (Dru’s ghostlike quote of the slayer or humanity floating all around him).
He grabs Harmony out of frustration and claims that this has got to end. And uses Harmony for sex.
This has got to end was similar to Glory’s quote of the lunatics looking for a fast way out b/c they are being ruled by what they are feeling or slaves to what they are feeling looking for a fast way out b/c they can’t take it anymore. Listed is the conversation to Glory.
Glory “Is this what the Poets go on about ….this” (Glory placing her hand over her heart)
“People are puppets. Everyone getting jerked about by what their feeling…with your guilt and empathy (human weaknesses)”
Glory : “I don’t see how some of you can take it”
Dawn: “Some?”
Glory “Yeah cause when I look around and see the world you all are so eager to be apart of, all I see is 6 billion lunatics trying to get a fast ride out of this place…whether it’s booze, shooting up or just plain shooting each other or screwing their brains out b/c they don’t want them anymore…Name one person who can take it here.. one ?” Dawn “Buffy” [defender and symbol of humanity]
Aside from the smoking I agree to some extent on how this dialogue between Glory and Dawn relates to Spike’s character development and to some aspect the reality of the human society.
Buffy was shown in a state of catatonia ( A form of schizophrenia characterised by stupor, with outbreaks of excitement.)and the use of this dialogue between Glory and Dawn could pervay a connection or parallelism between the two by Petrie. With the feelings of being puppets of humans emotions and everyone acting on feelings of humanity, could the fact of not knowing how to handle it all at some point through isolation, rejection, lose of loved one etc… results in to the point of turning to booze and shooting up to block reality out and to help paralyze ones uncontrollable human feelings, shooting or killing one another to desensitize our feelings of humanity , and pointless promiscuous sex to numb us of actually becoming involved emotionally and unable to truly fall in love. Is it b/c one weighed to the world by these emotions to the point of going insane unable to separate reality vs. unreal that one could resort to a form of losing one’s humanity and resorting to chaos and wanting it all to end.
Well, with Spike in OOMM and throughout other episodes resembled a lunatic resorting to things according to Glory (aka hellgod symbol of chaos) as ways to help him suppress and crush the humanity that affects him due to virus left over from William that Spike struggles or battles with throughout the season. After his failed attempt of killing the slayer b/c of the chip, He dreams of Buffy.
Spike relays seeing Buffy (the humanity) everyday, every time he turned around (surrounding him, floating all around him?)was torture and to take him out of world that has her in it . But Spike does the unexpected and says he loves Buffy (humanity).
Sometimes dreams are the reflections subconscious , was Rebecca Kirshand trying to pervay that Spike actually likes the humane part of himself, even though he trys to reject or crush it. In S4, Spike hung out at the bronze surrounded by humans but at the same time drowning or crushing his humanity with booze.
After out of my mind, this is where the infection of William’s humanity starts to slowly creep in.
Episode NPLH- Although Spike had one scene this scene by DP was the setup for meltdown of the frozen mentality that Spike had after turning his back on society
Here are the quotes:
Buffy :Out for a walk by my house William (Spike has a look of brief shock)
Spike “Apart from your self involved world view your house happens to be between parts and other parts of this town…besides I feel as though I’m out growing my whole burst into flame phase”
Looks like here Spike’s been stuck in the phase of self involvement paralyzed in a state of catatonia & was about to evolve to Grey Spike
Episode Family- A Jossinian episode (aka god of Buffyverse) In family what’s significant about family was at the majic shop when Tara family announces she had demon in her and were going to take her away against her will. Buffy the matriarch announced Tara’s family was going to have to go through her before taking Tara away.
Tara father McClay says “We are Tara’s blood kin …Who the hell are you”
Buffy “We’re family” (Screenshot of Spike in the background of the SG)
What’s significant as Buffy (symbol of humanity ) says Tara wasn’t going anywhere and the rest of the SG agreed . Spike replies in a state of catatonia “not me…I don’t care what happens”
Anya says to narrow down what kind of demon Tara is b/c some are very evil and others have been considered useful members of society. Then we cut to Spike who says let's make it simple and punches Tara in the face feeling the effects of the chip, revealing she wasn't a demon, and revealing Tara's family partriachial scheme.
This action relays the Ben vs. Glory vs. Spike’s demon vs. Infection of William morphing out of seperated entities battling between crushing human weaknesses and catatonia of not caring. Like Glory Spike’s demon says they don’t care human emotions are stupid. Why get involved when everyone is blind guided by their emotions vs. Ben and Spike’s infection of human weaknesses (compassion mercy pity) whom can’t help but become involve? So Spike relays he doesn’t care after Buffy (symbolism of humanity) says she does. But overcome by his human weaknesses, he helps to resolve the crisis.
Now was Joss like Mcclays father mentality of evil is evil or was he narrowing it down. With Spike a vampire demon considered evil his act of helping out was ambiguous and grey withing itself. But now looking back on the episodes it was implied where the plot for Spike was heading. Grey Spike being considered a useful (allied) member of the (society) family of Buffy.
This episode set the theme of identity and family.
Earlier in the season The Replacement introduced the dagon sphrere. A device that seperates the body into two separate entities. The demon who used the device was trying to aim it Buffy to separate the slayer from the human. Spike was almost hit by the dagon sphrere, but it missed him. At the time, we knew of the demon part of Spike, but what other entity was apart of Spike that made him ambiguous at times.? When Xander was hit we have goofy, clumsy Xander seperated from cool and responsible Xander. Neither did we know that in FFl we were going to see the unknown entity that was apart or an infection of Spike.
Episode FFL –IN FFl Buffy comes to Spike to ask how he bested the slayers.
Buffy : “Were you born a pain in the ass”
Spike : “What can I tell you baby I’ve always been bad”
Then we have a flashback of William (bookish, bloody awful poet, blindly in love with Cecily, teased by his peers and not accepted yet still lover of humanity, not wanting to get involve with such dark ugly business of society b/c he was a little self-involved, mama’s boy)
What’s the turning point was after his rejection of Cecily or one can think society. He was approached by Dru (catatonia) , and he gave in to the paralyses of not caring for humanity anymore. He wanted out b/c he couldn’t take being a puppet being ruled by what he was feeling , he wanted out. He gave into catatonia, paralyzed or frozen in the same mental state of William, and turned into a vampire. He suppressed the infection of humanity for humans in society of leftover memories of William and redefined himself as Spike (slasher and a basher crushing slayers (symbol of humanity)) becoming self involved in his own world view. But he wasn’t ashamed of being love’s bitch for Dru in his vamp society b/c he was only allowed to love catatonia.
After telling the slayer how he bested the slayers Spike tries to make a move on the slayer, slayer rejects him the same as cecily.
Cecily “You’re nothing to me William your beneath me”
Slayer “It wouldn’t be you Spike, it would never be you…your beneath me”
Here was the turning point for Spike. With Cecily’s rejection he went for catatonia and wanted out of society b/c he could not take being a puppet ruled by what he was feeling and constant rejection and isolation. With the slayer (symbol of humanity), would he want to crush his humanity again and slip into catatonia after the slayer rejected him and hurt his feelings?
Glory: “That hurt my feelings I’m not supposed to feel anything I’m immortal I’m above it”
Glory to Dawn: “It’s b/c of you, you’ve been hanging with the wicca and forcing some majic…wait it isn’t that……
Glory to the minion : “The human (Ben or William) meatsack is infecting me get him out of me”
This paralleled to Spike when he had the gun ready to kill Buffy b/c of hurting his feelings ( self-involved and in his burst into flame phase)
Harmonty “Fine…. you had every chance to kill her…you had plenty of chances ”
Spike stops dead in his tracks and has a flashback of what Dru said.
Dru “ Why won’t you push her (humanity) away”
Spike : I did pet, I did it for you (symbol of catatonia and chaos stupor of human weaknesses). You’re the one who keeps reminding me….she’s (humanity) on the other side of the planet Dru!
Dru “But your lying I can see her (humanity)floating all around you, laughing …You taste like ashes….When I look at you all I see is the slayer (humanity)”
Spike at the Summers house has the gun ready to kill Buffy until she looks up and is crying about her mom.
Right then the two separate entities of Spike (William paralyzed emotions left over vs. Spike’s demon) were in conflict. Instead of resorting for revenge at the symbol of humanity that rejected him, his human weaknesses left over that he tried to keep suppress around the SG and Buffy came out from hiding. The weaknesses of compassion, mercy, and pity.
That experience was the catalyst for Spike to attempt to outgrow his burst into flame phase
Episode Triangle- Here’s is where Spike is wrestling with his attempted progression from bursting into flames. 1st scene he is uses the mannequin as a prop for Buffy. Because of his humanity of guilt of seeing Buffy take it hard on the chin b/c of him showing Riley toddling along with vamp hos. But at the same time becoming tempermental at the mannequin (banging it on the head) when he evisioned an amount of blame from Buffy if he insulted Riley. He sighs then starts over at the apology again. 2nd scene is with Xander and Spike, he’s trying to pump Xander for information on the slayer while at the same time is letting Xander use him as a soundboard. It’s interesting to note the booze that Spike is drinking at the time. Probably relays back to Glory about people being puppets to their emotions and some not being able to take it and wanting a state of catatonia or stupor b/c they don’t want those feelings anymore. And sure enough Spike says he’s paralyzed for not caring when Xander says Spike could take the troll out. 3rd scene, Buffy arrives Spike tries to make amends but fails and steps back. Buffy fights the troll which Spike jumps in at the moment to help but at the same time copping a feel on Buffy when she lands on him (pretty self involved move in a time of chaos).
Spike is not sampling off of the bleeding the disaster victim he is attending b/c he knew Buffy wouldn’t like it when the troll leaves. Buffy calls him disgusting for wanting credit for the act and leaves.
Willow to a catatonia Buffy –“Guilt its important but its not all of it…”
At this instant Spike comes out of the self involved mental paralyses stays and helps the victim anyway (human weakness morphing and taking the place of self involved Spike).
Glory vs. Ben can be paralleled to Spike actions in Triangle. As Spike is wrestling with catatonia (telling the troll the hospital is where he can find babies, telling Xander he would be glad if Xander impaled hisself on rake so he can eat him, copping a feel with Buffy in a time of crisis) and human weaknesses (being somewhat empathetic to Xander’s women problems, trying to apologize to Buffy,helping the bleeding disaster victim)at various points. It’s important to note that human weakness have the last say in the matter.
Helping the bleeding disaster victim was the first selfless act by Spike. His first way of actually seeing the individual as a human and not a happy meal on legs . Someone whom he had no connections with. Looks like Spike can be grey and outgrow his burst into flames phase. With such a humane act, maybe he can evolve from the boy paralyses to the man.
Episode Checkpt.- A episode by Doug Petrie and Jane Epenson decided to give Spike some responsibility.
Buffy: “I need your help…you have to protect them”
Spike: “Well that’s boatload of manly responsibility to come flying out of nowhere..What’s the matter slayer not feeling a hundred percent”
Buffy: “You’re the only one strong enough (in human weaknesses) to protect them”
Buffy (symbol of humanity) unknowingly is aiding Spike in his progression of outgrowing his prepubescent, self-involved, burst into flame phase. In desperation Buffy tells Spike to protect her family at her crypt. Already Joss’s theme of family and connections is filtering through in this episode. Spike is being seen as a useful member of society and portrayed as a trusted ally family member stepping in to help in a time of crisis. Buffy leaves and Joyce and Spike watch passions together, while Dawn “bitty Buffy” Sits down impatiently.
Episode Bloodties- Family and connections theme filters through this episode also. Spike after helping Buffy in a time of crisis, while lurking (becoming obsessed with humanity ) about in front of her house comes across Dawn sneaking out.
Ben vs. Glory parallesim revisited in Spike:
Here Spike out of his human weaknesses that he is allowing to infect him takes pity and compassion on Dawn. A pretty self involved and still naughty Spike goes to the majic shop to steal something for himself, but he also goes b/c he knows Dawn will do it anyway regardless and goes with her to protect her from evil nasties. Dawn going not to steal but to read Gile’s journal and finds out she is the key. Buffy goes and plays kick the Spike, but Spike not knowing Dawn was the key tells Buffy she should have been honest with Dawn in the first place.
Theme of connection and family is when Buffy (symbol of humanity) is keeping Spike connected to humanity with her involving him in protection of her family and Spike being used as a trusted ally in the process. And in Checkpt and Bloodties, Spike isn’t paid and he doesn’t ask for cash to help in the family crisis. He helps in the search for Dawn, assures Buffy she’ll find Dawn, and attempts but fail in helping to battle Glory. But Dawn is saved due to Willow.
Things are going smooth for Spike but his initiation of becoming a useful member of society is not complete. Crush, IWMTLY , Forever, Intervention was where we get the favorite beat down of one’s favorite character. A test that only makes them stronger and more human from the experience
Episode Crush- This episode was the beginning of the test. Yeah, we know Spike likes humanity and can do good things but is it just a crush? …. or is it real love?
Obstacle course begins.
Crush was an episode that was used as parallelism of FFl scene of William at his point of rejection and his choice of catatonia and leaving society. Here Ben vs. Glory will morph in and out during this episode a la Spikes demon vs. the human body that still has the infection of the memories and feelings of William left over.
Spike at the bronze sees Buffy (humanity) and tries to have a conversation with her only to be turned away. The SG (connections to humanity) are oblivious to him and doesn’t see his change in attire b/c they don’t actual see him as a member of their group. He is still seen as very evil. Xander even calls him the evil dead and Spike leaves.
Dawn who sees Spike as a friend visits his crypt. Spike tries to turn her away and says he has bad evil things to do and it is not for a child eyes. Dawn says she isn’t a child and she isn’t an original human. Spike sees her distress and out of his human weakness doesn’t treat her as an alien and give her sound advice which Dawn appreciates. But also self involved Spike continues to let her stay b/c he wants to see what Buffy says about him and he gets lost in his storytelling of his Glory (catatonia) days of slashing and bashing.
Buffy locates Dawn at Spike’s crypt and Buffy tells Dawn it isn’t cool to hang with something evil and a vampire. Dawn dismisses Buffy lecture and tells Spike has a crush on her.
Buffy confronts Spike about his crush .
Here is where David Fury makes parallelisms of Spike’s progression from his burst into flame phase and wrestling between his two separate entities.
Spike admits the crush and tries to tell her he loves her (humanity) and she becomes wigged out and rejects him. Spike wants to talk it out but Buffy says there is no we and he doesn’t know what feelings are and abandons him.
What’s significant about this event is this was the same way William was rejected by Cecily and Spike was experiencing the same rejection from Buffy.
After both rejection Dru (symbol of catatonia and paralysis )shows up. William chose the catatonia, but the turning point was will Spike repeat the past? Is he still in his mental paralysis or catatonic stupor of abandoning humanity? ..has he made any strides of growing out of his burst into flame phase?
Guide to the slayer- (symbol of humanity )“You are full of love it is your’s blinding,risk the pain” (Intervention)
Dru “You were made to slash and bash…. bleed like beautiful poetry” (IWMTLY love Buffy? (humanity))
Spike “Yeah….But the pain love it’s blinding searing”
Dru “Electricity lies it tells you’re not a bad dog but you are… I trust in eyes and heart alone”
Here is where the Battling of separate entities come into play a la Ben vs. Glory.
Glory or Spike’s demon resurfacing:
Dru takes him to the Bronze. What’s significant about this is the scene is that Spike walks in with an assurance b/c he is back on a path that is familiar to him. Dru makes a teenage couple known to Spike and she kills the couple and gives Spike the girl to feed on.
Ben or William’s infection of human weaknesses
Resurfaces as Dru hands Spike the girl. There is a look of shock and Spike hesitates.. He looks up and Dru stops feeding with an expression of what are you waiting for. Here is the goth queen of the damn that he loved for over a century who had come to take him from humanity again b/c humanity had rejected him.
Glory resurfaces or Spike’s demon comes out Knowing that he had no more ties to humanity he gives in and starts to feed.
Then we have a scene of Buffy (state of humantity) entering his crypt to really cut him off completely. Out of curiosity she looks around his crypt to find a shrine built of her and is appalled.
She comes back from the tunnel to find Spike waiting with Dru. Dru shocks Buffy unconscious and Spike shock Dru unconscious. Ties each one up in the tunnel opposing sides as a symbol of the path he is about to choose.
Both Dru and Buffy come to.
Spike tells Buffy that he is drowning in his love for her (humanity). His choice of drowning is analogous to Dru in FFl flashback in the desert of Buffy (humanity) floating all around him.
Buffy says he can’t love b/c he has no soul
Dru “We can love …very well..if not wisely”
This quote is analogous to the slayer guide of Intervention “You are full of love it is your’s blinding, risk the pain”
Glory or Spikes demon surfaces . Spike tells Buffy if she doesn’t admit any tiny crumb of feeling for him then he would untie Dru and let Dru kill Buffy instead (threatening if she does him give him any hope he will allow catatonia to ensue) Buffy still rejects and he says that he doesn’t know why he even bother….
Then we have Spike’s Demon wrestling with the humane infection of William. Blaming Buffy b/c he think she is the cause. The was similar to Glory saying Dawn was working majic on her to make her have these feeling but then she says that’s not it, it was Ben who was infecting her.
Here is the quote of Spike that reads similar to Glory
Spike “And this with you (pointing to Buffy or wrestling with William’s infection that was resurfacing) is wrong I know it I’m not a complete idiot. You think I like having you (infection of humanity) destroying everything that was me (Spikes demon) till all that’s left is you (humanity) in a dead shell?..You say you hate it but you won’t leave.
Spike’s demon or Glory voices to destroy both Dru and Buffy. Yeah he pretty much is going into catatonia right now.
Then cupid’s arrow shot by Harmony intervenes. Spike Battling with Harmony was analogous of Spike battling the infection of love resurfacing in Spike. Dru becomes free from her ropes and is about to kill Buffy (humanity). Spike stops wrestling with love and …
Ben or William’s human weaknesses overcome and he stops Dru and pushes her aside and unchains Buffy (humanity)
Dru (catatonia) “Poor Spike…. so lost even I can’t help you know”
Yes, Spike was lost. He rejected catatonia and accepted humanity. But it did not end there this was just the beginning. He follows (humanity) saying she can’t shut him out. Buffy walks into her house. As Spike follows the invisible barrier of her house stops him. While Spike took a chance and risked the pain and rejected Dru (catatonia) . Buffy or humanity had shut him out in the end. So what next?
Episode IWMTLY- Spike approaches the slayer after she shuts him out. She rejects him and tells him to get away from her. Spike accepts the rejection and walks away. So, what next? He goes to the connections of the humanity, the SG.
Here the majic box scene is where Spike is rejected by the SG. He has no connections now (no Harmony, no SG, and no Buffy)
Giles “we are not your way to Buffy (humanity)…there is no way to
Buffy (humanity)…and Spike this thing get over it ”
This was telling Spike to pretty much pack it up and abandon society and to forget his feeling of humanity to go back to catatonia.
Spike chose humanity but now he was thrown back into isolation. The symbol of humanity rejected him after he chose it in the end. The SG whom Spike viewed as connections to humanity basically turned him away and vowed there was no way back to it .
So then we have Spike ordering a Buffybot.
Ordering of the Buffybot then the rerun hell of March followed had many wondering will Spike have sex with the robot, use robot to kill the scoobies and Buffy, or use it to frame Buffy. Revert back to evil or what? This was the true test of Spike. I saw many posters becoming catatonic themselves, wanting Spike to get revenge to crush humanity.
Episode Forever- We have Spike respecting Buffy and leaving her alone. But after finding out about Joyce’s death this was a humbling experience for Spike. Joyce was very congenial and got along with everyone. Spike geniunely liked Joyce and out of respect for her grieving..he picked flowers for her grave and did not have a card attached with it.
Spike to Xander “She always had a nice cuppa for me.. and she never treated me like a freak” (Forever)
Spike appreciating not being treated as a freak? It showed that he did enjoy being treated normal like a human. Which showed that he doesn’t view the humanity in him as an infection as Glory did with Ben.
In the 2nd scene with Spike there is Dawn at Joyce’s grave site trying to resurrect her mother. Spike seeing the infamous book that Willow gave to Dawn out of empathy, sees that Dawn is heading into Zombie territory and offers to help. Dawn who felt betrayed by Spike whom she thought he was helping to get to Buffy and feeling betrayed that the friend she thought she had was only being nice to her for this.
But here we have Spike, actual humanity coming in and saying that Buffy shouldn’t here about this and Dawn asks why was he doing it . Spike “I just don’t want the Summer’s women take it so hard on the chin that all”. So Spike fully allowing his human weaknesses to be apart of him helps out in his own misguided intents. What’s interesting after Dawn gets the spell from the Doc, is the fight with Ghora demon by Spike so Dawn could get the egg of the Ghora. After Dawn 1st failed attempt to get the egg completely she goes back after Spike has no weapon. Spike runs behind Dawn risking his life and throwing rocks to keep the Ghora away from her with the Ghora ending up biting Spike in the side. Spike bests the Ghora as Dawn gets away and both exit the cave.
Dawn apologizes and Spike tell her not to be sorry. Pretty selfless reaction on his part. He was willing to die just so Dawn could get the egg of the Ghora for the resurrection of her mother.
Guide to the Slayer “You are full of love it’s blinding..risk the pain” (Intervention)
Episode Intervention – So now we have the episode of the buffybot. The episode that truly revealed Spike’s humanity for the family he was isolated from. What’s interesting about the bot is that it was the symbol or image of Buffy (humanity). He programmed it to say that Spike was evil and it was drawn to its sinister attraction, but Spike’s action’s was the opposite. What I found interesting is that he had it program to be Buffy. Even program the SG and the qualities that stood out. Even had the bot program to help buffy’s friends if they were in trouble. The chip was not what kept Spike from being evil. That was the point of the Yoko factor . He could have programmed the bot to kill the SG, Buffy, or Dawn or frame Buffy. He was completed rejected by Buffy and although he loved her he could have resulted to burst into flame Spike a la FFl when she rejected him and told him she would never be with him.
Spike to Xander “I’m not a monster”
Xander “Yes you are! You’re a vampire…. they make monster movies about you”
Spike “Well …got me there”
What’s interesting in Spike’s character development. As he has allowed his humanity to resurface is that he doesn’t see himself as a monster. Xander reminds him he is a monster. Which relays to Spike that yes although he has human weaknesses coursing through him he can’t deny the monster or the characteristics that he developed while being an outcast of society as a vampire. How he balances these entities out is when Glory captures him and Glory has him set up to be tortured for information of the key.
Here has blind love for Buffy (humanity )and Dawn (bitty Buffy) and his love is tested with Glory. Spike endures hours of torture
Although Spike had human weakness of William, the demon of Spike and the characteristics he developed over a century while being an outcast was what gave him the strength to fight and endure hours of torture. And the use of his insight into anyones insecurities and turn it around on them was what got him out of the torture. But his strength of humanity (human weaknesses) left over from William is what kept him from giving the information of the key to Glory or even making a deal with Glory in exchange for the information. He would rather have Glory kill him first before he let anything happen to Dawn or Buffy.
Buffy arrives at Glory’s to kill Spike b/c she believed there was no way he was going to keep information about Dawn to Glory. Spike after escaping temporarily on the elevator is met up with minions and Buffy arrives just in time. Spike was ready to put up the fight but relaxes and falls to floor thinking B uffy arrived to rescue him. Buffy battled the minions and Xander and Giles dump Spike off at the crypt unsure if he relayed information to Glory but can see by the his limp and beaten body he did resist.
What’s amazing is that Glory stated that people are slaves to emotions and are puppets being jerked around by what they feel.
And Buffy goes to crypt as an impersonator of the Bot to see if Spike did give up Dawn. Not knowing that bot wasn’t Buffy, Spike tells it not to ever let Glory find out about the key b/c if anything happened to Dawn it would destroy Buffy and he would rather have Glory kill him then see Buffy in pain.
Here is soulless creature who evolved to place a of willing to die for someone (humanity) who rejected him and told him he had no chance with her (humanity).
He evolved to trying to kill for love ….to willing to die for and of that love (humanity).
Buffy tells him the robot was gross, obscene and unreal but what he did for her and Dawn was real and she won’t forget it.
This was loop the writers but the character through. The beat down and humiliation of the character that makes the character come out more human from the experience. Spike had outgrown his self involved world view and his burst into flame phase.
Episode Tough Love-two separate entities can’t deny one or the other he has to accept it. Infection of his human weakness and the monster that he is.
In this episode Spike is the Dawnsitter of Buffy. What’s interesting about the relationship between Spike and Dawn is they have a mutual understanding of each other . Both are somewhat freaks but treat each other What is significant about Spike’s love for Dawn is the emotional growth that is important for Spike. He was paralyzed in the mental phase of loving a woman that was originated from lust. But he never had a friendship love based on mutual understanding. Seeing Dawn taking it hard on the chin Spike reaches out to pet her head out of empathy but pulls his hand away in fear of the rejection. But Dawn doesn’t see him like that and expresses her guilt over his bruises he had b/c of her . I thought this was important for Spike for Dawn to tell him her concern over him is something Spike has never had before. One can see a sister and brother bond forming between Dawn and Spike.
Spike “I’m a vampire, I know something about evil”
Dawn “I may not be evil but I don’t think I can be good”
Spike “Well I’m not good and I’m ok”
Spike been wrestling between the monster he know that is apart of him but he can’t ignore the repressed infection of the feelings of humanity that are being allowed to resurface in S5. Like Ben(humanity) vs Glory (the beast) He realizes and accepts it. And evolves to the decision of grey Spike (unassociated with evil…not good but oK).
As Buffy comes back from the hospital Dawn asks how Willow is. Buffy said she calmed Willow down from wanting pay back on Glory. Spike b/c of his insight on humans and Willow b/c he and her love with the same intensity. And anyone who hurts the one they love they would want to avenge that love. Spike suggests Willow might be go payback on Glory anyway. Buffy doesn’t believe Willow would b/c it was suicide But Spike said he would do it for the person he loved even if it was suicide. We as audience knew he meant Buffy but he also meant Dawn. Dawn tells Buffy to think and if it was her …then Buffy jumps up to help Willow and Willow is saved from being killed by Glory although she slowed Glory down to an extent.
Well with three episodes left Joss vision of Spike from Family comes into play. Spike is Grey and is incorporated as a trusted ally member of the SG family and seen as a useful member of society.
Episode Spiral- As Glory finds out that Dawn is the key Buffy fleas with the SG , Dawn and Spike from Sunnydale. Eventhough a lot of scenes have nothing to do with Spike, Screenshots and lines are used to show that Spike is apart of the SG. He isn’t their enemy his is a trusted ally of the family. Spike arrives with RV with Dawn and Buffy and it’s interesting to note the reaction of each family as they see Spike for the first time since Intervention. Willow sees him frowns but accepts him, Tara (poor thing is insane and isn’t of the world at the time), childlike Anya with her resilient nature isn’t phased by Spike’s presence; smiles at Spike and hops over Buffy and sits down ready for the roadtrip at hand. Giles and Xander doesn’t want him there but Buffy the matriarch of the family says he stays and can protect Dawn if Glory arrives.
So its official Spike is the trusted ally family member. What’s interesting is how the family unit interacts with one another. Xander and Spike have sibling rivalry and sarcastically argue with one another . Spike haves empathy for Tara and Willow (being that he was with a crazed girlfriend for a century). Giles sees Spike as useful.
What’s the turning point is the attack of the KOB. Spike catches the sword that was about to catch Buffy in the head and holds it till Buffy can go out and battle them on top of the RV which ends up cutting his hands. Here the SG got a chance to see Spike’s selfless act and they saw that his love for Buffy was real. Dawn bandages his wounds during the KOB fight and Spike calls her sweet bit. KOB are bested by Buffy but the RV is turned over b/c Giles becomes injured.
In the shack we have a lot of actions and screenshots that has him incorporated further into the family unit. Dawn telling Buffy that Spike is hurt and Buffy going to check on him for a second but Anya coming in to help him with his bandages before the KOB attack. Spike helps Buffy move the vintage machine to help block the door , Spike rushing in to punch the intruding knight only to be knocked down by the effects of the chip and Buffy stopping the knight from killing Spike. Then when the general enters Buffy best the general and Spike ties him up a la how he did Dru in Crush.
When Buffy tells the general “We are not your enemy” the camera cuts to Spike. This was to convey not only to Spike that he was included into the SG but to convey to the audience that Spike is not the enemy he is included as a trusted ally member to the SG family.
Even when Tara is going into fits Willow exclaims “we” have to do something. Here we have Spike included with the SG with a mixture of emotions (anxiety, anger, desperation) across his face in Willows anxiety. He is connected to the SG family now He isn’t paralyzed for not caring when it does not have to with him.
Even though Spike was standing near Buffy while Willow worked her majics on the telephone so Buffy could call Ben. Spike compliments her Willow smiles in his acknowledgement but frowns when Spike invites her over to his crypt to fix his door.
Xander after seeing Spikes selfless acts see Spike struggle with his cigarette lighter and walks over to light his cigarette. Xander asks if he told Spike he doesn’t like him. Spike says Xander mentioned it once or twice. And ice melts a little. Xander asks how his hands are and Spike says its nothing compared to what the KOB were about to do. If they stayed they were going to die so Xander could use the general as a shield and get to the Docs car and a least some of them would survive. Buffy interrupts and says they are all going to make she isn’t losing anyone. Buffy the matriarch was laying down the rules that in battle the family should have everyones safety at hand. Words that would help the SG to stick together in the next episode while she slipped in catatonia. You could see the effect of her words as Ben turns to Glory and Spike rushes in followed by Xander to attack Glory only to be knocked aside.
Episode WotW-
Gas station scene: Glory having snatched Dawn and Buffy slipped into catatonia. The SG has to stay and work together. Willow takes over delegates orders. When she tells Spike to check Glory’s place to see if she was there she also warns Spike to not go payback on Glory. What’s significant about Willow’s statement is she sees Spike humanity and knows like she did in Tough Love with Tara, Spike he would avenge the person he loved. So there is a mutual respect from Willow to keep Spike from getting killed. What’s significant also is the use of Spike to call Willow, Will and Xander, Harris. He feels his inclusion of the family also and it is reflected in his use to call them by their names. Also, when Spike reveals that Ben is Glory, the SG suffer from the mind fog of forgetting the morphing of Ben vs Glory. But their trust is relayed when he tells them this and them listening to him and believing him.
This reminds me of Spike wanting a little consideration and respect from the SG after he attempted to help in Bloodties.
Hospital scene:
Here is the most amusing part of Spike interaction in the SG family. Spike knows he is a trusted ally and he wants to keep that trust. And Giles and Xander to some extent see him as a member now. There is scene of Spike stealing blood before approaching Xander and Giles. Both see him pocket the blood but it doesn’t bother them. They know he is monster but they can’t ignore the humanity in him. So they accept both parts of Spike. As Spike reveals Glory abandonement of the apartment, Spike tells of a demon that is tuned into the corners of this *our* majic world.
The word Our shows that Spike feels the connections of the world now. What’s also interesting to note is that Spike went to Giles and Xander to check to see if his plan was worthy. A self involved Spike would have went from Glory’s apartment to Doc’s without approval from Giles. But Giles is the patriarch of the family and Spike is a member of the family and is working together with the SG in the family unit.
He also shows he is a trusted ally by telling the bloke he knew wasn’t necessarily a bloke but a demon to warn what they were getting into. Giles approves and Xander slaps Giles on the back before walking away (manly affection?) Spike informs Xander he found Ben’s room at Glory’s . Xander suffering from the mind fog majics of Glory forgets Ben is Glory and exclaims in surprise that Ben is subletting with Glory. Spike slaps Xander up side the head b/c he felt it was worth the pain. Followed by nudging of shoulders of X and S with a slap on the back by a smirking Spike before he attempts to explain again.
Slapping on the backs and upside the heads and nudging shoulders this their manly way of showing affection? (Guys are weird)
Doc’s shop scene:
Doc warns Spike of Glory and says she is big business and the best thing Spike could do was to hide and not get involved.
Here’s the dialogue
Doc “When it comes to hellgods the best thing to do is to get out of the way and stay there”
Spike “Loved to… can’t”
Doc “She’s big city”
Spike exclaims : “She’s got Dawn”
Although Spike would not be involved he can’t b/c of his humanity that has resurfaced. His the slave to what he is feeling the one who loves blindly and risks the pain. He definitely evolved from catatonia and not paralyzed with not caring a la his reaction to fighting the troll in Triangle.
Spike asks info on Glory only to find out Doc worships the beast and is hiding the info the SG needs. When Doc throws the information in the fire he goes to attack Spike but Xander steps in and kicks the Doc aside while Spike gets away and gets the information from the fire “risking the pain”. Xander ends up besting the Doc and stabs him with the sword. Spike surprised has a look of being impressed and approval of Xander for his act. Xander asks what Spike has and he announces “something worth dying for”(information to help find Dawn)
Majic shop:
Although Spike has no lines in this scene, I found something worth noting. In the hospital scene Spike is lighting up a cigarette in front of the no smoking sign. But in the majic shop, Spike at the table is not smoking in front of the no smoking sign. This action shows that although he does not follow society rules he does have respect for the rules of his family unit of the SG.
Spike’s character was driven through the mud and put through loops and obstacles this season to evolve to the goal for him in the theme of the season
Snarky, witty, naughty (thinks rules are stupid) OK Grey Spike able to keep his humanity (human weaknesses ) and considered a useful member of society involved in family crisis out of human weakness of his newfound family not just from his past prepubescent frozen mentality of fighting for death and Glory from the fight. (panting out of breath) Me, Spike Obsessed?… Nah that’s crazy talk!
Out of Spikedom and into show as a whole now ( caution … maybe some Spike lurking about)
Identity, Family, and connections was the theme of the season
In the replacement, the dagon sphere that was intended for Buffy but instead used on Xander was a forshadowing of the battling separate entities that Buffy wants to learn how to work with. Because of loving with all her heart and her ties with her friends to the world she had the advantage over past slayers.
Spike: “Death (symbolism of darkness, the chaos from the lost of humanity?) is on your heals..Part of you wants to know…. what’s it like ?… where does it lead you?” (FFL)
Buffy “It just keeps coming Tara, Riley, Mom…..” (Spiral)
Buffy “This is where it happened Will..just for a second …I wanted it to be over (the responsibility of defending humanity and the stress of the responsibility weighing down on her shoulders)
Spike “The only reason you’ve lasted this long is b/c you have ties (connections) to the world Your mom your brat kid sister Scoobies …..sooner or later your going to want it (death the darkness)” and the second (clap ) the second that happens you’ll know I’ll be there I’ll slip in and have myself a real good day.” [FFL]
Willow in Buffy’s mind “Buffy you need to come out to your friends ….we need you”
Willow in Buffy’s mind “Spike was right …….SNAP OUT OF IT!”
Buffy “What?”
Buffy “Where are you going? ”
Willow “Where you are needed…. are you coming?”
Buffy been battling with the two entites of herself. The slayer and Buffy.
Buffy “Being the slayer…Too slay to kill means being all hard inside”
Buffy was given the role of being defender and protector of society. Her role was to uphold humanity and the evil nasties that were there to destroy it were to flee from her not the other way around. The original first slayer from the dream in restless had a primitive mentality which is to kill and have no feeling (she was devoid of humanity and in a state of catatonia). But what was different from the original slayer is she had no ties to the world… no connections to humanity. Buffy did have ties (her family and friends) to the world to help her from becoming devoid of humanity.
Spike was right that her ties keep her connected to the world and to her humanity. She isn’t alone. But during the season she started losing her ties. Riley, Mom, and Tara (her lost connection b/c of insanity was like Tara leaving) were taking away from Buffy and her statement of their names coupled with “it just keeps coming” was the death or the catatonia that was on her heels at Spiral.
In the split second that Glory stole Dawn that was the split second that triggered Buffy’s buried wish of wanting her title ( symbol of humanity) to be lifted from her shoulder . The Guilt for wanting that to happen even just for a split second brought Buffy to a state of catatonia. Seeing Dawn go was Buffy seeing her humanity go. She felt she killed her sister (humanity )
But this wasn’t so b/c we have seen Buffy show love for her family and friends throughout the season.
What Willow had to do was slip in her mind to get her to come out and to where she is needed … to get her back to the connection.
FFl forshadowed the truth of Spike on how death was on Buffy’s heals. He said sooner or later she was going to want it (catatonia, darkness, paralysis)and the second that wish happened he would slip in an have hisself a good day.
In WoTW, Buffy was in a stupor of repeating the same thoughts over and over. Willow went into her mind. At the majic shop was the second that Buffy wanting it to end..she wanted it just for a second and that is why she killed her sister (her humanity).
Willow in Buffy’s brain “I think Spike was right at the gas station…snap out of it!”
This quote parallels to Spike slipping in the second Buffy wanted the wish of the death of her humanity. When Buffy said just for a second she wanted it , Willow slips “Spike’s” name in while Buffy is in her state of catatonia. The snap is like the clap that Spike had made in FFl. Then we have Buffy saying what.
Willow informs her Dawn isn’t dead (her humanity is still alive) that her friends (humanity) needs her and if Buffy can’t come then Willow would have to go where Buffy (humanity) is needed. Buffy hearing this comes out eventually. This relays to Buffy her friends do tie her here to the world. Their what keeps her here and tied to her humanity. All though she slays , the heart part of Buffy will be the other entity that keeps Buffy balanced.
Buffy’s friends have humanity and they too struggle with their identities but still keep their humanity and therefore keeps the family unit intact.
Willow to Anya “ I thought maybe you would become accustomed to acting more human…some of us actually seem to enjoy it (Triangle)
Anya has been an interesting character, she an ex –demon was made human but she evolved to having feeling of humanity. First it was Anya in love with her money to Aniya displaying acts of humanity. Whether telling the troll to take her life instead of Xanders, helping Willow with Tara in Spiral and WotW, to helping Spike with his bandages in Spiral. Anya is becoming in touch with her humanity.
Spike well I think I have covered him enough don’t you think
Xander who is the heart of Buffy go into battle with no super powers but risk his life for the fight of humanity. He has come into his own as a man in society with his own apartment, job, and Anya. Although he is busy setting up a life of his own he gets involved anyway because of his humanity.
Willow who is college student (rather have her head burst into flames than miss a class) and practicing witch steps aside from what she is doing to help Buffy in a time of family crisis b/c of her humanity.
Giles who is becoming less involved as a watcher and running his majic shop steps away from his business to help in battle or crisis of the family b/c of his humanity
Although they all struggle with their identity their humanity stays intact b/c of their connections to one another that tie them to the world.
On Friends (connections)=Family (Joss)
Mcclay :Tara belongs with her family …who the hell are you
Buffy: We’re family [Screenshot of Buffy , SG, Dawn, and Spike (in the background)]
Buffy : Spikes with us…get over it
Xander “Howz about being a little less prejudice and little more inclusive…not us just you”
Sometimes someone can be surrounded by family who they never thought would consider their family. One is born into a family but others can make their family of choice. Spike through his connections with Bufffy and the SG helped him regain his aspects of humanity he suppressed. He passed the initiation of being accepted into the group as a trusted ally family member and is now seen a useful member of society.
The odd combo family : Buffy (slayer), Giles (ex Ripper, watcher), Willow (powerful witch), Dawn (key) Tara (temporarly insane wiccan), Anya (ex-demon made human), Spike (vampire).
When viewing this odd family unit all are human (with normal to eccentric qualities)except one. Like the reaction of a shocked onlooker of white sheep coming across the oddball black sheep portruding among the masses but the white ones are unaffected by its presence b/c it has been accepted into the group, seeing Spike (in vamp face)among the SG would cause a firstime outside viewer to do a take back and respond :
"What the hell is that, and why is its hair that color?!"
Friends, connection, identity, They all help tie us here to humanity. Some points in life people battle with how they see themselves in society (battling the inner demons that can arise and take over and the blind emotions that can drive us to this state of craziness at times and throw us off of humanity for a second to almost over a century.
Portals of mind’s reality diminishing making one lose focus of ones humanity slipping into a stupor (paralyses of emotion) state of catatonia and chaos reigning and darkness forever. Mostly everyone struggles with some aspects of their humanity. But being a poet ruled by love our emotions is what helps us to stay connected and the connections with ones friend or family with shared humanity (to help us snap out of it when we are slipping from it) is what helps us from losing our humanity. That’s the key. Being love’s bitch.