Want a recap on each episode? Check out "Previously on Buffy" by Wiccagirl

I am currently in the process of collecting in depth essays and reviews concerning Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series. Soon I will be posting my own as well.

Just A Girl
Review of "The Gift". [6.5.01]

Humanity and the Weight of the World
Season 5 review. Parallels Glory/Ben and Spike. Family, Sacrifice and all that good stuff. [5.25.01]

On Death Wishes, St. Crispin's Day, and Moral Ambiguity
Season Finale Review. [5.25.01]

The Gift: A Review
Season Finale Review. [5.25.01]

On Riley
On the impending return of a Mr. Riley Finn [4.7.01]

On Raspberries
Spike's suspected fascination with the strange red fruit and proof of its desirability. (3.31.01)

Spike Breaking the Rules of the Evil Team
The many shades of Spike's grey. (3.15.01)

On Emotions, Redemption and Atonement
More about Spike. (3.15.01)

Staking, Denial and Humanising Vampires
Why Buffy couldn't kill Spike, Dru or Harmony. (3.15.01)

On Choir Boys, Effulgance and Loving Foolishly
Fool For Love review plus a look into the psyche of William/Spike. (3.15.01)

An in depth review of the Angel the Series episode "Epiphany". So good it inspired me to put up this section of my site! (3.11.01)