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Scott Steiner will be making his wrestling re-debut in an upcoming WWA tour in the UK. This WWA tour will be beginning at the end of November and will run into mid-December.

However, Steiner's contract with AOL Time Warner doesn't expire until the end of this month - which could mean that Steiner may debut with WWA sometime in December.

Reports indicate that Steiner will be using this tour to get use to wrestling again and to also get back in shape after being out most of the year with an injured foot. Also, many speculate that Steiner could be using this tour to prepare himself before joining the World Wrestling Federation.

Without a doubt, the WWF has expressed tons of interest in Steiner after WCW closed down. If all goes well, Steiner could be with the company in early 2002 along with several big name stars such as Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Goldberg, and many others.