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Bonus Pic A Day In The Life Of A WG'er"

Hey!!!! Some Bonus Pic's. It's rare that we get picture's of ourselves doing everyday things... not that outside of the band we lead exciting lives (Grant's a stripper, Gary's an astronaut, Jeff's a stuntman and Robbie's the "Alligator Hunter").
The boy's at the CIA were kind enough to supply these picture's of Joe at school.. For those who don't know, Joe is attending classes at the CIA; the Culinary Institute of America. It's the most prestigous cooking school in the country. It's very expensive and very exclusive. You need like an IQ of 460 just to look at the buildings. It's really cool because you get to learn how to prepare meals for 300 people and learn neat facts like... ... plus they let you use sharp knives!!!

Joe often complains about how long his days are and how hard he works chopping off fish heads in "Fish Kitchen". Now we have proof!!!

Joe... hard at "wok"!

We understand now how hard it is, Joe! We have the ut-most respect for what you and you're fellow students go through. The tests, the homework,... the eating! We understand it's stressful!
That's why you guys drink so much on the weekend's, right?

That's why we dedicate this page to you and your fellow students at the CIA, who strive to make eating in America a delicious, pleasurable, hazzard-free event.
God bless you all!
(Uh... Joe? That guy with the knife in the background is rubbing his nose on his hand... isn't that unsanitary?...should he wash his hands or something?
That's it! We're calling the cops!)

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