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(...this is what happens when you have a little too much time on your hands!)

Someone out there took the time to make these pics. I can't take the credit, I found these on the net. I'm not nearly that talented. But they might cheer up some of you that need it during this introspective week.

"We just had to let you know... nothing of any signifance is going on!"

Now that's friggin amazing!!!!
("Sit Ubu, Sit!... Good Dog!")

For the record, I never thought he was gay, just very emotional and a good judge of pastels.... Not that there is anything wrong with that!

I hope he pities the fools that use 1-800-COLLECT

Next time... I'll skip the cucumber.

Hey... I got pants like those!

That's right! F**k airport security, bring on the nude pilots!!!
Brings new meaning to the term "The Mile High Club"

Ok... This has nothing to do with our band... but it did break things up a little!!!
Remember ....WHERE'S GRANT is playing Saturday, at Finnegan's Grill!!!