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Do you ever walk into a room and wonder why you are there? Don't worry... dogs spend their entire lives living this way. I've started this news update on three seperate occasions, stared at the screen, and wondered what the hell I was doing? So today I am finishing this news...

Well now that Halloween is officially over, we can move on to one of the best months of the year. Why is November one of the best months? Well, if you work for the government or as a teacher, there's an abundance of time off (Election day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Weekend). This year November has 5 weeks... that means an extra paycheck in between those car payments, mortage/rent checks...etc. And Nov. has one of the best bar nights of the year... the night before Thanksgiving. And this year we've booked a great gig.

On Wednesday, November 27th, we are booked at Front St. for a Rocking Dance Party / WRRV Brew Bash. The gig starts at 10pm and this time they will actually let us play past midnight. We'll play our usual three set gig, a DJ will spin songs in between, and WRRV's McKay will be hosting the brew bash from 10-12am as well.

Actually Front St. has decided to stay open for a few weeks this fall by offering live entertainment on Saturday nights. It kicks off on Sat. November 23rd with Dr. Mudd. Those of you who came out to see us at Finnegan's back in September will remember John, Eli & Pat from Dr. Mudd coming up to jam on a few songs. They're great guys, a great band, and they play the best Candlebox cover I've ever heard. You should check them out (since we're not playing). Then we play on Wednesday, Nov 27, Skeleton Crew on Nov 30th, and Replica on Dec 7th. The series will end with the annual Toys 4 Tots benefit on Sat, Dec 14th with WG, People of The Sun, Skeleton Crew, and Thirty Stones. We'll have more info about that coming up. We encourage everyone to come out and support these Front St. shows. It's been two years since 90 Broadway had live bands on Saturday nights and downtown Newburgh is hurting for a large venue to support live entertainment. All of the bands booked are great bands and put on great shows. If this turns out successfully, the people at Front St. may continue live gigs through this summer and next fall. Talk to your friends and spread the word.

Other great gigs we have lined up:

On Friday November 22nd, we're playing at The Barking Frog in Beacon, NY. Just a "hop" down the road from Rt 84, The 'Frog' is one of the cooler bars on the east side of the Hudson. Many area bands have already played there and now it's our turn. It's a great chance for those east of the Hudson R. to check us out. We'll send everyone directions via email.

On Friday, November 29th, we're back at The Downtown for this year's Post-Thanksgiving Bash. See, booked before and after T-Day, we get you coming and going. Our Pimpin Costume party was such a great time we've decided to dress Al up as Capt. John Standish... and I'll have to be... well either a turkey or Priscilla. I doubt we can convince Rob and Gary to dress up so anyone willing to wear a dress or cerimonial Indian garb is welcome on stage. For anyone needing proof to see how fun the Downtown is the day after T-day check out these pics!!!

Finally, on Friday Dec. 6th we're back at Pineapple Larry's. We had great time there last Thursday and we were suprised to see so many familar faces on a work night. P' Larry's has a cool vibe and some great people there. It should be a fun gig.

Thanks to all who came out to see us at The Trailside this past Saturday. We saw some faces we haven't seen in years... literally. We want to thank each and every one of you that came out. That's what makes playing The Trailside so much fun. No radio spots, no newspaper ads, people just show up. Shout Outs to: Okey from Bootleg for lending your lungs on a few songs... Wayne, Alex, Drew (and Jen F.)from the Diltz Bros.... Wayne C. and Sue from Karmablind - next time you all have to come up for a few songs... all the way from Middie-town, Jimmy Bonez and Jen,... Danno, Gwen & Jay, John Niss, Lauren, Erin and Pete... LJ Amendola, Matt & Mike Harrity, Matt O'Neil... Jimmy Seymour, Keith, Gary, Bob Smith, Mikey, John E.... Dan Gabriel, Pam Rogers, Lily, Duran, Lisa, Judy, Monica, Marie...Big Daddy Tito... Jennie, Mindy and Erin. We'll be back at the Trailside in February.

We want to thank everyone who came out to our last couple of gigs. We hope to see you on the 22nd at The Barking Frog in Beacon, NY.

9-9-02 Is anyone getting really sick of the news lately? I'm not talking about the recent events in the news. I'm reffering to the way the news is being handled, especially the 24 hr channels. FOX News, MSNBC, CNN, XYZ... Everything is handled with such urgency. Even the smallest event seems like it's a major catastrophy. For instance, just a few minutes ago CNN reported that "Judge refuses to force pageant organizers to reinstate Miss N.C". Now this information might be compelling to fans of the Miss America pagent, but to the 'other' 279 million Americans who don't follow pagents as closely as they follow baseball, it's probably not worth the news bulletin. "Will she compete?... Won't she compete?... Who cares. All we really care about is whether those topless pics she took will really make it to the internet. Now there's news worth sharing!!!

BREAKING NEWS: Topless Nude Miss North Carolina Photos On The Internet

Sorry for the rant. When you're home all week and there is nothing good on TV except for "Trading Spaces" and a "Dating Story" you get sick of these channels competing for news stories. If you agree with this logic, check these out... if not move on to the rest of the scoop.

August was a fun month! Wait... we didn't play in August, did we? Well, we had one gig at Sweeney's. We're going to make it up to you this month. September we've got some great shows for you to come out to. The Downtown...(we just played) Sweeney's, a new place Finnegan's Grill and lastly a second try at Front St. on the waterfront. "Front St.... in September?", you say. Hey, it's on the last offical day of the summer according to the Roman calender. And besides, you won't have to worry about greasy, sweat stains or mascara running because of the 100 degree heat. Bring a sweater and jog a little. After a few beers you'll swear it's July again.

First it was Gary... then it was Al... now it's Gary again. A few weeks ago, Al injured his right thumb during his softball team's championship game. As a reward for throwing out a possible game winning run for the opposing softball team, Al took home the championship team trophy. Unfortunately he also took home a pulled hamstring and severly sprained left thumb. This week it was Gary's turn. After just getting to work a few days ago he sliced the back of his leg on a piece of steel. YES!!!... the same leg that got buried in a trench a few, short months ago. Was it serious? Well no. Nothing a shot of novacaine and a few skin staples couldn't fix. To those interested the band is taking donations to supplement our disabilty insurance. We've given consideration to changing the band name to "Cripple". We also ask that you be patient with us at Finnegan's, this Saturday. Please don't kick Gary in the leg, slap Al on the back or poke Rob in the eye. At this stage we're all very fragile and delicate.

We want to thank everyone who came out to Sweeney's and The Downtown this past weekend. We had great turnouts for both shows and we just want to say thanks to those who showed... Supa Supa shout outs go out to.... at Sweeney's: Bobby & Tom from Bootleg and Lilith & Vinnie too,... The BIG EB, Brother Bob, Ed, Joe, & Chris from CRS,... Ashley, Bridgette,... Becky & Jamie for a blink... Alan & the Doctor,... Danno, John Niss, Erin, Jessica, & Eve, ... Mindy, Jennie Lynn, Dana, Erin, & Tammy,... Ray, Erica & Eddie,... Melissa, Jen, Kevin, Puja, & Jimmy Bones from Middletown,... Jen & Karen,... Greg & Steve from the former, ... Miss Chile (1961),... Jimmy, the blonde haired guy who kept stepping on my pedals,... Mark from PTM (who kept fixing my pedals - thx bro!),... Eric, who was off but came out anyway....Okey, who was working, Amy, Tony, Lupe, and Gary Sweeney for having us.

At The Downtown:
Supa shout outs go to... Bootleg Bill, Tina, Bobby, Tom, & Lillith from the Bootleg crew,... Danno, The BIG EB, Brother Bob, & Dana (better late than never!),... Alan,... Cousin Ed, Timmy, Mindy, Jennie Lynn, Erin, Tammy, & Ex-roomie Mark,... Joey & Beth,.......Melissa, Jen, Kevin, Puja, Jimmy Bones, Panya, Jeff ,... Pedro, Sue, Megan,... The MSC,...

Did we miss anyone? Well if we missed you then come down to Finnegan's Grill this Saturday to let us know! Peace!

08-15-02 Does anyone get those crazy Virgin Mobile cellphone commercials? A hot girl..., a hairy russian dude..., a cheese sandwich with fur? What is all this supposed to mean? I admit my Verizon service isn't the best and I do get dropped calls alot. Does this mean I'll get a furry cheese sandwich with my next bill? Is some crazy, Ron Jeremy looking russian dude going to chase me out of a trailer if I threaten not to pay?

How's everyone been the last few weeks. Most of us have been busy relaxing. Grant's taken up computer chess, Gary been cruising casino's in AC and Rob right now enjoying the sunny beaches of The Dominican Republic... if he hasn't been abducted by guerillas. Only Al's been keeping busy gigging with People of The Sun and at Front St. on Sunday's with Bobby Spearing. And we're ready to rock next week. We back at Sweeney's Saturday August 24th right after Walden Day.
We've got some new tunes by Green Day and The Vines and by request we're bring back some old setlist favorites.

We also got some great shows coming up this fall. On Sept 7th we're wreckin "The Downtown" in Middletown, Sept. 14th we're on the east side of the Hudson at a brand new club called Finnagin's Grille. Plus some more Front St. gigs are in the works.
Check out the gigs page for future listings.

Pics from our July 12th show at The Downtown are finally up... month late. Hey that's nothing compared to this news page. For those reading your email you'll remember that was held hostage by our ISP, After serious threats, promises of injury, a plan of attack we showed those AF bastards who was boss. We also ponied up $50 in administrative fees to get the site back up and running.

We want to thank everyone who came out to our July gigs. We hope to see you on the 24th at Sweeney's Irish Pub.

06-15-02 Mother Nature isn't cooperating today. As you can see the never ending rain, not to mention October-like temperatures has caused Front St. to cancel our outdoor gig and WRRV Brew Bash this evening. Weather is one of the few things we have control over. But Al has plans... BIG plans... and some financing in the works... to create a huge wind machine that uses nuclear fission to control the weather over Newburgh.... Oops... sorry, I got a little carried away. I've been watching the sci-fi channel all afternoon. Seriously, Front St. has been great about this and apologized for canceling. They've offered us another date in July, so maybe by then weather will improve and we'll have a second shot and riverfront glory.

"Sometimes things just aren't meant to be, right?"
As most of you know by now, last week our singer Gary severly hurt his leg in a work-related accident. He was unable to perform tonight but Al rounded up some area singers and musicians... Paul Serrao and Mark Lowe from PTM,... ex- PunkyB singer Bobby Spearing,... Brian G, bros Rick & Scott Kopeck from The Amazing Whiplash Family to have an "Area All Star Jam Session" to salvage the night. It would have been interesting. Paul Serrao on drums, Bobby Spearing on vocals with Mark Lowe on bass and Rob Tito on guitar??? Only an act of God could stop it... and it did! Thanks for offering your help guys! And thanks to everyone who volunteered to help out and for giving your support.

"If we're passing out shout outs let's not forget..."
We also want to thank Billy G and Okey from the band Bootleg ( Welcome to the Bootleg Experience )for helping out last weekend and sharing vocal duties for our gig at The University of New Hampshire. We gave them less than 24 hours notice and shoved 10-15 songs in their face to learn on the car ride up. They did a great job and we appreciated their efforts to help put on a great show! We'll have plenty of pics up this week. If you have no alternative plans for the evening, we encourage you to go out and see them at The Downtown in Middletown, NY. It's their first official gig outside of Sweeney's and they could sure use the support. Their show starts at 10 pm. Call the Downtown at 343-1386 for directions.

"An Update on Gary"
As for Gary, he's at home hobbling on crutches and getting mighty sick of daytime television. His injury wasn't life threatening, more frustrating, so don't expect a big HVMM reunion for his benefit, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if somebody let him borrow their XBox for a few weeks.. in fact, someone out there, please help him!!! There are only so many Lifetime movies a man can watch. He'll be off his feet for a couple of weeks until his leg heals up. We've cancelled the rest of our gigs until July. Our July schedule is up... we'll let you know gig by gig how Gary's doing and whether we're playing or not.

05-15-02 The summer entertainment season has arrived... Two weeks ago Spiderman opened, this Thursday SW Episode II opens and Friday we're at Gully's. Well, OK, we may not be a cinematic event, but we do have a few songs up our sleeves to make the night entertaining. We have some new songs from Sugarcult, CIV and The Foo Fighters. Al has a new hat (check the site). How about an upgraded version of "Brohymn". How about beads...? We've got plenty of beads! We're looking forward to a great summer of some cool gigs and this is a great way to start the season off.

Last week's show at Sweeney's was loads o' fun. The crowd was a little "lite" but we appreciate everyone who came out to enjoy the show! Thanks to Okey for suppling vocals on "Fat Lip" and to Big-T and Lupe for working the door. Of course we have some shout outs for you.... Niss, Lauren, Kelly,... Dana, Jennie Lynn, Erin, Mindy,... Ms.Cheryl A. .... The Big EB, Joe, Brother Bob, Chris, Andrew, & Alan,... Annie, Jen, Karen..., Eric from behind the bar, McKay From WRRV, Frisbee,... the dude who has a new Yankee t-shirt, ....Danno, Kristen, Suzanne, Tommy,... and a BIG SHOUT OUT to Jay & Gwen who are always appreciated and never forgotten.

Pic's are up on the site. Check out all the shows from past to present!

05-09-02 This Saturday we're back at Sweeney's for our 250th gig there. Well, ok, it hasn't been that many times we've played there but it sure has been a lot. In fact this month marks three years of playing there. Our first gig there was Friday May 21st 1999. I think Gary took a chance on us because another band backed out on short notice. It was rough too. There were a total nine people in the bar that night... and five of them were in our band at the time. Our setlist was only 31 songs and was comprised of such gems like Sugar Ray's "Falls Apart", The Goo Goo Doll's "Slide" and 3EB's"Semi-Charmed Life". What...? you've never heard us play these songs? Consider yourself lucky. Let's just say these alternative radio singles weren't our strongest point.

This Saturday we have song new songs for you from Sugarcult, The Foo Fighters and CIV. Sweeney's also has their Garden Cafe in operation. That's right, you can now eat great food and drink cold beer on the sidewalk in front of Sweeney's and the Walden police can't do a damn thing about it. Seriously, Sweeney's has some the best food in OC (mmmm... Roast Beef Cheddar Melt) and he has some nice tables and umbrellas to sit under. If you can, come out early get some dinner and stick around for the band.

We want to thank EVERYONE who came out to The Downtown last weekend. We had a blast. Who knew we could come up with so many impromptu encore tunes unrehearsed. Things got a little rough at the end. D & E... maybe we'll have to sing "Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting" in honor of you... haha:) Of course we have some shout outs for you.... Niss, Lauren, Brother Bob & The Big EB, Dana, Jennie Lynn, Erin, Mindy, Tammy and Mark from the Olive Garden,... Bootleg BillyG, Brian Gregory,... John E and Chris from Chester, Michelle B's sister and her friend Amanda B. ....Danno, Kristen, Becky & Jamie....Alison & Rob from Florida, Erin & Becky,... Suzanne, Tommy,... Jourdan & Maria, Michael Ferdette from AZ, ...Richie, Jessie from Middletown, Punk Carlos,Payolin and the crew from The Middletown Skate Crew... Jimmy Bonez and anyone who's name we missed. We have fresh pics from the night up on the site. Thanks to Niss for taking some great shots.

Last but not least, check out the website tommorow for our second ever "20 Questions" with our new drummer Al Affuso. Alot of people say they know Al ... but do they really know Al? Being the newest member of "Where‘s Grant?" we couldn’t think of a better way to welcome Al to the band and immortalize him on the website. Seriously, Al was a great sport and some of the questions are pure comedy. So if you're looking to break up your Friday afternoon, look for it tommorow under "What's New?" on .

We hope everyone has a GREAT weekend. We'll see you soon.

05-03-02 Planning on seeing the new Spider Man this weekend? Well unless you get to the mall by 6am Saturday morning, the tickets will be more than sold out. That leaves you every opportunity to come out and see a different type of Blockbuster.... "Where's Grant?" at The Downtown We have a new drummer, new songs and our new sound. Veteran drummer Al Affuso has joined "Where's Grant?" and is bringing his own style to our group. Al's the King of Rock, playing in many area bands including Vibe Tribe, Phillip The Meatbox, and People of The Sun. Now Al is playing punk and watch out... his beats will pound you into submission. That's if he's not out in the crowd, surfing of course. We'll have a new cover by Rancid as well as all the favorites by Sublime, NoFX, Green Day, Weezer, Linkin Park, Goldfinger, Sum41, Limp Bizkit...etc. We look forward to seeing all our friends from Middletown. MSC in da house!!!

Thanks to all who came out to Crannell St. last Friday. All 6 of you... Ha Ha. Well there were more of you than that but we appreciate everyone who showed or even thought of showing. After being on the bill... then not being on the bill, ...then being on the bill again, we weren't exactly sure if we were playing either. But the night was actually a good time. "Disposable Heroes"(Metallica Tribute) put on a good show and we'll have more bookings to come. This time with punk bands. Thanks to Erin, Mindy, Jennie Lynn, Brother Bob, The Big EB, Billy & Andrew, Dana, Timmy, Kathy and her beau for showing up. Rhonda and Matt for showing late. Thanks to Juan. Mike, Mason and Joe for keeping things smooth. Most of all thanks for the surprise visit from Jimmy & Elania for the surprise visit. Way to hold up the Po-town support.

Last bit of notes... this Friday our friends BOOTLEG (BillyG, Okey, Tom, Bob and Guido) are playing at Sweeney's Irish Pub in Walden. Billy's a regular on stage at our shows and Okey's always around to help out on the mic for "Fat Lip" or "I Will Walk 500 Miles". They've been working hard on some new songs and we want to wish them luck Check them out this Friday and support a new OC band.

Well that's all for now... the Middle East!

04-25-02 Wow! It's only been a month since we last had a gig but it's felt more like a year. That's right WG is finally back with a brand new drummer, some new songs and a new venue.

First some news on our new addition. As most of you know, last month our drummer, Jeff Kirkland, decided to leave WG. After more than three years of banging skins, Jeff thought it was time for a break and have a life outside the band. Although we were sad to see him go we were equally worried that we would have a hard time finding a drummer in OC that would be able to play our hard punking tunes. We were pretty surprised to find out that we didn't have to look very far. Competent drummer is an understatement... we hit the mutha"Focker" lode. We're pleased to welcome the one, the only, Al Affuso to the WG family.

King Al has been playing drums in front of live audiences since 89'. He has played with more bands (POTS, PunkyB, PTM, VibeTribe...) than I can count on one hand. He has numerous drum kits, including a beautiful red custom Darwin kit that's worth more than... well, frankly I'm afraid to ask. He has endorsements from Sabian Cymbals. and Cappella sticks... that beats looking for used guitar picks under the stage at The Downtown. Al's always on time, always professional and is never too busy to donate his time or contribute to a good cause... he recently performed multiple WTC benefits. He even has a "dead on" Ozzy impression that keeps us laughing in the practice room. Best of all, on short notice, Al said he would be happy to join WG keep the band going.

Al is actually pulling double duty, playing drums for WG and People of The Sun his 'Rage Against The Machine' tribute band. And you'll be able to see both bands this weekend.

This Friday, April 26th, we're trying something completely different. We're playing a 90 minute set at Club Crannel St. in Poughkeepsie with not one... not two... but three other great bands. Two original metal bands Mortal Sin and People of The Lie will open. We'll follow sometime between 9 and 10 and Metallica Tribute band Disposable Heros will follow and close the show. Punk covers and Metallica tunes.? Well that's a pretty good match. It's a good thing we know "Last Caress". Tickets are steep...$10 but they get you access into The Chance as well, where The Machine (Pink Floyd Tribute Band) and Sundown (Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute) are also playing. What a line up! It must be tribute night. Where else can you hear 'Date Rape', "Ride The Lightning', and 'Sweet Home Alabama' all under one roof? We're hoping many of you can make it and show Al what a WG show is really like. Hopefully this can lead to more gigs in Po-town. At the least, it will be a very interesting evening. We know the Big EB's not complaining.

Al is also playing this Saturday with People of the Sun at everyone's favorite Irish Pub in the middle of nowhere... Sweeney's in Walden, NY. People of the Sun or POTS has been playing to packed crowds all over the Northeast. These guys put on a great show and really know how to party. You'll get 3 hours of pure, unadulterated 'Rage' with some nu-metal covers thrown in for good measure. They only play in the area once or twice a year so don't miss this opportunity. We'll all be there to support him and you should come out too.

WG also has some more gigs lind up for the month of May.... check em out!

03-21-02 Hey everybody, it's finally Spring. Of course by the weather outside you wouldn't know it. Hope everyone had a safe and happy St. Pats day.

Well some of you have been asking for a Friday night gig for months and now it's finally time to deliver. This Friday we're playing at the Old Erie Pub in Middletown. Actually it's our first time there so we have no idea what to expect. It seems like a great place. Hopefully the dinner crowd will be gone before we plug in (or it will be the fastest meal they've ever eaten). The show starts at 10 and we're putting a few older songs back into the setlist... to show our softer sides:).

A little bit of news... this Friday will also be the last gig for our drummer Jeff Kirkland. Jeff's been there since the very beginning, and we're very sorry to see him go. He's was one of the founding members and has been sitting on that stool in the back for over 3 years. Jeff came to a decision a while back and was committed to filling in until we found a replacement and for that we thank him for it. Well, we have found a replacement... we have more news and a proper welcome to the lucky winner in next week's email. But Jeff promised to keep in touch and not be a stranger. Maybe we can convince him to stop by and sit in for a song every once in a while. :)

We want to thank everyone who came out to see us at Sweeney's Irish Pub March 9th. Gary Sweeney's birthday and a brew bash for John Gilmore was a perfect setup for one of our best gigs in recent memory. We had a great time and juding by the pics on the site, most of you enjoyed it to. Thanks to Mr. Sweeney for having us and to John for revvving up the crowd. Shout outz to the rest of yer asses... Brother Bob, Ed, Andrew, Billy,... Hillary, sis Heather & Mom..., Erin, Dana, Jennie Lynn,... Mindy, Mom & Dad Laverty, Jamie ... Jacob & Lindsay from RI,... Will, Chris, Joey, ALL the Gap'ers: Scuba Steve (congrats!), Scuba's Dad, Mike Mack, Brian (thanks for the RATM!), Evan, Tom, Gip, Marc, Ruter,... Karen, Annie, & Jen,... Zane & Tracy,... Alan & Ashlene, Keith, Matt O'Niell, Jen D, Christine T. and the rest of the crew from Chester, Darren & Magical Liz, Danno & Kristen, Sweeney's Staff: Lupe, Big Tony, and bartenders Barry & Eric,... Gary Sweeney (Happy B-day!), Okie, Tom & Bobby from Bootleg, Matt & friends from IBM....

Hope to see everyone out this Friday at The Old Erie in Middletown.

03-09-02 We have another great show planned for Sweeney's this Saturday. But as an added bonus Gary Sweeney has hired WRRV to host a Brew Bash in honor of DJ John Gilmore, who was voted Sweeney's Favorite DJ. The night begins at 9pm with $2 pints of Guiness & Mc Sorley's Ale. John will have lots of contests and plenty of prizes to give away. Gary Sweeney himself will be giving away $100 to some lucky patron. At 11pm, we'll punk the night away w/ brand new cover tunes by The Foo Fighters, Jimmy Eat World, Cheap Trick, while John Gilmore jumps behind the bar to show off his bartending skills.

So get there early. It should be quite a party. Check out this link for more info Who's the Best DJ in the Hudson Valley???

Last Saturday's gig at The Downtown Tavern was da bomb!!! Well at least until halfway thru the third set. Unfortunately The Downtown's Fabulous Fun Police (code word for bouncers) rained down on the dance floor preventing any crowd surfing, moshing, or general expressions of happiness or joy. Still we're glad so many people showed up and stayed until the end of the night! Shout Outs go out to... Mike D from Universal 3, Joy, and friends.... Lori, Dannielle, & Craig from Florida.... Tammy & The Big EB... Erin,JennieLynn, Mindy, Brother Bob & Trish, Dana(from "Down Under"), Alan, Lindsey & Jacob from Rhode Island, John "Fred Durst", AliKat and Rob from Florida, Jen Perez from Chester,... John Niss, Lauren & Cheryl... Andrew & Steve H from Aisle*9, Will... Tom & Bobby from Bootleg..., Jessie from Middletown, Punk Carlos,Payolin and the crew from MSC... Matt & Greg from (check it out the site rawks!!!)... and anyone else we forgot!

Hope to see everyone this Saturday at Sweeney's!!! Get there early so you don't miss the fun!

02-27-02 What's better than spending a Saturday night in sweatpants watching reruns of "Touched By An Angel"? Well... spending a Saturday night in sweatpants watching reruns of "Touched By An Angel"? and then getting showered and dressed to rock out The Downtown w/ WG.

Yes it's time for another bravua performance and Middletown's "only". .. er... we mean "favorite" over and under hangout. And for those who haven't seen us in a while we have lots of new songs from The Foo Fighter's, Puddle of Mud, Jimmy Eat World, and of course lot's o' punk tunes from Green Day, Blink, NoFX, Pennywise, Bracket, Rancid, Goldfinger.... We hope to see all of our friends from Warwick, Goshen, Chester, Florida, Monroe, Middletown, Montgomery, Maybrook, Walden, Walkill, Newburgh ... hell New Orleans and anyone else who plans to come out.

Can you believe it's almost March?. We have two more shows you should definately mark on your calenders... On March 9th we're back a Sweeney's for a Brew Bash double-header. Is it two bands? Nope! It's two reason's to celebrate. Gary Sweeney's having a WRRV Brew Bash from 6-9pm to celebrate WRRV's John Gilmore being voted #1 DJ in the Hudson Valley. Now we all know and love Big Johnny so this would be a good nite to come out and party with him. It's also Gary Sweeney's birthday. Yes Gary is turning 21 31... well he's a year older. So there you have two great reasons to come out on the 9th. Then on Friday March 22nd we are playing the Old Eire Brew Pub in Middletown. Is this a new home for WG... probably not, but if anything it's a nice change of scenery.

We had a GREAT show at Sweeney's two Sats ago. It was great playing for so many friends after taking a month off. Shout outs to...Ed & Tammy, Alan, Damon & Magical Liz,.... Niss, Lauren & Richard, Brother Bob, Dana, Jennielynn, Erin, Hill, Mindy, from RI Lindsey and Jacob, from Jersey Nick and his crew... Maybrook Players BillyG, Andrew, & Eric... Bobby and Tom from Bootleg...Annie, Karen and Jen...IBM'er's John & Joanna, Libby, Rhonda, Vicki and all the way from Albany Tiffany, from OCNY Matt Fugitive and Greg...Leslie & friends, ...Vinny from Infinate Imagination... Eric and Aiman from Sweeney's,... Okey for jumping over the bar on Sum 41, Tony and Lupe for keeping things orderly.

Hope to see everyone out this Sat. For directions or info email us at


Wow!!! A gig... some news!!! Seems so long since the last time we all saw each other. Actually it's only been a month. We took a much needed break to relax a little, learn some new songs and find some new places to play. How did we do? Well, great on the first two.

This Saturday we're back at the best Irish Pub in all the land!!! Gary Sweeney is throwing a Valentine's Day party and he asked us to play... why? Well, cuz WG brings people together. We can go down a pretty long list of friends, couples and hookups who have met at our shows. So... what is it? ... the beer, the fact we play Elvis...maybe it's the sheer volume at our shows that forces people to talk 'real' close. Anyway, we are ready to bring the house down. We have some new radio tunes... Jimmy Eat World, Foo Fighters and alot of 'new' punk covers. Grant has a new amp that is sure to bring the cops over by 10:15pm. And we even have some Valentine's Day prizes (nope... no free kisses from Dana). Just bring yer asses down Saturday nite and get ready to rock the house!!!

Well it's good to be back and we hope to see you!!!

That's all folks!

Gary, Jeff, Rob and Grant from "Where's Grant?"

01-11-02 Three Cheers to the end of a very long work week.

The downside to any holiday is, of course, returning to a full work week. Digging ditches, making calls, & pushing paper for five long days. Makes you want to scream "Serenity Now"~. Well that's a perfect reason to come out and check out our show at The Downtown Tavern in Middletown this Saturday. Well...ok, it may not be a perfect reason, but do you really need a "perfect" reason to come out, see some friends and listen to your favorite songs from your favorite bands? Green Day, NoFX, Pennywise, Social D, MxPx, Rancid, Weezer, Me First & The Gimmee Gimmees, The Ramones, The Strokes, Bracket, Goldfinger, Sublime, Linkin Park, Godsmack,The Suicide Machines, Blink182 , RATM, Limp Bizkit, Papa Roach and whatever classic covers we choose to throw in. We'll be looking for our friends from Chester, Monroe, Goshen Florida and some Middletown Skaters on the house. We start at 10pm and cover is $3 (for over 21, $5 for under).

We have some pics updated from our New Year's Eve bash at Sweeney's. They're not too embarassing. Thanks again to those who came out last week to our shows in Walden and Chester. Better see yer punk asses this Sat, Cats!

01-04-01 Hello All Punk Rawkers...

This will be a deliberately short message because it is after 2 am in the morning and I desperately need sleep. We're at The Trailside Pub this Saturday and we're inviting you to come out if even for a few songs. Admmission is free, the beer is cheap and the bar will be packed.

Thanks to all who came out on New Years to celebrate the New Year! The crowd at Sweeney's ruled!!! With everybody coming from parties and leaving to go to parties it was hard to keep track of everyone who was there. But we have a few shout outs for some people we haven't seen in a while... Kar Kar & Mark (and you're boyfriend) it was great seeing you... please don't be strangers. Becky, Jamie & Brenda thanx for coming out... Shannon... Rochester? Albany??? make up your mind please and find a place to live!!! Connie & Carly, great seeing you also... Joy, we saw you sneek in... who's gonna celebrate New Year's in New Paltz? students don'y have any money. Darren and Magical Liz... sorry for bailing on "The Buckhorn" it was way too cold to wait for ya. Dana and Alan.. for coming then going! Ed and Tammy... at least you stayed for "Date Rape". John Gilmore and his girl...J it's wierd seeing you at a gig without a mic in your hand... Mikey from Chester... I bet this New Year's wasn't as memorable as last year's. To John Niss.. for making almost every freakin show. Danno & Kristen, we saw you mouthing the words to NoFX. Tom and Bobby from Bootleg... I had the shirt first buddy. BillyG... your such a player!!! Andrew, how many ex's can you fill in a room. JennieLynn & Mindy... please not in the corner... use the sink!!! Erin & Hill next year is Vegas... we promise! The Sweeney's staff...that for the complimentary beverages. Any we missed or forgot we're gonna throw out a generic "Shout Out" to all and to everyone a great New Year!!!

"Sickboy, rides a big motorbike"
"Sickboy, combs his hair up just right"
"Sickboy, has has tattoos up and down his arms..don't ya know....."

Hope to see you all at The Trailside this Saturday night!!!!

12-31-01 Wow! Free Food, Free Champagne, Free Admission. What a Bargin! How are you planning to spend this New Year's? Well you can avoid the crowds, security and wackos in Times Square for $500-600 for a room with a view. The Ramada Inn has dinner and dancing deal for only $220 a couple. Or you can join us and 100+ other partygoers swing in the New Year at Sweeney's Irish Pub. Bar owner Gary Sweeney asked us to perform at his New Year's Party for a second year in a row and this year he's pulling out all of the stops. He's got cheap champagne, chicken fingers and party hats. Best of all he has us! We have new songs by The Strokes, Green Day and NoFX plus plenty of old setlist favorites. So if you're like most, avoid NYC but dreading spending a night at home with a bottle of sparkling cider and Dick Clark on the tube come out to Sweeney's and party the year away!

Thanks to all who came out to The Downtown last weekend for our "Twas a Couple of Nights Before X-mas" show. Big thanks goes out to Billy G and his crew from Bootleg for providing some great opening entertainment. Billy, Bobby, Okey, Tom, Guido and occasion help from Grant (playing keys, bass and sound engineer) played a great set. Nickelback, Puddle of Mud, Pearl Jam and Linkin Park. Pretty good first outing for a band that only had a week or two of practice. It was great having another band pick up our slack. But it wouldn't have been a "Downtown" show if MSC wasn't in the house. Big shouts outs to Jessie, Payolin and the rest of the crew from the Middletown Skate Club. Too bad the 'security' at the Downtown had you guys in lock down. We were wondering if you guys were gonna come on stage at all that night! Shout outs to ... John Niss, Tammi, The Big EB, WG Videographer Brother Bob, Mindy, JennieLynn, Dana, Eric, Hillary, Alan, Andrew, Michelle B. & Steph, Paulin, Jessie, the crew from MSC, Okey and his girl, Mikey from Chester, John (Fred Durst lookalike), Monica, Billy G, Bobby, Tom, Guido of Bootleg, Mr. and Mrs G. (Billy's parents) and all of the people that came out to support "Bootleg" that night! Pics are up on the site under "What's New"

Some other shows in January you should all know about. On January 5th we're at The Trailside Pub in Chester and on January 12th we're back at The Downtown. Check out our "Where's Gigs" sections for updates and future gigs.

Again we wish everyone a very happy and safe holiday. This can be a very happy time of the year. Please do us a favor...if you have been drinking...give someone else the keys. Every year, the news is full of holiday tragedies. Please don't be one of them. We would miss you... we really would!!

Ho ...Ho... Let's Go!
br> 12-21-01 Happy Holidays everyone. How many are starting their x-mas shopping tommorow? How many finished today? Well either way we have one great diversion for you that will help to put you in the holiday spirit.... or at least help you to forget how much you spent.

This Saturday night we're playing one of our fabulous shows at the palatial Downtown Tavern in Middletown. The Downtown has been extra good to us this year. We've met lots of new friends including Jessie from Middletown, Roodis, Punk Carlos, Payolin and the crew from The Middletown Skate Club. We're looking forward to having another blast perfoming your favorite songs. Sublime, Goldfinger, Rancid, Pennywise, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Blink 182, The Suicide Machines, Godsmack, Rancid, MxPx, Bad Religon,Social Distortion, Bracket, The Misfits, Rage Against The Machine, Drowning Pool, Papa Roach... plus we have new songs by Green Day, The Strokes and for all ya skaters out there ... finally a NoFX tune!!!

Also making their musical debut with us is Orange County's own "Bootleg", Billy G new band. If you've been to one of our shows in the last 6 months you know who Big Bill is. The big guy w/ the big voice that's occasionally on the mic helping us out on backups (or an occasional lead "Kyrptonite"). He's formed his own band and they will be performing 6-7 kickass tunes of their own. They start at 10pm sharp so get there early. We follow right after.

Many thanks to all who came out the last weekend to show your support for the "kids". Last weekend at Sweeney's was a blast!!! We helped to raise over $1600 between the door collection and the bucket that was passed around. That doesn't inclued the 100+ toys that were donated as well. Doesn't it feel good to help out? What's even more amazing is that we managed to stay dry and focused by the time we got on stage. With so many great bands playing before us and so many cool people to hang out with, it was a challenge. But by the time we made it on we're glad you all stayed, listened and partied. Yoy know it's a great night when we can get Gary to sing Metallica, sober!!! Thanks to all who came out and supported the event. We have numerous pic updates from both Toys for Tots shows on our site. Just look under "What's New" and click one of the links.

Lastly a reminder... it is the holiday season. Shopping malls are crowded. The roadways are crazy. This can be a very joyous time of the year. Please do us a favor...if you have been drinking...give someone else the keys. Every year, the news is full of holiday tragedies. Please don't be one of them. We would miss you... we really would!!

Well, on that note we'd like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday.

12-1-01 Well it’s time to report some news… to all eleven of you who read this news section. After some great shows in November (and some not so great shows that didn’t transpire) we have some stuff to finally report.

First and foremost… our WG Picture Gallery is finally back on line. After an unfortunate web mishap in late August the entire page just disappeared. Of course we blamed the server and the server blamed the user… Confused? That’s just fancy web talk for we don’t have a clue as to what happened. But finally this past weekend, after many hours, using high speed cable connectivity we found all of the pre-existing links and arranged them for your viewing pleasure. Not all of the links are correct though. Some might be broken; some might wind up taking you to the front page. In other words… who knows where you’ll wind up. In any case it will take us another four months to fix that, so we thank you for your patience.

GIGS!!!… We have some GREAT gigs in December; an X-mas gig at The Downtown (watch out for little elves moshing), a New Year’s gig at Sweeney’s and some gigs, which will benefit a great cause. First, Toys For Tots shows. We were lucky enough to be invited to participate in not just one, but two Toys For Tots Benefits this December. And while it might seem big of us to be in both, (considering these gigs are free) the option of playing two great venues with a bunch of kickass bands was too hard to resist.

The first benefit is this Saturday, December 8th at everyone’s favorite summertime hoochy club, 26 Front St. We want to encourage EVERYONE to come out. Of course you’ll be part of a great cause, but you’ll also get to see four really cool bands. We’ll be playing with our friends PunkyB, Aisle*9 who has some great new originals, and for the first time playing with WG, original act Jimson’s Lyric. The show starts promptly at 9pm (so get there at 8:30pm) and there is no cover, just a requested donation. You may either bring an unwrapped toy or donate $5 to the National Toys For Tots Fund. We have some new tunes for you and since we haven’t played at 90 Broadway in a while this might be the last time we get to rock out a dance club in downtown Newburgh.

On Saturday December 15th, we’re playing a second Toys For Tots Benefit at Sweeney’s Irish Pub in Walden. Why should you attend two? Well, again it’s for a great cause and you still get to see four great bands for one great price. This lineup consists of Where’s Grant?, original act Universal 3, cover-maestros Phillip The Meatbox and the classic sounds of The Skeleton Crew. Plus they’ll have a surprise guest MC who moonlights as a local radio DJ. Also co-hosting the event will be Rich D. from Phillip the Meatbox. Again, a donation of a toy or $5 is requested. These donations will benefit the local chapter of the Toys For Tots Program.
Of course at both shows, any donation is welcome. We’d like to encourage everyone to bring a gift, however. It’s always easy to hand over $5 for someone else to spend but in light of the recent tragedies for many kids this might be one gift they receive this x-mas. Wouldn’t it be great to know that they got your toy? So we would again like to encourage everyone to come out, make a donation and have a great time. We promise you’ll get your money’s worth.

Rounding out the month we have our now annual "Saturday Before X-mas Gig" at The Downtown Tavern, in Middletown, NY (except that last year it was on a Friday) and our New Year’s Eve Bash at Sweeney’s Irish Pub. Last year we had some great holiday shows and people barely knew us… so we’re hoping that the turnout is even better this year!!!

This year has certainly been a crazy year for us. Like everyone we've had our share of ups and downs. We want to thank EVERYONE who have supported us at local shows, helped us promote local gigs and just in general, contributed to the great time we've been having. We hope it's been just as fun for you. We're coming up on our third anniversary as a band and we've made a lot of great friends over the years. Some of you we see every single gig, others we wish we saw more of you... if even to have a quick beer and say "hi"! So we invite you to come out to a show in December or send us an email to let us know you're alive. In return, we want to wish everyone a very happiest of holidays and a better year to come.
Peace-Jeff, Gary, Rob & Grant

10-1-01 Update? An Updated?? HOLY SHINGLE!!! AN UPDATE!!! Alright... alright!!! So we haven't updated the news in a while. OK, 9 months is a little longer than a while. But hey! That just a grain in the sands of time. Heck, some kids take longer to be born!!!
But as we inch into our third year of playing covers (and an occasional original) in the area Gary, Jeff, Rob and myself have committed ourselves to playing hard, having fun and entertaining everyone we come in contact with. We're not promising any weekly or even month rants anymore. We'll just update this page when we find the time or have something to say.

So what new to talk about? Well we have some very cool gigs and places coming up. For one we're back at Sweeney's this Saturday Oct 6th. The last time we played at the best irish pub in OC was July. For those who have been warming their butts on Gary's stools every since we have a bunch of new songs for you. "2RAK009" from a northern California punk band called Bracket. "Fat Lip" from Sum 41. "Crystalina" from MXPX and Drowning Pool's "Bodies". On Saturday Oct 20 we have a double header. During the day we'll be playing a benefit in Newburgh with tons of other local bands and musical acts. The event will be held at Delano Hitch Park (across from Willy Mc Bride's) and all of the ticket proceeds will go to the for the families and victims of last months World Trade Center disaster. Later that night we'll be playing at The Downtown, in Middletown, NY. In November we'll be back at The Trailside, and at Olive's in Nyack.

So you waited 9 months to read all that. Well we'd have alot more to talk about but... we can't remember most of it. We hope to see everyone this Saturday at Sweeney's. Showtime is 10:30.

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