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updated February 24, 2008

On September 11, 2001 the cowardly act of terrorists shocked our county, The United States of America.

Our President, Mr. George W. Bush showed great strength and patience before acting!

He gathered all the facts, talked with world leaders and tried to get the United Nations support before he set out to lead this world to the end of terrorism and maybe finally world peace!

 The United States is now helping to lead the War on Terrorism. We are proud of all the men and women that are serving in our Military to protect the world from these criminals. And we are proud to be led by Mr. George W. Bush.

God bless you and God Bless America!

We are especially proud of our family members now serving in this conflict! Our thoughts and prayers are with you! May God be with you that the angels protect you!

Jennie Miller: Air National Guard- MSGT. 

Jennie you are in our thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good work!!!!

Michael Bezdziecki: Army

Timothy Bezdziecki: Army

Chad Joseph: Air Force



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