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(updated February 24, 2008)

To All Our Veteran's..


We Salute You!!

Click on the pictures to see 

more information.






American Revolutionary War


(click for more details)


Henrich Eckenroth

Henry Eckenroth

Christian Eckenroth



Civil War


(click for more details)


Gon Ellison

Charles A. Rubright

(I am searching for a diary kept by Charles during the war. It was sold by his great grandson, then sold again. Please contact me if you have any information. I have a partial copy of the diary but would love the original!) Also looking for the out of print book on the Regimental history of the 106th Pa Infantry and an out of print "Sons of Old Monroe " by Brian Bennett about the 140th NY Inf.

Stephen Eckrote

Linus Vincent Jones

John H. Hart

William B. Hemperly

John Hemperly




Spanish - American War


(click for more details)


William G. Ellison





World War l

(click for more details)




World War ll


(click for more details)


George A. Ellison

Richard G. Ellison

Richard J. Eckrote





Korean War


(click for more details)


Howard C. Rubright Jr.

Robert O'Reilly

Duane Baumgartner







(click for more details)


Michael G. Ellison

Duane Baumgartner

Jerry Ellison

David Bezdziecki





Persian Gulf War

(click for more details)



Roger Dale Lane


War on Terrorism- Middle East

(click for more details)


Jennie Miller

Michael Bezdziecki

Timothy Bezdziecki




Peacetime Service

(click for more details)


William J. O'Reilly

Robert Rubright

Richard Rubright

Harold E. Eckrote

Floyd F. Eckrote

Mark H. Rubright

Todd M. Lohman





Thanks to all of You!

If anyone knows of other Veterans in the family,

please send me the information and I will post it here.


