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Sad News
On 9/11/2000 Brad and I lost a dear friend,Vincent C. Panetta.
He was only 27 years old and was tragiclly killed in a car accident. On September 20th he would have turned 28.
Vinny was a great guy and everyone who knew him will miss him very much. He was a vibrant and energetic young man. Some people would say he did crazy things. Maybe he did. But Vinny was a very independant, free spirited guy. He did what made him happy. He really did lead a full good life.

Brad knew Vinny since they were little kids. This was really hard for him. I only knew Vinny for a couple of months, but he made a wonderful impact on my life and I will never forget him. It has been hard on all of us who knew and loved him.

Some fond memories we have of Vinny

Vinny loved to help people. He was always there if you needed him. One of my favorite stories of Vinny is the one Brad told me. Brad went down to the beverage center one day and Vinny also happened to be there. They stood around talking for a moment when they spotted this woman who had a flat tire and didn't know what to do, so they offered to help her. After they changed her tire she was so grateful that she offered them money. But Vinny and Brad wouldn't accept it. They just felt really good to have been able to help someone in need. They would go on to recall that moment many times.

Vinny loved food and liked to cook. He would come over our house and Brad would send us out shopping together. It was an experience shopping with Vinny! He would show me things and explain the different ways to prepare them. Also, we must have stopped 10 times so he could talk to people he knew!! When we got back to the house, Brad and Vinny had a blast experimenting with the food and making strange concotions. (At least they were to me) I didn't think I would like it. (I can be pretty picky) But Vinny insisted I try it and it was pretty good! (I can still hear his voice, "Come on Jen, try it, don't be shy")
Vinny also dropped by while Brad and I were camping. He came along with one of his friends. They were both on jet skis. I had never been on one so I asked Vinny to give me a ride. He said, "No problem, hop on!" It was so much fun. And Vinny as wild and crazy as he could be drove pretty safe with me on the back, even when I was telling him to go faster and to go for a long ride.
I remember sending emails to Vinny, little jokes and stuff. Sometimes I would send something touching and meaningful. When he got one of those, he would email me back and tell me how much it meant to him and that he totally agreed with the philosphy behind it. It was great to be able to share that with him and it felt so good that we saw eye to eye on things like that. Another funny thing I remember about Vinny and email, was his screen name: Vinnydaginny He was a riot!

Vinny touched a lot of people's lives, even strangers and that really means a lot. I am so glad I got to know him in this lifetime. And even though I am very sad he is no longer with us, it helps to think he is in a better place now, happy and at peace. Sometimes I even wonder if he is up there pulling his little pranks he so loved to do here on earth. I'd like to think so.
"The greatest virtue a person can achieve in life is to leave a mark that transcends beyond their existence"


In Loving Memory of our friend Vincent C. Panetta

Thank you Donna for this lovely plaque in Vinny's memory!

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