Brant (two immatures, one adult-middle)
Branta bernicla
Monroe County, NY
***Federal - MBTA***
***NY - Game Species***
A small goose, Brant are much less common in the
state than Canada Goose and are typically seen wintering on the coast or
off the Great Lakes during migration. They are most commonly seen
in fall, but are uncommon inland outside the Hudson River Valley.
Half the size of a Canada Goose, Brant are colored somewhat similar, but
have a dark brown head and neck and lack the white cheek patch of a Canada.
Adults do have an inconspicuous white pattern on the neck, immatures show
this patch, but it is obscured with pigment. The voice is less explosive
and penetrating than the Canada Goose. Brant populations crashed
in the 1930's when their main winter food source- eelgrass- was wiped out
by disease. Eelgrass is recovering and Brant populations with it.