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Species Description- Northern Cardinal
Cardinalis cardinalis

Northern Cardinal
Northern Cardinal (male)
Cardinalis cardinalis
Livingston County, NY

***Federal - MBTA***

    Northern Cardinals are one of the most recognized birds in the state.  They are common at bird feeders and their large size, bright colors, and endearing nature make them a favorite.  The males and females are colored differently, the males being scarlet red with a black mask and the females brown with red highlights.  Both birds have a bright orange bill.  Juveniles resemble the females, but have a dull bill.  This species is very prolific and may begin their first nest while there is still snow on the ground.  They will nest several times in a year.  Males and females court by singing a duet-- first the males sings and the female follows.  The song is a repeated whistle -- "purty-purty-purty-purty" -- and can heard year round.  Cardinals were originally uncommon in New York State in the early 20th century, but beginning about 1940 they successfully expanded their range and are common throughout the state.

Northern Cardinal
Northern Cardinal (female)
Cardinalis cardinalis
Livingston County, NY