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Species Description- Northern Shoveler
Anas clypeata

Northern Shoveler
Northern Shoveler (male left of female)
Anas clypeata
Seneca County, NY

***Federal - MBTA***
***NY - Game Species***

    Northern Shovelers are a common migrant species in New York State.  They look much like Mallards and are among their closest relatives.    Male Shovelers are one of the prettiest duck with their chestnut flanks, iridescent green head, and bold white patches on the side and breast.  Shovelers get their name by the large flattened bill that they use to feed on aquatic insects, plants, and grasses.  One of the puddle ducks, they bob underwater to reach food.  Like Blue-winged Teal they are one of the first ducks to arrive in fall and stay late into spring.