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Species Description- Snowy Owl
Nyctea scandiaca

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl
Nyctea scandiaca
Monroe County, NY

***Federal - MBTA***

    This majestic bird is a rare winter visitor to New York State.  They are most common on the lakeshore at the various jetties and state parks, but a few can be found inland.  Snowy Owls are distinctive in that they are our only white owl.  There is a variable amount of black barring, females and immatures showy more black than adult males.  Adult males can be almost solid white.  Most Snowy Owls we get are immatures and females.  Snowies frequent open areas and are usually seen perched on a fencepost, a snow pile, or on the ground.  In the winter they feed mostly on waterfowl, at least on the lakeshore, and when hungry will be active during the day.  Otherwise they are nocturnal like other owls.
    Snowy Owls are one of the most sought after of our regular visiting birds and often people drive miles to see them.