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Species Description- Tree Swallow
Tachycineta bicolor

Tree Swallow
Tree Swallow
Tachycineta bicolor
Seneca County, NY

***Federal - MBTA***

    Swallows are small energetic birds that fly about catching insects on the wing, much like bats.  One of six swallow species in New York State, Tree Swallows are also one of the more common.  They frequent grassland habitats where they are one of the many birds who benefit from bluebird boxes.  Many pairs can be seen in late spring, when males set up territories and females choose their mates.  Mid-summer brings the young.  Tree Swallows line their nests with feathers and males fight savagely over them.  If you throw a feather into the air near a tree swallow they will come to catch it.  Swallows gather in prime insect producing areas (often wetlands) in spring and fall just after and prior to migration.  At times they number into the thousands.

Tree Swallow at Nest Box
Tree Swallow at nest box
Tachycineta bicolor
Seneca County, NY