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Species Description- Pickerel Frog
Rana palustris

Pickerel Frog
Pickerel Frog
Rana palustris
Tioga County, NY

Identification- 1-3 in (2.5-7.5 cm) Slimy skinned, tan to greenish with parallel rows of squarish blotches running the back. The dorsolateral folds are yellow and there is a light line on the upper jaw. The belly is white, but the undersurfaces of the hind legs are bright yellow or orange.
    Voice- Paired vocal pouches. The call is a low guttural snore lasting 1-2 seconds. Males often call while completely submerged.
    Similar Species- Leopard Frogs have distinctly circular spots. Although the spots of the Pickerel Frog sometimes have rounded edges, they are square or rectangular and definitely not circular. Leopard Frogs have no yellow or orange under the hind legs.

Range- Pickerel Frogs are found throughout the range covered.
Pickerel Frog Range Map - NY
Pickerel Frog Range Map - PA

Habitat- Prefers slow moving water with abundant vegetation. Marshes, streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds are frequented by this species. Pickerel Frogs wander far from water during the non-breeding months.

Reproduction- Breeds March through May. Males call from shallow water and attract females. Amplexus occurs and the female attaches a mass of 2-3,000 eggs to stalks of vegetation. Depending on the temperature, larvae emerge a few days to a few weeks later. Transformation takes place July to August, 2.5-3 months after hatching.

General Characteristics-
This frog secretes a substance from its skin that is toxic to many predators. The secretions are distasteful and noxious. These secretions have been known to kill other species housed with Pickerel Frogs so separate accommodations are necessary. The species is very fast and when startled it attempts to escape with a series of quick, erratic leaps.  Becuase of this they can be difficult to capture. Pickerel Frogs are the most common spotted frog in some locations, but are absent from many areas where Leopard Frogs are found. At other localities Leopard Frogs and Pickerel Frogs exist side by side. Scientists are not clear on the competitive relationship between these two species.  Pickerel frogs get their name because they are a preferred bait for fisherman after Chain Pickerel.