Northern Redbelly Snake
Storeria o. occipitomaculata
Tioga County, NY
Identification- 8-12" One of our smallest snakes. Dorsal
coloration ranges from dark gray to russet brown. Belly usually some
shade of red, orange or pink. There are 3 light spots on neck.
Keeled scales, anal plate divided.
Similar Species- Brown
Snake has paired row of spots down the back, plain belly.
Range- Redbelly Snakes are found in all parts of our range, provided
that proper habitat exists.
Habitat- Open woods. Edges of fields, woods, hedgerows.
Reproduction- Mates spring and fall. Up to 21 (typically 8-12) young born late summer, early autumn. Young are similar to adults, 2.5-4" long at birth. Mature in two years.
Northern Redbelly Snake
Storeria o. occipitomaculata
Chemung County, NY
General Characteristics-
A pretty little snake, Redbellies are quite
secretive and usually found only by turning cover. They are gentle,
and seldom bite. When molested they curl their upper lip as a defensive
display. Why noone knows. Like their close cousing the Brown
Snake they make decent captives, feeding readily on earthworms, slugs,
and insects. These are one of our more common snakes in proper habitat.