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Species Description- Pink Azalea
Rhododenron nudifolium

Pink Azalea
Pink Azalea
Rhododenron nudifolium
Monroe County, NY

***NY- Vulnerable***

    A denizen of open woods and bogs, Pink Azalea or Pinkster Flower, is an uncommon, but immediately recognizable plant. It is a shrub, with sparse foliage, but it is the flower that is most distinctive. Large, bright pink, and with long dark stamens that protrude far beyond the rim of the petals, Pink Azalea is quite a pretty plant.  Another member of the Heath family, Azalea is related to Laurel, Blueberry, and Wintergreen.  Many cultivated varieties of Rhododendron species exist and are very popular with horticulturists.  It is only the native species which are protected.

Pink Azalea
Pink Azalea
Rhododenron nudifolium
Monroe County, NY