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Species Description- Common Cattail
Typha latifolia

Common Cattail
Common Cattail
Typha latifolia
Wyoming County, NY

    Common Cattail is one of two cattail species found in New York, the other being the Narrow-leaved species.  In keeping with its name, Common Cattail is the more abundant of the two.  Cattails are distinguished by their tall, broad, somewhat grasslike leaves and many small indistinguishable flowers arranged in a head.  There are two types of flowers, the male flowers are paler in color and located at the top of the spike.  Female flowers are thick and dark located just below the male.  After pollination (by wind) the female flowers become fluffy seeds which are carried by the wind to colonize other areas.

Common Cattail
Common Cattail
Typha latifolia
Wyoming County, NY