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Species Description- Black Locust
Robinia psuedoacacia

Black Locust
Black Locust
Robinia psuedoacacia
Livingston County, NY

    Black Locust is another member of the pea family.  It is one of a group that grow as trees instead of the usual vines and herbaceous wildflowers.  It is often planted as an ornamental and is seen lining many of our city streets.  It is also established in more wild habitats, usually along edges of open woods.  Locusts can be separated from other species by their long dangling flower clusters, numerous thorns, and compound leaves.  Flowers bloom in early to mid summer and seed pods follow.  The seeds are eaten by a variety of economically important wildlife including deer, rabbit, grouse, and pheasant.  This species was often used for fenceposts and its range is now spreading.