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Species Description- Wild Carrot
Daucus carota

Wild Carrot
Wild Carrot
Daucus carota
Wyoming County, NY

***NY- Introduced***

    Another common introduced plant that grows in fields and in disturbed areas, Wild Carrot is also known as Queen-Anne's Lace or Bird's Nest.  Carrot is a member of the parsley family and grows with a large, tough root that makes it difficult to pull.  This plant is a gardener's worst nightmare when it comes to weeding.  Although superficially similar to Yarrow, the two plants are not related.  This species has large divided leaves and a large (2-4") umbel of white flowers, although often there is one dark purple floret near the center.  When this plant goes into fruit the flowers shrivel into a cup-like shape or Bird's Nest, which is where it gets its alternate name.