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Species Description- Wild Columbine
Aquilegia canadensis

Wild Columbine
Wild Columbine
Aquilegia canadensis
Monroe County, NY

    Wild Columbine is a pretty plant found in rich woods throughout the state.  The showy flower is nodding with five red petals and a protruding yellow center.  Each petal has a long spur on the back and the stamens protrude from the flower.  The deeply lobed leaflets grow in threes and give the impression of having three parts to each leaf.  Seen growing in rocky woods and on ledges, Wild Columbine is relatively common in the right habitat.  Blooms in spring and early summer.  Garden Columbine is an introduced European plant that is similar but has blue, purple, or white flowers and non-protruding stamens.  Garden Columbine grows on roadsides and in fields.

Wild Columbine
Wild Columbine
Aquilegia canadensis
Monroe County, NY