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Species Description- Common Dandelion
Taraxacum officionale

Common Dandelion
Common Dandelion- Fruiting Body
Taraxacum officionale
Livingston County, NY

***NY- Introduced***

    The Common Dandelion is one of our most common plants.  An introduced plant, Dandelions are found in nearly every yard, garden, roadside, and "wasteland" in New York State.  They are easily recognized by their bright yellow flower, deeply cleft leaves in a basal rosette, and the fruiting bodies.  Their seeds are topped with a white, featherlike parachute that floats in the wind.  The stalk, when broken, exudes a sticky milky fluid.  Nonetheless, they are edible, the heads are often used to make wine and the leaves make a good salad.  Dandelion roots are thick and deep and they can be difficult to eradicate making them the bane of many lawns.  Personally, I think there is nothing wrong with having a dandelion or two growing in the grass.