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Species Description- Flowering Dogwood
Cornus florida

Flowering Dogwood
Flowering Dogwood
Cornus florida
Monroe County, NY

***NY- Vulnerable***

    Flowering Dogwood is one of several Dogwoods in New York State, but it is also the most showy and conspicuous.  Most Dogwoods have a small head of very small flowers, but Flowering Dogwood flowers are large and showy.  Each "flower" (what looks like petals are really the sterile bracts) is 2-4" wide and they are evenly spaced throughout the plant.  The actual flowers are small, green and in the center of the bracts, which have a notched tip.  It flowers in late spring when it can be seen from far away as a white streak on a green background.  Flowering Dogwood grows best in open woods.  This is another plant that is afforded some protection by NY's exploitably vulnerable law.

Flowering Dogwood
Flowering Dogwood
Cornus florida
Monroe County, NY