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Species Description- Mountain Laurel
Kalmia latifolia

Mountain Laurel
Mountain Laurel
Kalmia latifolia
Bradford County, PA

***NY- Vulnerable***

    True to its name, Mountain Laurel is most common in montane habitats.  It is a member of the Heath family which boasts such varied members as Rhododendrons, Blueberry, Huckleberry, Checkerberry, and Indian Pipe.  Laurels have long, waxy oblong leaves and showy, saucer shaped flowers (typically pink).  Mountain Laurel is interesting because the stamens sit in recesses in the petals.  When a bee lands on the flower the stamens pull out of these recesses and hit the bee on the back.  You can make the stamens do this with your finger.  Why it does this I don't know.  Mountain Laurel is seen in rich rocky woods and is protected in New York State under the Exploitatively Vulnerable laws.

Mountain Laurel
Mountain Laurel
Kalmia latifolia
Bradford County, PA