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Species Description- White Bog Orchis
Habenaria dilatata

White Bog Orchis
White Bog Orchis
Habenaria dilatata
Genesee County, NY

***NY- Vulnerable***

    White Bog Orchis is an uncommon flower found in cold bogs and wet meadows.  It is often found in mountainous areas.  Although each individual flower is not as showy as some of its more popularized relatives, Bog Orchis is an impressive plant to see in the flesh.  There are a few leaves along the bottom of the plant that are mostly inconspicuous, but the flowering stalk stands 1.5-2.5 ft high and is covered in a long spike of white flowers.  Flowering in summer, this plant is quite conspicuous in habitat, a fact that probably enhances its prospects of pollination. White Bog Orchis is a member of closely related plants called Rein Orchids.  All native Rein Orchids grow similar, with a few leaves near the bottom of the plant and a tall flowering stalk.  Another feature of Rein Orchids is the spur at the bottom of each flower, but that is difficult to discern in these photographs.

White Bog Orchis
White Bog Orchis
Habenaria dilatata
Genesee County, NY